detection and cross-batch redundancy detection, and
design from the ground up so as to do all the effec-
tive processing while ensuring protection of images.
Our customized design comes from a synergy of a se-
ries of techniques including image processing, data
encryption, efficient similarity search, and optimiza-
As future work, we plan to implement a proof-
of-concept system prototype and conduct a compre-
hensive evaluation over real-world datasets. Specif-
ically, we will measure the effectiveness of our se-
cure redundancy detection design over some real-
world disaster image datasets. We will also evalu-
ate the cost efficiency on different ends along the ser-
vice flow. We also intend to define formal security
definitions and provide formal proofs. Besides, we
will explore the design space of emerging security so-
lutions like trusted execution environments, for effi-
ciently defending against malicious adversaries that
compromise the edge server and deviate arbitrarily.
This work was supported in part by the Research
Grants Council of Hong Kong under Grants CityU
11202419, CityU 11212717, CityU 11217819, and
CityU C1008-16G.
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Towards Secure Edge-assisted Image Sharing for Timely Disaster Situation Awareness