the means. The accountant when becoming the person
who generates the reports, of the financial situation of
a company, before the governmental institutions,
causes that at present this discipline acquires a
relative importance in terms of growth and economic
development, (Vallejo, et al ., 2017), in a globalized
and demanding environment such as the one that is
experiencing the current situation of the accounting
profession, the issue of ethics and social
responsibility is not only raised from the legal point
of view, there are also situations and contextual
characteristics that it is necessary to develop to try to
find a public accountant capable of solving all
situations, not only of their working life but also of
the environment and social resources that surround
them, in order to establish and form a suitable and
dignified space where the accounting public fulfills
the true role for which it was created. Until the year
2018, there were 236,719 active accountants
registered in Colombia since 1956, although it is true
that it becomes a striking profession, it has also
generated great scandals because it has been misused.
In 2017, the Central Board of Accountants reported
547 professionals sanctioned as natural persons and 7
companies as legal entities (Central Board of
Accountants, 2018).
The Public Accountant, empowered by law, to
prepare the accounting information, as a faithful
reflection of the financial situation and the results
obtained by a company; and that, based on this
information, many interested in the company
(Stakeholders), make transcendental economic
decisions, it is expected that their performance, get
the highest ratings or failing that, very close to the
optimum, which, expressed in figures percentage
should be between 98% and 100%. Any minor
qualification will be an expression of distrust in the
fulfillment of their professional work, (Guibert,
2013). (Acuña, et al., 2019), mention that the human
being, by their natural way of being, always seeks to
realize themself within their possibilities; in that
effort of realization they build their world, the
"concrete" world by which they realize in their
possibilities; the world that they build “in their
realization as a human being” constitutes it, and in
that constitution the cultural already becomes, the
culture is already there. (González, et al., 2012) they
cite (Trejos, 2003), who evidences that an important
organizational component in the organization's
decision making is constituted by the Public
Accountant because his dignified and well-
represented profession constitutes a guarantee of
ethical and optimal business management; The
transparency of the company must be reflected in the
financial and accounting statements, in the fiscal
reports and in the management of the money. In
Colombia, before working with IFRS, Law 43 of
1990 is created, which regulates the profession of
Public Accountant, which states that the Public
Accountant must have mental independence in
everything related to their work, to guarantee the
impartiality and objectivity of their judgments, in
addition to this, the Public Accountants are obliged
1. Observe the standards of professional ethics.
2. Act subject to generally accepted auditing
standards. This norm is of vital importance in the
development of the accounting profession, since it
clearly establishes the obligations that the Public
Accountant has regarding its performance. (Congress
of the Republic of Colombia, 1990).
Tax avoidance, is the decrease in the payment of
taxes without the need to violate tax laws, taking
advantage of the gaps in the rule, can be considered
as circumvention when a trader anticipates that
according to their annual income they must pass from
simplified regime to common regime, and to avoid it,
they divide their business into two parts, one remains
in their name and the other in the name of a relative
(Rodríguez Calderón, 2015). Tax Evasion It consists
of reducing or eliminating the payment of taxes
through illegal methods such as: the non-declaration
of the real income obtained, expenses not
corresponding to the economic activity that develops,
often occurs in small and medium-sized companies
that When trying to compete in the market, the non-
invoicing of VAT is the best option in reducing costs.
One of the most common practices is tax
avoidance. “For example, do not enter business
resources in the financial system to avoid paying 4 per
thousand; or not to invoice all the sales of a company
to pay the minimum part of this tax ”, an important
focus of corruption has also been given by the entry
into force of international accounting standards, since
these have allowed to misunderstand concepts such
as“ fair value ”, which has made it easier for
entrepreneurs with the satisfaction of some
accountants to make incorrect valuations of assets, in
order to obtain fraudulent benefits, (Universidad
Libre de Colombia, 2018). Many professionals to see
that the laws are not complied with and that there are
no drastic punishments or sanctions opt for the easiest
way to commit acts of corruption and forget the
application of ethical principles. However, modifying
the thinking of people is not easy and less so
nowadays, since professionals pressured by economic
factors and faced with precarious compensation,
conduct reprehensible behaviors (G. & M., 2018). As
FEMIB 2020 - 2nd International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business