In its essence, DCBC consists on running a chaining
layer on top of multiple CBC encryption operations
that run in parallel. This allows for a configurable
trade-off between performance and diffusion by ma-
nipulating the number of independent CBC encryp-
tion operations that we run, which is equivalent to
manipulating the Chunk Size, as each chunk will go
through its own CBC encryption.
For its security, DCBC inherits the same proper-
ties as CBC but requires an equally secure IV Gen-
erator to make sure the underlying CBC encryption
operations’ security will not be compromised. In this
article we offered a suggestion for such a function,
but it may be possible to find more examples that re-
spect the requirements we specified for a usable IV
When it comes to performance, the calculated the-
oretical values show promising results compared to
using CBC, and the gap in performance seems to get
even more interesting for larger files. This re-enforces
the initial idea of adopting DCBC especially in Big
Data environments.
Currently, we are looking to validate these theoret-
ical findings with empiric experiments by implement-
ing DCBC and running it on multiple cores locally
and/or on multiple machines in a distributed system.
Running tests on a working DCBC implementation
would, also, allow us to compare the level of diffu-
sion and its randomness, when using DCBC and CBC
Later, we will study the effect of running DCBC
on a real Big Data system by implementing its logic
in a resource manager such as YARN (Vavilapalli and
al., 2013).
Finally, we will look into generalizing the idea
used to create DCBC, in order to give a more global
solution that offers this trade-off between parallel ex-
ecution and diffusion using any underlying mode of
operation and not just CBC.
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We aim to calculate a theoretical approximation for
the cost of encrypting some plain text M that will
be divided into L chunks and encrypted using N
First, we will define C(i) as a combination of two
different expressions over two disjoint intervals:
DCBC: A Distributed High-performance Block-Cipher Mode of Operation