Investigating the Performance of Moodle Database Queries
in Cloud Environments
Karina Wiechork
1,2 a
and Andrea Schwertner Char
2 b
Information Technology Coordination, Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology Farroupilha,
Frederico Westphalen, Brazil
Department of Languages and Computer Systems, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil
Cloud Computing, Benchmarks, Database, Performance.
Several computing services are being migrated to cloud environments, where resources are available on de-
mand and billing is based on usage. Databases in the cloud are increasingly popular, however their perfor-
mance is a key indicator that must be known before deciding to migrate a system to a cloud environment. In
this article, we present a preliminary investigation of the performance of database queries in Moodle, a pop-
ular Learning Management System, installed on cloud environments from Amazon Web Services and Google
Cloud Platform. Experiments and performance analysis were based on benchmarks Pgbench, Sysbench and a
Moodle Benchmark Plugin. We collected data and compare it with the results obtained on a local computer.
In the configurations we tested, the results show that the Moodle database at Amazon’s provider performed
better than Google’s. We made our data and scripts available to favour reproductibility, so to support decision
makers on the migration of a Moodle instance to a cloud service provider.
Cloud computing is not only changing the way we
use software, but also the way we build it. As
more and more services migrate to the cloud, tradi-
tional components in software architecture may be
provided by cloud-based services. Since the early
days of cloud computing, the range of services has
grown and spanned from personal to corporate ap-
plications. Examples of cloud services include word
processors, spreadsheets, database managers and a lot
more (Miller, 2008).
The use of cloud computing platforms is advanta-
geous for a number of factors, among then: scalabil-
ity, which is a prime factor for distributed and high-
performance applications, the ease of configuring the
instances for running applications, and the elimina-
tion of the initial cost to acquire and operate the re-
quired infrastructure.
Data management is a very important factor
within the context of organizations that keep all their
data in computerized environments. Data security,
scalability, and performance are all aspects that need
to be guaranteed in cloud computing environments.
There are many providers offering cloud-based
data management, including traditional, relational
database management systems (RDBMS). Many or-
ganizations rely on software built around traditional
RDBMS, as for example educational institutions and
their Learning Management Systems. Migrating such
systems to a cloud environment may be advantageous,
but is not a trivial decision.
In this article, we present a preliminary investi-
gation of the performance of database queries over
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learn-
ing Environment), a popular Learning Management
System (LMS), in cloud environments from distinct
providers. This open-source LMS is actively sup-
ported and is widely used by many educational in-
stitutions all over the world. Despite its popularity,
there is a lack of studies focusing on its performance
on cloud environments.
We decided to focus on the Moodle database be-
cause it is a major component within this LMS and
it depends on a third-party RDBMS (PostgreSQL).
We chose two major cloud storage providers, Ama-
zon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform
(GCP), which offer a wide range of pricing plans, in-
cluding free cloud tiers. Performance was assessed
Wiechork, K. and Charão, A.
Investigating the Performance of Moodle Database Queries in Cloud Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0009792202690275
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 269-275
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
using different benchmark tools. The results and our
reproductible process can be useful to support deci-
sion makers on the migration of a Moodle instance
to a cloud service provider. The obtained results were
compared with compared with the experiments results
using the local installation of Moodle.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 discusses some background topics and the
related works that comprised experiments involving
database performance. In Section 3, we present the
methodology and the environments we used. Sec-
tion 4 details the experiments and the results we ob-
tained. Lastly, section 5 concludes this paper with a
brief summary and suggestions for future research.
2.1 Moodle
Moodle is an e-learning platform based on free soft-
ware, it is known as LMS, as Virtual Learning En-
vironment (AVA) or Course Management System
(CMS). This platform offers mechanisms for sharing
digital content, as well as communication tools, cre-
ating courses, monitoring user actions that take place
during a course, and can be enriched with different
plugins, designed to meet the specific needs of a given
set of users. It is also possible, through this tool, to de-
velop evaluative activities, such as task delivery, ques-
tionnaires, among other actions in distance learning
Moodle is a social construction education frame-
work and can be run on any computer that has
a Database Management System compatible with
SQL (Structured Query Language). The Moodle 3.8
database includes about 422 tables. Also, it features
a database abstraction layer called XMLDB, that is,
Moodle’s working code is the same in Maria DB, MS
SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL. Based
on the documentation on the official Moodle website,
PostgreSQL is the preferred engine to host the Moo-
dle database with large tables (Moodle, 2016).
In addition to our work, other research has also
investigated the performance of the Moodle environ-
ment, but in other areas. In the work Caminero
(Caminero et al., 2013), tests the performance of three
LMS programs: LRN (Learn, Research, Network),
Sakai and Moodle. This study was concerned with
collecting measurements of memory and CPU con-
sumption. In the research Guo (Guo et al., 2014),
the performances were compared with Moodle in a
physical and virtualized environment in cloud com-
puting, where the authors used the Siege pressure test
2.2 Cloud Computing Models
Cloud computing is a convenient abstraction of virtu-
alized computing resources, including hardware and
software, that are accessible over a network. Cloud-
based solutions have changed the way individuals and
organizations deal with the computing resources to
meet their needs. Instead of investing on hardware
and software maintenance, they may rely on pay-as-
you-go, scalable, cloud-based alternatives (Jamsa,
2013). Given the wide range of cloud computing
options, different models and taxonomies have been
proposed. In this work, we have initially considered
three widely accepted cloud service models proposed
by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST): Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform
as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS)
(Mell and Grance, 2011).
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Delivers a set of
virtual machines with associated storage, pro-
cessors, network connectivity and other relevant
resources. Rather than purchasing all required
equipment, consumers lease such resources as
part of a fully outsourced service (Mahmood and
Hill, 2011). Examples of this service are: Ama-
zon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Mi-
crosoft Azure, among others.
Platform as a Service (PaaS). The capability pro-
vided to the consumer is to deploy onto the cloud
infrastructure consumer-created or acquired ap-
plications created using programming languages,
libraries, services, and tools supported by the
provider. The consumer does not manage or con-
trol the underlying cloud infrastructure (Mell and
Grance, 2011). PaaS also allows you to avoid
spending and the complexity of buying and man-
aging software licenses or development tools and
other resources.
Software as a Service (SaaS). The capability pro-
vided to the consumer is to use the provider’s ap-
plications running on a cloud infrastructure. The
consumer does not manage or control the un-
derlying cloud infrastructure including network,
servers, operating systems, storage, or even indi-
vidual application capabilities (Mell and Grance,
2011). This is the case, for example, of the pack-
age Microsoft Office 365, Onedrive, Dropbox,
Google Drive, e-mail services, among others.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Both IaaS and SaaS models are well suited for mi-
grating Moodle to the cloud. Indeed, there are
some companies offering a Moodle environment in
a SaaS model, preconfigured and ready to use, such
as: AWS Marketplace (Amazon, 2013), Bitnami (Bit-
nami, 2020), MoodleCloud (Moodle, 2019), among
others. On the other end, the IaaS model offers more
autonomy over the server, so this is the approach we
adopted in this work. We have chosen the providers
from Amazon and Google, two prominent companies
which offer a wide range of pricing plans, including
free instances which are convenient for preliminary
2.3 Cloud Storage Providers
Cloud storage provider is a contracted company that
provides cloud-based storage infrastructure, platform
or service. Companies usually pay only by amounts
of contracted service, depending on usage. As a re-
sult, users can rent computing nodes in large commer-
cial clusters through various providers such as: Ama-
zon Web Service, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft
Azure, among others.
2.3.1 Amazon Web Services
AWS is a cloud services platform that offers various
services and features to help companies grow. Some
services offered by AWS include compute engine,
storage, database, blockchain, networking, DevOps,
ecommerce, high performance computing, internet of
things, machine learning, mobile services, serverless
computing and web hosting. Because of this large
number of services available, companies like: Spo-
tify, Airbnb, Shazam, Adobe, Siemens, among others,
have chosen AWS as a service provider.
The service used at AWS for the tests in this
work was the Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).
EC2 is a service whereby you can create virtual ma-
chines and run them on one of Amazon’s data centers.
You can choose from a variety of machine configura-
tions that have different processing powers, memory
configurations, and virtual hard drive sizes (Amazon,
2020). The service also provides full access to com-
puting resources and allows environment settings to
be changed.
2.3.2 Google Cloud Platform
GCP consists of a set of physical assets, such as
computers and hard disk drives, and virtual re-
sources, such as virtual machines (VMs), which are
hosted in Google’s data centers around the globe
(Google, 2020b). Some services available in GCP are
compute engine, storage, migration, Kubernetes en-
gine, databases, networking, cloud spanner, developer
tools, management tools, API management, Internet
of things.
The service used in this work was Google Com-
pute Engine. Google Compute Engine delivers vir-
tual machines that run on Google’s data centers and
global fiber networks. Compute Engine tools and
workflow are compatible with cloud computing, of-
fering load balancing of scaling from individual in-
stances to global instances (Google, 2020a). Some
companies that use GCP services are: HSBC, Twitter,
PayPal, Latam Airlines, LG CNS, among others.
As for the cloud providers used in our article, it
can be said that the features and tools are similar in
both, the list of available services is long and contin-
ues to grow. In both providers there is the availability
of price calculator. By Providing details about desired
services, you can see a price estimate.
2.4 Benchmarking Databases on the
Database performance evaluation is a recurrent sub-
ject in research works addressing new technological
advances. Several benchmark tools exist and cloud
computing brought even more possibilities to this sce-
nario. Before elaborating our experiments, we re-
viewed some related works concerning database per-
formance evaluation.
In their studies, Ahmed et al. (Ahmed et al., 2010)
and Sul et al. (Sul et al., 2018) present the differences
in performance analizing the network, CPU perfor-
mance, memory and query time of the database, ac-
cording to the Sysbench parameters. The research of
Kasae et al. (Kasae and Oguchi, 2013) was performed
in hybrid cloud environments, where they used the
Pgbench PostgreSQL benchmark tool for database
performance evaluation.
In their work, Guo et. al (Guo et al., 2014)
uses the Siege benchmark, which was designed to al-
low Web developers to evaluate the performance of
their code and how it behaves on the Internet. Liu
et al. (Liu et al., 2014) however, used the Cloud-
Bench benchmark. The analysis tool is a framework
that automates the evaluation and benchmarking on
cloud scale, through the execution of controlled ex-
periments where full-app workloads are deployed au-
Abadi (Abadi, 2009) discusses the limitations
and possibilities of deploying data management tech-
niques on emerging cloud computing platforms such
as Amazon Web Services. The author also presented
some features that a Cloud Data Management System
Investigating the Performance of Moodle Database Queries in Cloud Environments
must have when designed for large scale data storage.
To the best of our knowledge, there is a lack of
studies focused on the performance of queries over
the Moodle database. Though general benchmarks
may be useful to assess some metrics, it is also im-
portant to consider application-specific queries and
2.5 Benchmarks
In this work we used some tools to compare the per-
formance of the Moodle database in the cloud. The
chosen tools were open-source and unrestricted re-
garding publication of the obtained results. A descrip-
tion of each of the benchmarks follows.
2.5.1 Pgbench
Pgbench is a software made for the execution of
benchmark tests on PostgreSQL. It runs the same se-
quence of SQL commands over and over, possibly in
multiple concurrent database sessions, and calculates
the average transaction rate (transactions per second)
(PostgreSQL, 2020). Transaction is an execution unit
that a client application runs in a database. Pgbench
is a contribution from PostgreSQL, which performs
load tests and assists the analysis of the performance
of your Postgres database.
2.5.2 Sysbench
Is a scriptable multi-threaded benchmark tool based
on LuaJIT. It is most frequently used for database
benchmarks, but can also be used to create arbitrar-
ily complex workloads that do not involve a database
server (Kopytov, 2019).
The Sysbench software is designed to measure pa-
rameters for a system running a database under in-
tensive load. In addition to database performance, it
also allows you to test file I/O performance, scheduler
performance, memory allocation and transfer speed
and POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface)
threads implementation performance.
2.5.3 Moodle Benchmark Plugin
This plugin was developed by (Pannequin, 2016) to be
installed in Moodle, in order to perform benchmark
tests that report: server speed, processor speed, hard
disk speed, database speed and Moodle page loading
speed, these tests create temporary test files. After
installing the plugin in the Moodle environment, the
POSIX a family of open standards for operating sys-
execution is performed by the superuser through the
Moodle interface.
At the end of the run, a report is generated stat-
ing a score. This score is the total time in seconds
that represents the sum of the tests mentioned above.
The higher the value of the tests, the less efficient it
is. However, the objective of this work is to evaluate
the performance of the Moodle database in the cloud,
with this, we only use the values of the tests in the
In this section, we present the methodology used to
execute our experiments with Pgbench, Sysbench and
the Moodle Benchmark Plugin. The settings used for
Amazon and Google instances will be displayed, in
addition to our physical computer.
3.1 Methodology
The methodology for performance analysis is de-
scribed in Database Benchmarking (Scalzo et al.,
2007), which recommends restoring the database to
its initial state before running a new test, reproducing
the tests again, making comparisons with results.
To select which benchmarks and performance
analysis tools would be used for the experiments, we
carried out a series of small tests on the instances of
providers. The intention was to verify the behavior of
these tools, their results and its configuration.
Data was imported into Moodle database to be
similar to an institution’s database. We included reg-
istrations of 10 courses and 627 users. The imported
data was exactly the same for all instances.
Our settings for running the experiments were the
same. We carry out the experiments on different days
and times, to ensure that the values have not suffered
momentary interference from the instances, but al-
ways running the same experiments simultaneously
in the instances. In each experiment, we performed
five runs and calculated the arithmetic mean to obtain
a result.
3.2 Environment
For these experiments two instances were configured
in the cloud, one on Amazon EC2 and another on
Google Compute Engine, both for free with config-
urations showed at Table 1. Google does not make
clear the CPU model. Thus, a benchmark was used to
verify the performance of the CPU (Kopytov, 2019),
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
RAM (Kopytov, 2019) and hard disk (SourceForge,
2018). The performance of the hard drive and the pro-
cessor in the instance of Google was superior in rela-
tion to Amazon, while in the instance of Amazon the
RAM executed more transactions per second (TPS).
We run all the benchmarks on our local computer
in order to compare Google and Amazon results with
a significant baseline. On this physical computer
we had full control and made sure there was no
additional workload while running the benchmarks.
Thus, this scenario is what we consider as a baseline.
Table 1: Configurations of the VMs utilized in the experi-
Service AWS GCP Local
Zone South
Processor Intel(R)
2676 v3
Speed 2.40 GHz 2.20 GHz 1.60 GHz
Cores (per
1 1 4
1 1 2
Hypervisor Xen KVM no
L1 data
32 KB 32 KB 32KB
L1 instruc-
tion cache
32 KB 32 KB 32 KB
L2 cache 256 KB 256 KB 256 KB
L3 cache 30720
6144 KB
In this section, we present the results obtained in our
experiments, executed with the benchmarks Pgbench,
Sysbench and the Moodle Benchmark plugin. The
results obtained were compared with the results of the
tests using the local installation of Moodle.
According to Scheuner et al. (Scheuner et al.,
2014), “unfortunately, cloud benchmarking services
are complicated and prone to errors”. Based on this,
we opted to perform the same tests with three bench-
marks in both instances, during random days and
times. The same test was executed five times in each
transaction / client, and the arithmetic mean of the
tests was calculated. In each new test, reset the tables
used by Pgbench and Sysbench, each one composing
the parameters in an empirical way.
The experiments were performed focusing on
the goal of measuring only the performance of the
database. All test scripts and documented commands
are available at:
4.1 Results with Pgbench
Pgbench performs load tests on the database in-
volving five clauses for each executed transac-
tion, SELECT, UPDATE and INSERT, thus analyz-
ing the bank’s performance. Before running Pg-
bench, it is necessary to make settings where Pg-
bench requires specific tables for the execution: pg-
bench accounts, pgbench branches, pgbench history
and pgbench tellers.
In the graphs presented in Figures 1 and 2, the ver-
tical axis shows the values of TPS and the horizontal
axis the variations according to the number of cus-
tomers. The Pgbench experiments were executed five
times for every 20 clients, then we doubled the num-
ber of clients and executed the same ve executions
until reaching 280 clients, that is, we started with 20
clients after 40, 80, 160 and finished with 280, in total
twenty-five runs for each instance using Pgbench. At
each rerun of the scripts, the base has been reset.
In the Pgbench results, we present the arithmetic
mean of the ve executions. The duration of the test
was measured in TPS. The higher the result value, the
more efficient the performance. It is possible to see
in the graphs that in both experiments Amazon was
more efficient in all results compared to the Google
instance. Compared to our baseline, the performance
of our instances in the cloud is lower, but we need to
take into account the hardware configurations.
Figure 1: TPS values in the instances.
Investigating the Performance of Moodle Database Queries in Cloud Environments
Figure 2: TPS values between the instances.
4.2 Results with Sysbench
Sysbench executes a specified number of threads and
they all execute requests in parallel. We started the
tests with 20 threads, then doubled the value to 40, 80
until we reached 160 threads. The last execution had
to be finalized in 160 threads, because from this value
the instances in cloud present difficulties in fulfilling
the request.
On each run, the test database was reset and the
tests were performed again. We repeated the same
command five times by changing only the value of
the thread. Finally, we averaged the TPS. Figures 3
and 4 show the results and the average response time
variation of the experiment. Amazon’s performance
was superior compared to Google’s, according to the
settings we use.
Figure 3: Divergent values throughout the test between the
4.3 Results with Moodle Benchmark
The benchmark plugin was installed on each Moodle
environment in both instances and local. As the objec-
tive of this work is to evaluate the performance of the
Moodle database in the cloud, we use only the items
related to the performance in the database, which are
Figure 4: Divergent values throughout the test between the
items numbered 6, 7 and 8. Item 6 inserts 25 courses
temporarily. Item 7 performs the same selection one
hundred times and item 8 performs the same selection
250 times, but different from item 7.
The experiments had the duration of their execu-
tions counted in seconds. The lower the average time
in seconds, the better the provider’s performance. We
add the results of the 3 items (6, 7 and 8) in the ve ex-
ecutions of each instance, then we calculate the arith-
metic mean.
Figure 5 shows the results of experiments with the
plugin. Again, compared to instances in the cloud, the
Amazon instance performed better than the Google
Figure 5: Experiment duration in seconds.
This article presented a preliminary performance in-
vestigation of the Moodle database in cloud environ-
ments. In our experiments, we used the free ver-
sion of the cloud providers AWS and GCP. We in-
stalled Moodle in instances on both providers. We
used the Pgbench and Sysbench database benchmarks
and the Moodle Benchmark Plugin to gather perfor-
mance metrics. We run all the benchmarks on our
local computer in order to compare results with a sig-
nificant baseline.
According to the data we gathered from the bench-
marks in the environments we considered, it is possi-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ble to observe that Amazon instance presented bet-
ter performance in all cases, compared with instance
Google. Due to the inherent characteristics of cloud
environments, this results may change within certain
limits when we chose different service/billing plans,
so this remain to be investigated. Also, it may be use-
ful to gather more performance metrics from specific
cases of Moodle usage, according to the characteris-
tics of each educational institution. To encourage re-
productibility and further work, we made our data and
scripts available in a public repository.
Our choice of a IaaS service model granted us au-
tonomy to install different benchmarks and to perform
measurements directly from our instances. This may
not be possible when Moodle is provided in a SaaS
model, but such alternative still deserves to be inves-
tigated. Obviously, performance is not the only fac-
tor when deciding to migrate Moodle to the cloud,
but simplicity and cost effectiveness are useless when
we are not sure how the system will perform under a
cloud environment.
As a suggestion of future work, it is intended to
conduct experiments with other cloud providers not
contemplated in the study, use other benchmarks for
performance evaluation. Another important aspect is
the possibility, if there are financial resources, to per-
form the cost-benefit comparison on a paid way. For
the customer, may need to hire a service that performs
best, but that fits within your budget.
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Investigating the Performance of Moodle Database Queries in Cloud Environments