architecture for heterogeneous environments and does
not rely on require an attribute history list for revocation.
Li et al. (2013) proposed a design which leverages ABE
to provide secure data sharing of personal health records.
The scope of their work does not, however, include
resource-constrained devices or existing infrastructure.
Li et al. (2018) present a lightweight approach for secure
fine-grained data sharing. Similar to our construction,
the majority of computations can be offloaded to more
powerful devices. Their scheme does not support direct
attribute revocation, as our architecture does. Sepehri
and Trombetta (2017) present an inner product-based,
attribute-based proxy re-encryption scheme. Like our
design, their scheme is suitable for computationally con-
strained scenarios. The authors do not discuss attribute
revocation or authentication across multiple security do-
mains. Michalas (2019) proposed a new protocol which
combines ABE and Symmetric Searchable Encryption
(SSE) to overcome current weaknesses of cloud stor-
age: Missing user revocation and overall efficiency. The
authors separate revocation from ABE by using Intel’s
Software Guard Extensions (SGX) to deploy a revocation
authority in a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE).
Notwithstanding, their protocol does not concentrate on
the performance of ABE itself. Hence, decryption and
thus, multiple bilinear pairing operations are still costly
from a users perspective. Summarising, in this paper, we
bridge the gap between heterogeneous environments and
fine-grained access control. We improve the state-of-the-
art by proposing a new design to incorporate ABE while
keeping security guarantees for data owners.
By presenting an architectural design based on Attribute-
Based Encryption (ABE) with outsourced decryption,
we demonstrated how secure resource sharing can be
achieved across different security domain boundaries.
Our approach differs from existing solutions by provid-
ing an industry-first approach, focusing on resource-
constrained devices and support for arbitrary Identity
Providers (IdPs). Existing workflows, as well as user
revocation, remain unchanged. The conducted evalua-
tion proves that the proposed design is practical. The
most apparent finding is that the proposed system only
introduces a nominal overhead for organisations.
The current system does not account for user privacy
or accountability of actions. Indeed, the issue of privacy
and accountability in these professional environments is
an intriguing one. We consider the privacy of users as one
of the most significant improvements to the system, in the
future. Furthermore, we will concentrate on improving
the overall performance of the system.
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SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography