An Approach to Assess the Existence of a Proposed Intervention in
Essay-argumentative Texts
Jonathan Nau
, Aluizio Haendchen Filho
, Fernando Concatto
, Hercules Antonio do Prado
Edilson Ferneda
and Rudimar Luis Scaranto Dazzi
Laboratory of Applied Intelligence, University of the Itajai Valley (UNIVALI), Rua Uruguay, 458, Itajai, Brazil
MGTI, Catholic University of Brasilia (UCB), QS 07 - Lote 01, EPCT, Bl. K, sala 248, Taguatinga, Brazil
Keywords: Automatic Essays Scoring, Argumentation Mining, ENEM, Machine Learning.
Abstract: This paper presents an approach for grading essays based on the presence of one or more theses, arguments,
and intervention proposals. The research was developed by means of the following steps: (i) corpus
delimitation and annotation; (ii) features selection; (iii) extraction of the training corpus, and (iv) class
balancing, training and testing. Our study shows that features related to argumentation mining can improve
the automatic essay scoring performance compared to the set of usual features. The main contribution of this
paper is to demonstrate that argument marking procedures to improve score prediction in essays
classification can produce better results. Moreover, it remained clear that essays classification does not
depends on the number of features but rather on the ability of creating meaningful features for a given
One important goal of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is
to make computers act just like humans, analyzing,
reasoning, understanding, and proposing answers to
different situations. Technological development
comes to the simulation of human thoughts and
actions, thanks to a specific AI related field known
as Cognitive Computing. Advances in Cognitive
Computing are making possible to attribute to
machines the ability to infer the semantic
relationship for any kind of data - text, audio or
video. One can expect that, over time, the machine
can understand the meaning of any document,
extracting the value of information, relating it and
assisting in decision making (Florão, 2017).
Cognitive computing is the simulation of the human
thinking process in a computerized way. It involves
computerized platforms for machine learning,
pattern recognition, case-based reasoning, natural
language processing, computational linguistics,
among other technologies.
Research in Linguistics and Computational
Linguistics has long proven that a discourse is more
than just a sequence of juxtaposed sentences. It
comprises a linguistic production of more than one
sentence, and its understanding is performed by
considering the text to be understood as a whole. A
text has a highly elaborated underlying structure that
relates all its content, giving it coherence. This
structure is called discursive structure, which is the
object of study of the research area known as
Discourse Analysis.
Understanding speech represents an essential
component for students during the learning process.
Linking information consistently, while organically
building a solid knowledge base, is crucial for
student development, but requires regular
assessment and monitoring of progress.
The argumentative practice enables the student to
articulate knowledge in order to develop a consistent
reasoning in defending a point of view, thus
mobilizing the basis for understanding a
phenomenon. By presenting the argument, the
student brings to the teacher and the class group
their understanding of the phenomenon. Thus, the
teacher has elements to evaluate this understanding
and have subsidies to continue the pedagogical
work. We realize that the written texts are still
marked by orality. In summary, we find that the
characteristics of scientific literacy are found more
frequently in students' written argumentative
productions than in those that do not assume such a
Nau, J., Filho, A., Concatto, F., Antonio do Prado, H., Ferneda, E. and Dazzi, R.
An Approach to Assess the Existence of a Proposed Intervention in Essay-argumentative Texts.
DOI: 10.5220/0009795206660673
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 666-673
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
configuration (Lira, 2009).
The use of discursive knowledge is a relevant
issue for Natural Language Processing systems
(NLP). According to Dias da Silva (1996), NLP is a
complex and multifaceted domain which objective is
the design and implementation of computer systems
that perform actions like spell and grammar
checking, writing aid, text summarization, automatic
writing correction and to structure dialoguing
The aim of this paper is to present an approach
for automatic detection of argumentative structure in
text productions. Automatic detection of essay
arguments can be very valuable for teachers,
students, and applications (Stede, Schneider, 2018).
When incorporated into correction or auto-detection
algorithms in essays, it can help teachers to improve
the correction process. In addition, it enables
argumentative text evaluation procedures to be
applied on a larger scale, providing guidance for
pedagogical work in many disciplines.
2.1 Argument Structure
There is no a unique definition of an argument
reported in the literature related to Theory of
Argumentation. According to Walton (2009), the
minimum definition says that an argument is a set of
propositions composed by three parts: (i) a
conclusion; (ii) a set of assumptions; and (iii) an
inference from the assumptions for the conclusion.
In addition, a given argument may be supported or
refuted by other arguments. According to Stab and
Gurevych (2017), an argument consists of several
argument components, including a claim and one or
more premises. The claim (also called conclusion) is
a controversial statement and the central component
of an argument.
Johnson and Blair (1994) proposed three binary
criteria, known as RAS-criteria, that a logically good
argument needs to fulfil: (i) relevance: if all of its
premises count in favor of the truth (or falsity) of the
claim; (ii) acceptability: if its premises represent
undisputed common knowledge or facts;
(iii) sufficiency: if its premises provide enough
evidence for accepting or rejecting the claim.
In the Brazilian National High School
Examination (ENEM) the production of a
dissertative-argumentative text about a previously
informed theme of social, scientific, cultural or
political nature is required. This is the main test
applied in Brazil to evaluate the writing skills of
high school students.
In writing the essay, it is necessary: (i) to present
a thesis - an opinion about the previously proposed
theme, which in turn must be supported by
arguments and (ii) to elaborate a proposal for social
intervention for the problem presented, respecting
human rights (Brasil, 2018). Figure 1 illustrates the
writing process in the ENEM model.
Figure 1: Process of preparing an essay on ENEM model.
Argument diagramming is one of the most
important tools currently in use to assist with
argument analysis and evaluation tasks. An
argument diagram is essentially a graph
representation of an argument in where the nodes
contain propositions and the arrows are drawn from
nodes to other nodes, representing inferences. Figure
2 presents the diagramming of arguments in an essay
for Brazilian Portuguese according to the ENEM
model. It shows the three components of an
argument: the author's thesis, which will be
defended during the writing, the arguments that will
support the thesis, and finally, the intervention
Figure 2: An Argument Diagram in the ENEM Model.
An Approach to Assess the Existence of a Proposed Intervention in Essay-argumentative Texts
According to Stede and Schneider (2018), the
classification of an Argumentative Discourse Unit
(ADU) can occur in parts of a text or in the complete
text as a single argumentative unit. In the case of all
text as a single unit, the class is determined by its
genre, such as newspapers, articles and essays. In
addition, the identification of argumentative units
can be applied to paragraphs or other passages of
text; in general, the task is usually done at sentence
or clause level. Therefore, it is possible to label each
sentence or excerpt of the text, not only being
limited to discovering its genre.
2.2 Argumentation Mining
Argumentation mining is the application of Natural
Language Processing (NLP) tailored to identify and
extract argumentative structures from texts (Stede,
Schneider, 2018). For essays, the elements extracted
are the thesis, the arguments, and the intervention
proposal. In a scientific paper, for example, it is
necessary to extract objectives, justifications, related
works and results. Therefore, argumentation mining
is not a standard process and depends strongly on the
argumentative structure of a given text.
Figure 3: Example of an argumentative structure.
As shown in Figure 3, the fragment We really
need to tear down this building indicates a statement
by the author on a given subject; the proposition will
be expensive presents an objection, but there is a
counterargument in the fragment but the degree
contamination is no longer tolerable. In the
proposition In addition, it is one of the ugliest
buildings in the city support is added to the main
2.3 Inference Algorithms
Given a set of n real-valued k-dimensional vectors
(independent variables), each associated with an
expected value (dependent variable), one may
employ supervised learning techniques to construct a
model capable of predicting the output value of a
previously unseen input vector. When the dependent
variable is a real number, regression models are
used; otherwise, when the dependent variable is an
integer (which might represent a code for an object
or concept), models based on classification are
generally applied. In the context of essay, grades can
be interpreted either as classes (for instance, good,
bad and average) or as real numbers. In this work,
the methods Gradient Boosted Trees (Friedman,
2001) and Support Vector Classification (SVC)
(Knerr, Personnaz, Dreyfus, 1990) were applied.
The choice for these methods were based on the
results of Haendchen Filho et al (2019).
2.4 Imbalanced Learning
The problem of class imbalance occurs in many
application domains, as in the case of essays. The
imbalance of the number of samples among the
classes presents a problem for traditional
classification algorithms. The problem is that the
classification algorithms try to maximize the
accuracy of the classification without considering
the meaning of the different classes. For example, if
25% of all essays are different from grade 1, then the
algorithm will have 75% accuracy when classifying
all essays as grade 1 (Seiffert et al, 2008).
After performing tests with different balancing
techniques such as Synthetic Minority Over-
sampling Technique (SMOTE) (Chawla et al, 2011),
ADASYN (He et al, 2008), Random Oversampling
(ROS) and Random Undersampling (RUS) (Yap et
al, 2014), we chose to use the technique RUS, which
presented the best results.
RUS approach aims to randomly discard data
from the majority class to match the number of
minority class examples. Undersampling is used
when the amount of collected data is sufficient.
Common methods of undersampling include cluster
centroids and Tomek links (Batista et al, 2004), both
of which target potential overlapping characteristics
within the collected data sets to reduce the amount
of majority data. The main disadvantage of this type
of approach is that the probability of discarding
useful data is very high.
We have reviewed argument mining applied to text
evaluation systems, especially the approaches that
use end-to-end systems. In this sense, the research
papers from Nguyen, Litman (2018) and Ghosh et al
(2016) deserve to be highlighted.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Nguyen and Litman (2018) aims to show how
these systems can add value to the evaluation of
newsrooms. The work based on the argument
mining approach implements a pipeline paradigm.
The authors improved the argument component
identification (ACI) model from Stab and Gurevych
(2017) with features derived from Nguyen and
Litman (2015). For argument component
classification (ACC) and support relationship
identification, we implemented our models based on
Nguyen and Litman (2016).
To validate the approach, they used two corpora
for training and testing. The ASAP data corpus, that
contains 3,589 separate essays in two themes, and
the TOEFL11 corpus, that contains 8,097 distributed
in eight distinct themes. For TOEFL11 data, 10-fold
cross-validation was used and for the ASAP set we
performed 5-fold cross-validation. The models were
trained with the Weka logistic regression algorithm.
The algorithm was fed with 33 features extracted by
means of argument mining, including total number
of words in argument components, number of
paragraphs containing argument components,
number of paragraphs that have supporting
relationships, among others.
The corpora ASAP 1, ASAP 2, and TOEFL11
presented respectively 0.830, 0.689 and 0.611 of F-
score (the closer to 1 the better the result).
The second work, described by Ghosh et al
(2016), took as hypothesis if the argumentative
structure of the essays can help predict the grades of
each essay. The results from Stab and Gurevych
(2014) were used as a reference to implement
argument mining. Argument mining was applied for
extracting features for predicting essay grades; a
total of 14 features were extracted (e.g., number of
relationships and argumentative components, depth
of the argument tree).
The experiment considered 107 essays from
TOEFL11 corpus and used 10-fold cross-validation.
It was applied logistic regression for training,
reaching a quadratic-weighted kappa coefficient of
0.737 (the closer to 1 the better).
The research work was developed by means of the
following steps: (i) Delimitation and Annotation of
the Marking Corpus; (ii) features selection; (iii)
Extraction of the Training Corpus and (iv) Class
Balancing, Training and Testing. These steps are
described as follows.
4.1 Features Selection
A set of 623 features (Table 1) were considered for
building the models.
Table 1: The several dimensions of the features.
(84 metrics)
Metrics that indicate how varied is the
use of the lexicon in textual production.
They were calculated from the token-type
ratio and encompassed content words,
functional words, verbs, adjectives,
pronouns, paragraph size, paragraphs per
sentence, and so on.
Bag of
(70 metrics)
Bag of words based on an analogical
dictionary, searching for categories of
words that convey ideas such as cause-
effect relations, formation of ideas,
comparison of ideas, hypothesis, cause,
circumstance, purpose, conjunctions of
condition, consequence, explanation,
among others.
Coherence is achieved through
syntactical features such as the use of
deictic, anaphoric and cataphoric
elements or a logical tense structure.
Among the features, we can cite as an
example: average similarities between
the sentences of the first paragraph,
number of justification markers in the
first paragraph, number of antithesis
markers in the first paragraph, number of
markers single antitheses in the first
paragraph, number of conclusion markers
in the last paragraph, and so on.
In order to identify the referential
cohesion relations in the text, several
overlapping indexes were calculated. For
example, overlapping names and
pronouns between adjacent sentences and
paragraphs, overlapping of adjectives,
verbs, adverbs, words of content, among
to the
(98 metrics)
The adequacy or pertinence to the theme
refers to how much the content of an
essay is related to the thematic proposal
to which the essay was submitted. An
essay with good adaptation to the theme
consistently maintains the theme
introduced in the thematic proposal and
is free of irrelevant disagreements.
(5 metrics)
Number of theses, argument,
intervention proposals, nonarguments,
components (theses + arguments +
intervention proposals
An Approach to Assess the Existence of a Proposed Intervention in Essay-argumentative Texts
The usual set of 618 metrics five first lines in
the table - was enriched with five new features
related to argumentative structure. These features
were defined on an experiment with a corpus of 50
essays (extract at random) from the Brazil Escola
portal. This portal contains a writing base from
ENEM, in which students are encouraged to submit
essays on a particular topic, receiving feedbacks
from specialists. Subsequently, the essays were
annotated by two independent specialists. In the
annotation process, we used the BRAT tool
(Stenetorp et al, 2012), a specific web tool for text
The annotation task involved the steps: (i)
definition of the argument elements and annotation
specifications; (ii) annotation of the components;
(iii) analysis of component inconsistencies; (iv)
annotation of argumentative relations; (v) analysis of
the inconsistencies of relations; and (vi) preparation
of the final corpus.
The annotation of components and relationships
were proceeded at different moments because the
annotators were independent. At first, the
argumentative components were identified. These
components were then analyzed to detect
divergences. Next, a corpus with the argumentative
units was compiled. Finally, the relationships were
defined and the divergences verified, thus resulting
in the final version of the annotated corpus of essays
in Portuguese. The correlation between the
annotators in each argument component (Thesis,
Argument, and Intervention Proposal), measured by
Krippendorff's α coefficient (Krippendorff, 2004),
are, respectively, 0.87, 0.91 and 0.95.
The annotation of the components had the
overall average correlation of 0.92. Among the
annotated components, it is possible to observe the
high agreement between the annotators in the
argument components and intervention proposal, but
the thesis presented the lowest agreement among the
evaluators. Table 2 presents the statistics for the
final corpus.
Table 2: Final corpus statistics.
Words (tokens)
Intervention proposals
Not argumentative
Similarly to Almeida Júnior, Spalenza and
Oliveira (2017), each essay was represented as a
feature vector with the 623 features of Table 1.
The standardization of the statistical distribution
of features directly influences the quality of the
machine learning models because it reduces the
negative effect that outliers may cause during the
training process. So, to ensure the good performance
of the model, z-score standardization was applied.
4.2 Extraction of the Training Corpus
The essays used to compose the corpus were
obtained by means of a crawling process of essays
datasets from the UOL 5 and Brazil School portal.
Both portals have similar processes for persistence
of essays: monthly, a theme is proposed and
interested students submit their textual productions
for evaluation. Part of the essays evaluated are then
made available on the portal along with the
respective corrections, scores and comments of the
reviewers. For each essay, a score between 0 and 2
is assigned, varying in steps of 0.5 for the five
competences corresponding to the ENEM evaluation
model. As we can see next, this scoring approach is
very similar to the ENEM official scoring system.
The five competencies evaluated are: (i)
demonstration of mastering on the formal written of
Portuguese Language; (ii) understanding the essay
proposal within the structural limits of the essay-
argumentative text; (iii) selecting, relating,
organizing and interpreting information, facts,
opinions and arguments in defense of a point of
view; (iv) knowledge demonstration on the linguistic
mechanisms necessary to construct the
argumentation; (v) presentation of an intervention
proposal for the problem addressed, supported by
consistent arguments.
In order to avoid noise in the automatic
classification process, the following processing steps
were performed: (i) removal of special characters,
numbers and dates; (ii) transformation of all text to
lowercase; (iii) application of morphological
markers (POS tagging) using the nlpnet library
(Fonseca, Rosa, 2013); (iv) inflection of the tokens
by means of stemming using the NLTK library
(Bird, Klein, Loper, 2009) and the RSLP algorithm
(Huyck, Orengo 2001), specific for the Portuguese
language; and (v) segmentation (tokenization) by
words, sentences and paragraphs. Beyond these
steps, only the essays with more than fifty characters
and whose scores available in all competencies were
considered. In total, 4,317 essays were collected,
dating from 2007 to 2018.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
During ENEM essay evaluation, two reviewers
assigned scores ranging from 0 to 200, in intervals
of 50, for each of the five competencies that make
up the evaluation model. Score 0 (zero) indicates
that the text author does not demonstrate mastery
over the competence in question. In contrast, score
200 indicates that the author demonstrates mastery
over competence. If there is a difference of 100
points between the scores given by the two
reviewers, the essay is analyzed by a third one. If the
discrepancy persists, a group of three reviewers
(Gonçalves, 2011) will evaluate the essay.
4.3 Class Balancing, Training and
The corpus used for the experiments presents an
imbalanced number of essays per grade that can
negatively affect the classifier efficiency. Figure 4
shows the proportion of scores given for each
category in Competence 5. Each bar refers to a
score, with 0 referring to the lowest grade and 2 to
the highest grade. This problem was approached by
applying the balancing techniques described in
Section 2.4. They modified the dataset used for
training the models by removing samples of the
majority classes (undersampling) until the
distribution becomes uniform.
Figure 4: Class distribution of Competence 5.
For training, a matrix containing 4,317 rows and
623 columns was created, where each row represents
an essay and each column represents a feature, with
the last one containing the score assigned by the
human evaluator for the second or fifth competence.
Then, to measure the performance of each statistical
model, we employed a slightly modified version of
the k-fold cross-validation strategy (Geron, 2017).
Originally, each cycle of the k-fold approach
splits the available data into two disjoint subsets: a
test set, containing a fraction that corresponds to
each possible set of the k-1 splits, and a restricted
training set containing the remaining split from the
full dataset. Our modification involves the
application of the balancing methods on the
restricted training set while leaving the test set
unchanged, so as to adequately measure their impact
on the models. Moreover, we followed a stratified
sampling approach, where the distribution of each
class, present in the full training data, is maintained
in the two subsets. Using this methodology, we
guarantee that the test sets possess the same
characteristics as the data that will be input into the
model in a deployment environment.
Finally, each model was trained on the balanced
restricted training set using the implementations
provided by the scikit-learn Python library (Geron,
2017). For this work, we did not follow a systematic
approach for optimizing the hyperparameters of the
models due to limited resources; thus, we generally
kept their default values, only changing them
slightly according to emp irical observations. After
training, we applied the model to the test set of the
respective fold, storing their prediction and the
expected score for each essay. If the model was a
regressor, we rounded and scaled the predicted value
to match the previously defined classes. Then, we
extracted a set of metrics from the resulting data,
summarizing the performance of each model and
balancer; our findings are presented in the next
This section describes the significance of the results
obtained from our experiments. It is expected that a
good model-balancer pair should display a similar
predictive capacity in every single class, regardless
of how many examples of that class are available for
training. In order to demonstrate the techniques
utilized and present the results, in this article we will
use Competences 5 as instance.
Considering previous results obtained with
algorithms and balancing techniques in ENEM
Competence 1 analyses, we chose the RUS approach
to perform corpus balancing. Regarding machine
learning algorithms, we chose two classification
algorithms: SVC and GBT, which obtained the best
results in previous work in Competence 1.
The second set of results aims at producing an
overview on the performance for each pair model-
balancer in Competence 5. Results are shown in
Figure 5. The confusion matrices demonstrate that
An Approach to Assess the Existence of a Proposed Intervention in Essay-argumentative Texts
argumentative features provide a marked difference
in the performance of both classifiers for
Competence 5. The most significant improvement
was observed in the highest score (2.0) with the
GBT classifier, where the true positive rate went
from 0.21 to 0.48; this gain is especially remarkable
if one considers the relatively small number of
essays rated with this score. Additionally, in both
cases, the coloring of the confusion matrices started
displaying a diagonal shape when the five
argumentative features were included in the model.
Figure 5: Normalized correlation matrices for the
Competence 5 without and with argumentative features.
Brazil’s ENEM regulation defines a threshold of
50 points for inter-rater disagreement for each
competence, considering a maximum score of 200
points. The scale adopted for our corpus range from
score 0 to 2 with the nearest adjusted threshold of
0.5. Therefore, predictions whose absolute deviation
from the true score is less than 0.5 may still be
considered accurate. Considering this fact, we
produced a set of charts which aims at representing
the current quality of each model-balancer
combination. In these charts, the vertical axis
represents the relaxed ratio of correct predictions for
each class, which is equivalent to the expression
, where C indicates the
cells of the normalized confusion matrix shown in
Figure 6. In subtitles, lines named With represent
accuracy including argumentative features, and lines
called Without represent accuracy lacking
argumentative features. It can be seen that the
accuracy measured for Competence 5. The accuracy
measured by the set of features including the
arguments was much better than without them. The
best accuracy becomes even more evident when we
analyze the results obtained for scores 1 and 1.5.
This means that a small set of only five features had
Figure 6: Relaxed ratio of correct predictions.
a good impact on a set of over 600 features.
Explanations on the causes are described in the
following section.
Ghosh et al (2016), Nguyen and Litman (2018) have
shown that the use of argumentative structures is
useful for providing resources for automatic scoring
systems. Our results agree with the effectivity of
using argument mining incorporated into the scoring
system of essays in Brazilian Portuguese.
The main criterion to evaluate Competence 5 is
to check whether or not there is an intervention
proposal, which comes against the new features
introduced. In the set of five features there is a
specific one that is to check the existence or not of
an intervention proposal. In this case, the gain was
very relevant, as shown by the results presented in
the previous section.
We have shown that a small set of features
created by following formal procedures can have
very relevant results in certain domains. Only five
features in a context of over 600 of them produced a
highly relevant effect.
The main contributions of this paper are: (i) the
identification of five new argumentative features,
particularly the existence of an intervention proposal
that can enrich significantly the learning process of
argumentation structure, and (ii) the creation of an
annotated corpus useful for research on
argumentative structure.
We expect that as research in argumentation
mining advances, prediction models will be more
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
accurate and argumentative features can further
improve the results of automatic essay scoring. Also,
it is possible for these systems to provide feedback
in addition to the score. We also intend to increase
the amount of texts to mark. For this experiment, we
used 50 essays. We believe that with a bigger
amount of tagged texts results could be improved.
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An Approach to Assess the Existence of a Proposed Intervention in Essay-argumentative Texts