the increase in the number of features as it adds more
separability power to it. The F1-measure closely fol-
lows the accuracy in almost all cases. This means that
our models correctly classify each person correctly
without any bias towards a single class/individual.
In this work, a novel multi-sensory dataset was pre-
sented with detailed demonstration of all the steps
taken for its construction. Additionally, three differ-
ent machine learning algorithms were used to eval-
uate the new dataset, and to explore the correlation
between the on-body location of sensory device -
with the model accuracy as well as, the effect of fus-
ing pairs of sensory data from different body loca-
tions on the resultant predictive performance. It turns
out that, the sensory devices mounted on the lower
body achieved better performance (up to 99% accu-
racy) than sensors worn on the wrist or on the upper
arm. However, the sensory device mounted on the
back achieved a comparable accuracy despite being
far away from the gait.
It was also shown that fusing sensory data from
two different locations help increasing the classifica-
tion accuracy above the low-accuracy single location,
and increases the accuracy significantly if fused with
a device mounted on one of the three locations in the
lower body (up to 98%).
Finally, the data collected in this work included
only walking activity. However, in the future, we
would like to explore more activities such as: brush-
ing teeth, climbing stairs, jogging, etc., and investi-
gate if they can constitute bio-metric features for dif-
ferent people. We would also like to study the impact
of sensory devices’ location on the identification per-
formance for each activity.
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ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics