eration. E.g., as new data sources may join or dis-
join the federation, new data may rise or disap-
pear, which brings new knowledge.
• Benchmarks: should be developed to evalu-
ate federations addressing store combinations and
multiple query language processing, like Poly-
Bench (Karimov et al., 2018).
Modern applications require the manipulation of
structured and unstructured data, usually in high vol-
ume, over distributed and heterogeneous data sources.
The pattern “one size fits all” does not hold any-
more. Thus, innovative solutions capable of access-
ing and manipulating data in such an environment are
This work presented the state-of-the-art, detailed
solutions, their main components, how queries are
specified and executed, and other features. Afterward,
we presented guidelines and challenges the solutions
should address. Researchers and practitioners can use
our finds to focus their work.
As future work, we aim at evaluating the tools in
practice through case studies and experiments to iden-
tify the level they meet the challenges and to bring
new open issues. We also intend to perform a system-
atic review towards a broader analysis improving the
overview presented in this work.
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Modern Federated Database Systems: An Overview