The paper presents experimental analyses of DBMSs
running on virtual machines with different bench-
marks (mainly TPCC). The experiments mix different
workload / tenant configurations and measure their la-
tency and throughput. We have verified that a multi-
tenant DBMS model of shared instance prevents from
the anomaly of throughput degradation, which usu-
ally occurs due to interference between tenants of a
DBMS (MySQL) located in the same VM.
Getting the tenant’s time profile (workload evo-
lution) allows detecting of changes in DBMS perfor-
mance and overload and, therefore, allows to iden-
tify the level of interference between tenants. Five
experiments were designed and numerous measure-
ments have been performed using benchmarks, such
as TPCC, in a cloud computing based system. The
work done presents the results of the experiments
in which different workloads and tenant configura-
tions for which their latency and performance were
measured. Patterns of mutual interference between
tenants have been identified depending on the three
types: YCSB, TPCC and Wikipedia considered in this
Our objective is to obtain individualized tech-
niques for assigning tenants to VMs, relying on the
monitoring of quality features in addition to the ones
studied in this article, which will allow us in the future
to obtain a variation of the tenant’s workload through
proactive models and machine learning. Likewise, it
is important to detect tenant usage patterns that help to
classify tenants with little interference. Several levels
of QoS could be defined for different types of tenants.
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CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science