of the microservices scalability which is not the
case with the serverless deployment. However,
this disadvantage can be resolved by configuring a
proper caching mechanism to store repetitive con-
tent but the user has to deal with more than what
is required.
Based on the experimental evaluation for microser-
vices and serverless deployments, it proves that no
single type of deployment could fit all kinds of appli-
cations. For example, a POST request which fetches a
response body of large fixed size may not work well
with a microservices deployment due to the latency
in auto-scaling execution. On the other hand, a mi-
croservices deployment may outperform serverless
deployment in some scenarios, For example, the GET,
POST, and DELETE requests with a simple payload
can result in a lower duration and cost when used with
microservices as compared to using serverless. In addi-
tion, serverless strategy provides immediate scalability
and prompt response when handling random spike traf-
fic, but the microservices architecture still is the best
cost-effective when facing regular traffic patterns.
In the end, this research derived a future research
direction towards optimizing the deployment in terms
of cost, performance, and application domain by build-
ing a hybrid deployment environment consisting of
both the microservices as well the serverless deploy-
ment strategies. A deployment strategy is selected
dynamically based on the workload pattern.
This work was supported by the funding of the German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
in the scope of the Software Campus program. The
authors also thank the anonymous reviewers whose
comments helped in improving this paper.
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