Polemics about Computational Thinking: Digital Competence in
Digital Zeitgeist – Continued Search for Answers
Lúcia Helena Martins-Pacheco
, Christiane Annelise Gresse von Wangenheim
Nathalia da Cruz Alves
Department of Informatics and Statistics, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Campus Universitário s/n, Trindade,
Florianópolis, Brazil
Keywords: Digital Zeitgeist, Computational Thinking, ICT Competences, K-12 Education.
Abstract: Human society is immersed in digital zeitgeist and information, and communications technology competences
became fundamental for each citizen around the world in order to participate in the great benefits that this
technological development promotes. In this zeitgeist, several questions appear related to the educational
context because the way to deal with information, knowledge, and communications has changed drastically.
For that reason, several proposals emerged to develop additional competences in youths. Among these
possibilities, computational thinking CT - arose as an approach to encourage ICT competence. However,
the initial proposal appeared in a simple viewpoint article; that was just an opinion without any reference.
Surprisingly, such an article reverberated around the world, and several proposals appeared trying to define
“what is computational thinking?”. Parallel to this, some critics showed controversial aspects of CT,
especially based on computer science (CS) educational, historical trajectory. But, many solid approaches of
CT based on robust researches became popular, and several educational practices were successful. Thus, we
analyze some criticism and show other points of view, aiming to clarify some questions and to give some
answers. We believe that CT approaches are valuable inside of myriads of possibilities to promote ICT
competences. Polemics and controversies used to make advances in each field, but fruitful initiatives must be
acknowledged. K-12 educational system could not wait until there is a proper and unique consensus between
researchers to start to teach ICT competences to our youths.
The last decade of the 20
century was featured by a
great impact of information and communications
technology (ICT), especially the popularization of the
internet, massive dissemination of digital devices,
and globalization. This time and also the beginning of
the 21
century was named as digital convergence
(Iosifidis, 2002), information society (Webster,
2007), knowledge society (Delanty, 2003), and digital
(Baptista and Bertolli Fo., 2012). This
transformation in global society communications
calls the attention of several international
organizations (Delors, (1996); Gordon et al. (2009);
The general intellectual, the moral, and cultural climate of an era (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/zeitgeist)
and https://www.psd.gov.sg/challenge/ideas/deep-dive/digital-zeitgeist
P21 (2015), Binkley et al. (2011)) concerned with the
future of education and workforce to attend economic
needs. In this global context, at the end of the 20
century and the beginning of the 21st century, some
studies identified that ICT literacy is an essential skill
for youth development. We believe that this zeitgeist
was very definitive to the massive resonance of
Wing´s Computation Thinking CT ideas (Wing,
According to Jeannette Wing (Wing, 2006),
computational thinking is a fundamental skill for
everyone, not just for computer scientists. To reading,
writing, and arithmetic, we should add computational
thinking to every child's analytical ability (p.33). And
she added: Computational thinking involves solving
Martins-Pacheco, L., von Wangenheim, C. and Alves, N.
Polemics about Computational Thinking: Digital Competence in Digital Zeitgeist Continued Search for Answers.
DOI: 10.5220/0009797104990506
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 2, pages 499-506
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
problems, designing systems, and understanding
human behavior, by drawing on the concepts
fundamental to computer science. Computational
thinking includes a range of mental tools that reflect
the breadth of the field of computer science (p.33).
These ideas have profoundly reverberated in K-12
educational communities around the world. But, if we
look at her article, trying to comprehend what her
intention was at that time, several issues call our
attention. A question is: why an article in a section
Viewpoint ACM, march, 2006, with only four pages
and no references got 5892 citations (Scholar Google
in 02.24.2020)? Why does just a viewpoint of a
researcher achieve such an impact in K-12 related
groups and researchers? This simple article
significantly elicits several studies trying to define,
specify, and to implement CT ideas in educational
environments. In Parallel, another movement, not so
strong, criticizing her ideas came alongside. Critics
used to question her idea foundations, especially
around computer science (CS) educational history. In
this context, in this present article, we show our
viewpoint about this scenario, trying to clarify that
nowadays, several solid research and experiments
deepened the initial simple ideas by Wing,
constituting a substantial corpus of knowledge. We
believe that when we presently talk about CT, the
question is: what approach are you talking about?
Along with this present article, we bring back some
discussion to explain our vision of this situation.
Polemics, divergences, criticisms, and emphatic
argumentations are common in scientific fields, and
such "social activism" is crucial for the development
of science in every field. Thomas Kuhn (1962), a
great American philosopher of science, considered
that such processes make scientific advances and the
appearance of new paradigms possible. And in CS, it
is not different, for example, structured programming
versus object-oriented programming, which high-
level language should be introduced to a beginner:
Java? C++? Phyton?; which computer architecture
must be taught RISC or CISC?; free software or
commercial software in educational practices?; and
so on. These discussions are beneficial and
sometimes do not reach a consensus. Each choice that
someone makes, consequently has implicit
compromises in terms of limitatios and possibilities.
So, we should ponder the benefits and difficulties of
each decision considering the situations and material
resources that are available. To listen to different
opinion and viewpoints allow us to see a broader
vision of the involved scenarios. And it is no different
when we talk about CT.
To analyze the author's criticisms, we consider an
exploratory approach through a qualitative method.
Among qualitative methods, Lenberg et al. (2017)
suggest three qualitative methods: interpretative
phenomenological analysis, narrative analysis, and
discourse analysis. To understand the criticism about
CT ideas, we chose discourse analysis because it
clarifies the essence of the problem and the
underlying assumptions that enable its existence
(Lenberg et al., 2017). Sometimes it reveals implicit
and unacknowledges aspects, and it can be used to
any type of text. Qualitative methods are interesting
to clarify complex issues that involve behaviors,
emotions, values, hidden social factors as bias,
prejudice, and social norms. So that, based on
documents produces by critics about CT approaches,
we try to analyze their arguments through reflexivity.
Reflexivity involves thinking about how our thinking
came to be and how pre-existing understanding is
constantly revised in the light of new insights (p.14)
(Lenberg et al., 2017).
To identify papers with arguments against CT
approaches, we define the followed strategy: in the
beginning, we took Peter Denning's paper titles
(Denning (2009) and Denning (2017)) as a search
string in Scholar Google. Denning is an
acknowledged critic of CT. After the search was
performed, we opened the citations of the two
articles. At first, we analyze their title and exclude the
ones that do not express any kind of criticisms or
doubts about CT. Next, we read the abstract (if it
exists) and exclude those who do not have strong
arguments against CT. From the selected ones, we
unfolded the references to find others. We do not
intend to exhaust this subject, but just to gather some
more usual opinions against CT. Our initial
hypothesis is that critics did not consider several
successful initiatives that use the CT approach in
education, as such we found before (Martins-Pacheco
et al., 2019).
Table 1 shows a summary of the main critiques.
We selected 11 references with strong arguments
against the CT approach. Then, in the following
paragraphs, we expose some of the main criticisms.
We are considering the critiques of Denning (2009),
(2010), (2017), (2017a); Tedre and Denning (2016),
Hemmendiger (2010), Armoni (2016), Corradini et
al. (2017), Yaşar (2018), Guzdial et al. (2019), and
Nardelli (2019).
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Main references with arguments against CT approaches.
some ori
inal citations
DENNING (2009)
Viewpoints (ACM)
3 pages
9 refs.
. If we are not careful, our fascination with “computational thinking” may lead us back into the trap we are
trying to escape. (p.28)
. I am concerned that the computational thinking movement reinforces a narrow view of the field and will not
sell well with the other sciences or with the people we want to attract. (p.28)
. CT movement ignores the venerable history of computational thinking in computer science and in all the
sciences. (p.29)
. Alone, computational thinking seems like an inadequate characterization of computer science. (p.30)
. CT seen as a repackaging—a change of appearance but not of substance. Do we really want to replace that
older notion with “CS = computational thinking”? (p. 30)
Statement Conference
32 refs.
. The term “computational thinking” has recently become popular (Wing, 2006), after hibernating many years in
the jargon of our field. We are discovering that neither we in the field nor our friends outside agree on what this
term means. Future education and research
olicies de
end on the answer. We need a better answe
37 refs.
. Definitions of CT made fuzzy and overreaching claims. (p.34)
. Unsubstantiated claims undermine the effort by overselling computer science, raising expectations that cannot
be met, and leaving teachers in the awkward position of not knowing exactly what they are supposed to teach or
how to assess whether they are successful. (p.34)
. The boldest claim of all is that CT enhances general cognitive skills that will transfer to other domains where
they will manifest as superior problem-solving skills. (p.38)
. CT primarily benefits people who design computations and that the claims of benefit to non-designers are not
American Scientist
12 refs.
. They launched a political movement to secure funding for computational science. (p.14)
. It quickly opens the door to the false belief that step-by-step procedures followed by human beings are
necessarily algorithms. (p.15)
. Fuzzy definitions have made it difficult for educators to know what they are supposed to teach and how to
assess whether students have learned it.
. The word “thinking” is not what we are really interested in—we want the ability to design computations. (…)
computational design is a more accurate term. (p.15)
10 pages
80 refs.
. Seven threats: lack of ambition, dogmatism, knowing versus doing, exaggerated claims, narrow views of
computing, overemphasis on formulation, and lost sight of computational models. (p.120)
. Risk exaggerated claims of applicability of CT. (p.126)
. Ignoring the history and the work of the field's pioneers diminishes the computational thinking movement rather
than stren
Critical Pers
ACM Inroads
11 refs.
. The original components of CT (Wing, 2006) are not exclusive of it.
. All knowledge domains use problem-solving as strategies, for example, heuristics, decomposition, recursively,
and modeling, are common practices to reformulating complex problems.
. It is not reasonable to decree to think like a computer scientist for people of other disciplines because each one
has a
er wa
of thinkin
. Thinkin
well is not the
rovince of an
one disci
ARMONI (2016)
Opinion (ACM Inroads)
4 pages
11 refs.
. CS in K-12 education has undergone two different processes: rationalized extraction, stemming from a
meaningful view of CS. (p.24)
. It depicts more of a reduced version of CS, just a pale image of it, deemphasizing the challenges and the
thinking patterns. (p.24)
. The hi-tech industry, bypasses college and university CS education, and goes directly into K–12 education.
. Block-based educational environments use the term ‘coding’ instead of ‘programming’ or ‘solving;’ and
promise quick learning. (p.27)
. CT will mostly be in the hands of elementary school teachers, who are not knowledgeable in this field, we will
promote a false public image of CS, far from the problem-solving discipline that it actually it is. (…) we will
delete 30 years from the maturity of CS and its image, back to its early days, and ten from the age of CT,
eliminating it altogether (p.27).
. CS is broader than
, and
is broader than codin
Polemics about Computational Thinking: Digital Competence in Digital Zeitgeist Continued Search for Answers
Table 1: Main references with arguments against CT approaches (cont.).
. CT term has a lack of a widely accepted definition - has become a “buzzword.” We are convinced this approach
is wrong and misleading: in the long run it will do more harm than benefit to informatics. (p.136)
. In schools they do not teach “linguistic thinking” or “mathematical thinking,” with specific “body of knowledge”
or “assessment methods.” (p.136)
. to think like a computer scientist is required since informatics is the science underlying the digital technology
pervading all aspects of contemporary society (p.136).
. In order to teach CT or informatics subjects, the teachers’ conception concerning this issue is essential. They
found that the vast majority of Italian primary school teachers has not a sound and complete conception about CT.
34 refs.
. Some of the remaining trouble spots include definition, methods of measurement, cognitive aspects, and universal
value of CT. (p.33)
. He proposes an interdisciplinary perspective to address both cognitive and curricular aspects of CT by merging
CS education research with concepts from epistemology, cognitive and neurosciences. (p.34)
. CT educational approaches should put more emphasis on modeling and simulation (M&S).
Viewpoints (ACM)
5 refs.
. CT movement puts the onus on the student and on the education system the onus should be put back on the
computer scientists and other computationalists. (p.28)
If we want better thinking and problem-solving. to improve the computing and use that to change our teaching.
Viewpoints (ACM)
4 pages
21 refs.
. We probably need the expression as an instrument, as a shorthand reference to a well-structured concept, but it
might be dangerous to insist too much on it and to try to characterize it (…) precisely. (p.32)
. what is important is stressing the educational value of informatics for all students. (p.32)
. Considering CT as something new and different is misleading: in the long run it will do more harm than benefit
to informatics. (p.33)
. We should discuss what to teach and how to evaluate competences regarding informatics in
primary/middle/secondary schools, and forget about teaching and evaluating competences in CT. (p.33)
. CT is not a kind of thinking better than others, just that it offers a complementary and useful conceptual paradigm
to describe realit
We found seven papers that are the point of view
or opinions of just one author. In the gathered papers,
the amount of references varies between five to 80.
Denning (2009), (2010), (2017), (2017a); Tedre and
Denning (2016), Hemmendiger (2010), and Armoni
(2016) show worries about CS educational legacy
and also CS reputation in the K-12 context. They
consider that CT diminishes CS to programming or
coding. Many of them consider that CT claims are
exaggerated, raising expectations that cannot be met
(Denning, 2017) and decreasing other knowledge
domains. Besides, some of them affirm that no
evidence of developing CT skills allows them to
transfer them to other knowledge domain skills.
Most of the authors argue that CT conception
based on Wings (2006) is vague and a repackage of
older ideas that belonged to CS educational context.
Corradini et al. (2017) and Nardelli (2019) consider
that informatics is a more adequate term to use
instead of CT.
It is important to highlight that some of these
critics, despite some disagreements about CT as
proposed by Wing (2006), show their definition of
CT. For example, Nardelli (2019) affirms: forget
about teaching and evaluating competences in CT.
But, he shows his definition: "Computational
thinking is the thought processes involved in
modeling a situation and specifying the ways an
information-processing agent can effectively operate
within it to reach an externally specified (set of)
goal(s)." (p. 34).
Besides the before-mentioned authors, the study
accomplished by Cansu and Cansu (2019) aimed to
define the concept of CT. They performed an
analysis of some criticisms and contemporary related
studies concerning CT in K-12. According to them,
Denning (2009) and Hemmendinger (2011) showed
their thesis that original definition (Wing, 2006) of
computational thinking could give the impression
that computational thinking is only relevant to the
field of computer science and is largely inapplicable
to everyday situations in would-be computational
thinking learners (Cansu and Cansu (2019), p. 6).
Cansu and Cansu (2019) examined such criticism
and deducted that in ascribing undeserved
importance to certain fields – whether they are
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
deemed coding, computer science, or computational
thinking – would be inappropriate (p.9). For them,
many types of research hold CT as a potential
method of transforming education, as long as they
also hold the criticisms applied to the field in equal
regard (p.9). According to Cansu and Cansu (2019),
it is essential to ponder that an important sub-field of
CS is programming, and while primarily conducted
to educate learners in the best practices of computer
programming, one of its goals is being conducive to
the creation of high-quality computer programs.
When we see these critiques and observe what
happened from 2006 until now (2020), several
contradictions and advances emerge in researches
that are unconsidered in the discussion by the critics.
Then we return to our initial questions: why does an
article in a section Viewpoint ACM, march, 2006,
with only four pages, and no references get 5892
citations? Why just a viewpoint of a researcher
achieves such an impact in K-12 related groups and
researchers? Why have people been looking forward
to an answer to "what is computational thinking?"
Why even hard critics also try to define it?
Our understanding of such phenomenon is as
follows. We dare to hypothesize some possible
answers. Hu (2011) said: Often, fruitful discussions
can be more valuable than finding definitive answers
(p. 223). In philosophy, many times, to have a good
question is more useful than giving precise answers.
When we have open questions or an ill-defined
problem about a crucial issue, which is very common
in social sciences, we open several possibilities to
create cognitive dynamism to find good responses for
such a conundrum. It is what is called in the Gestalt
the "closure principle" (Todorovic, 2008).
Considering the digital zeitgeist, there is a strong
appeal of several international organizations since the
end of the 20
century, which had acknowledged that
digital and ICT competence would be as essential to
citizens in the 21
century (Pischetola, 2019) as
reading and writing. The idea of the “information
society” and “knowledge society” become a reality
due to the internet, popularization of digital devices,
and, lately, especially due to the "omnipresence" of
_111026.html - accessed in 02.24.2020
the smartphones. Digital inclusion has to be achieved.
This idea is aligned with public governmental
policies, democratic practices, and also with
commercial interests. Educational systems have been
concerned about how to teach and how to learn in a
digital age (Bates, 2016).
Armoni (2016), concerned with a false image of
CS, as mentioned before, said: teaching CT will
mostly be in the hands of elementary school teachers,
who are not knowledgeable in this field (p.27). In this
sense, Wing´s article probably called the attention of
the K-12 public because the language that she used
was sufficiently accessible for reaching people
beyond the CS expert community. Wing expressed,
maybe, some aspects in an exaggerated way, but in
fact, it motivated people to believe that computational
thinking is important for everyone. It was a strong
generalization, as we are used to doing when we are
just talking, but it deeply resounds in the educational
system. For everyone, we could interpret that it does
not means that it has to be compulsory but a
possibility available to promote digital inclusion.
The long history of computer science comes
alongside digital technology advances in the
availability of electronic devices and connectivity.
For example, a smartphone, today present in the hand
of millions of people around the world in everyday
life, has about one million times more memory
capacity than NASA's Apollo 11 guidance computer
in 1972
Thus, since the beginning of CS, a lot of things in
the digital age change drastically in terms of
availability for every people. There are two questions
that critics of CT should be concerned about to certify
the reputation of CS: What must be kept? What must
be changed? They frequently return to Wing´s
primordial article, but, in the interim, many other
proposals to define, implement, assess CT in schools
have been done, and they ignore them. For example,
Kalelioglu et al. (2016), Martins-Pacheco et al.
(2019), Zhang and Nouri (2019) and Moreno-León et
al. (2019) did literature reviews, and they found
several advances in terms of educational practices
based on one of the several approaches for CT and
also a myriad of different solid definitions. Recently,
Moreno-León et al. (2019) found in their network of
textual analysis that neither programming nor coding
emerges among the most influential words of the main
CT definitions (p.32). In this sense, the concerns of
the critics are that CT approaches lead to reducing CS
to programming or coding, which does not seem real.
Polemics about Computational Thinking: Digital Competence in Digital Zeitgeist Continued Search for Answers
Serious researchers that use the CT term
frequently cite Wing (2006) just as a historical view,
but they choose an approach better defined as ISTE
and CSTA (2011) (2016), Brennan, and Resnick
(2012), or other. When someone is talking about CT,
the question is, "what CT approach are you
considering?". Wing´s article is just an initial idea. A
lot of other researches constructed frameworks,
defining and specifying details of how to make CT in
educational practices feasible in K-12. Some critics
try to frame CT into CS, and they limit the
possibilities and exclude the reality of the digital age
that encompass many non-major people much beyond
the CS community experts. Some authors (e.g.,
Mühling et al., 2015) have a proposal for CS
education in K-12 and do not use CT approaches
since it is just another possibility. Some critics claim
to change the term CT to computational design,
modeling, and simulation, informatics, or modeling
of a dynamic system. Probably these terms are better
adjusted to the CS or engineering community, but will
non-specialized people understand them?
Other aspects that critics comment on are about
vagueness and ambiguous definitions or that some
concepts or aspects do not belong exclusively to CT.
But, these characteristics used to appear in CS and
other areas of knowledge. For example, problem-
solving is a very general concept that belongs to each
field of knowledge and also belongs to the every day
individual/group life. Decomposition is part of the
cartesian method
proposed in the 17th century. This
old method is important in a lot of scientific fields.
Another concept is the 'algorithm' that seems
exclusive of CS. Nonetheless, according to the
Merriam-Webster dictionary
: It was formed from
algorism "the system of Arabic numerals," a word
that goes back to Middle English and ultimately stems
from the name of a 9th-century Persian
mathematician, abu-Jaʽfar Mohammed ibn-Mūsa al-
Khuwārizmi, who did important work in the fields of
algebra and numeric systems.
So, the term 'algorithm' has hundreds of years of
age, and it was taken to CS from mathematics. Even
the word computation
had first known use in the 15th
century, meaning the act or action of calculation. That
sometimes is pointed out the historical use of the term
CT. Some authors (for example, Moreno-Leon et al.
(2019) and Denning (2017) state that Papert (1980),
is the first one to use the term computational thinking.
After that, it seems that only Wing (2006) took the
use of this term. But, we had searched in Scholar
Google (02.23.2020). In the period between 1990 and
2005 articles that use CT in the title, we found eight
occurrences. Therefore the term CT was used in other
scientific and technical fields without associated with
CS formal concept or definition.
Concerning concepts, definitions, semantics, and
meaning of words or terms, they are human cognitive
and historical constructs, as CT is. The meaning of
words is dynamic and changes, or it gets broader
along with human history. The comprehension of
Otte and Barros (2016) about concepts and definitions
is: definitions are formulated to draw conclusions and
to solve technical problems. (…) Concepts, in
contrast, are like continua relations and visions of
possibilities. For them, conceptual meanings are
much more ambiguous and infinitely more versatile
than tools (p.159). Concepts and definitions are
developed through interactions among individuals
and changes in the environment, along with the
Bringing these ideas back to our reflections, the
initial concept of CT proposed by Wing (2006) is
ambiguous, versatile, and also very ambitious.
However, as it was mentioned before, in subsequent
years, several serious researchers formulated and
reformulated CT definitions, even the critics. It was
done to solve technical (or educational) problems
aiming to operationalize scholar practices along with
all stages of K-12. This process has created a
substantial corpus of knowledge, and it also allowed
different approaches. Nevertheless, it is under
development, and there are several challenges to
overcome related to pedagogy and childhood
development issues, teacher formation, material
resources for schools, etc. As a result, there is an
important contribution of CT approaches to provide
ICT competence in the digital zeitgeist.
Concerning knowledge transfer from a different
domain, recently, Scherer et al. (2019) found that
learning how to program a computer improves
cognitive skills even beyond programming (p.764).
So, it put in check some critiques and promote new
possibilities to teach and learning CT.
It is out of the scope of this present work to make
an in-depth review of CT definition evolvement. But,
in a recent study, Zhang and Nouri (2019) have done
a systematic review related to Scratch, and also
Moreno-León et al. (2019) made an in-depth general
review of CT concepts. Moreno-León et al. (2019)
performed extensive textual analysis and collected
new CT definitions, that is: The ability to formulate
and represent problems to solve them by making use
of tools, concepts, and practices from the computer
on #h1
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
science discipline, such as abstraction,
decomposition, or the use of simulations. (Moreno-
León et al., (2019), p. 33)
When we look back, it is possible to realize that
the CT concept meaningfully evolved in comparison
to the initial vision of Wing (2006). So, CT
approaches are becoming more mature and certainly
can make part of the multitude of possibilities to teach
and to learn ICT skills.
We presented the main controversies concerning CT,
and we attempted to present other perspectives
around these issues. In the present digital zeitgeist, it
is necessary to cross the frontiers between CS and CT
and include them inside the "computers and society"
field. This study could be deepened in the future to
understand critics' believes and attitudes, the kind of
references that they take into account aiming to
delimited their epistemological foundations.
CT can be considered as a social practice. Rather
than seeking conceptual unity in computational
thinking, we highlighted the different ontological
commitments that cognitive, situated and critical
framings bring to computational thinking and
illustrated how these contextualize research with
programming tools, design of applications, and
classroom implementations (p.51) (Kafai et al.,
2020). For them, multiple framings and
interdisciplinary perspectives for CT are desirable.
We agree with them because, especially when we
have K-12 as a scenario concerning pedagogy,
educational/ developmental/ cognitive psychology,
public policies, material resources, and so on, the
diversity of possibilities must be taken into account.
There is a great variety of approaches and methods,
and, in general, governments define some common
rules, and schools and teachers choose what is more
adequate to the context where they are inserted.
Our exploratory analysis allowed us to confirm
the initial hypothesis that several successful
initiatives that use the CT approach in education were
not taken into account by critics. Consequently, their
opinions seem partial and attached to the context of
experts in CS education or traditional practices.
To promote digital competences in K-12 is a
broader space than just the CS field. Probably, the
rules and more rigid definitions are essential for CS
experts, but in K-12, the way to cope with teaching
and learning has to be more flexible. We do not
believe that CT is a panacea, but certainly, it is a
valuable one. Polemics and controversies used to
make advances in each field, but successful initiatives
have to be acknowledged. K-12 educational system
can not wait until there is a proper and unique
consensus between researchers to start to teach ICT
competencies to our youths.
The authors would like to thank Renata Martins
Pacheco for her help with formatting and reviewing
the English version of the final text.
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CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education