Recall may be more important than precision
depending on the problem being discussed (Hand
and Christen, 2018). Someone may accept a slightly
higher rate of false positives to get more true
positives, if the trade-off is considered interesting.
The LSTM model without Word2vec has a better
recall rate but lower precision. Combining
Word2vec and LSTM brings a great advantage to
the overall performance.
In future works, others neural networks and deep
learning architectures can be evaluated in this
context. There are results that show that the
combination of convolutional neural networks and
LSTM achieve good results in the task of text (Zhou
et al, 2015). In addition, more in-depth research
should be done to find ways to reduce the amount of
false negatives produced by the LSTM model in this
dataset. Overall, we found that the LSTM model and
word2vec can outperform other models.
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