Figure 9: Calculated phase birefringence of Ch-
ASHMOFs (S3a, S3b and S3c) whose cross-section
structures were depicted in Fig. 8.
the phase birefringence profiles corresponding to the
S3a, S3b and S3c fiber structures are shown in Fig. 9
as the blue solid line, dashed line and dotted line,
respectively. As can be seen, the phase birefringence
can be larger than 4.0x10
in case of the S3c
In this work, a new Ch-ASHMOF made of As
and As
glasses with all-solid structure was
proposed to realize a flattened chromatic dispersion
in a broad wavelength range of the normal
dispersion regime. The calculated results show that
the normal dispersion regime can be obtained from
4.5 to 13 µm with the flatness of 4 ps/km-nm. In
addition, the birefringence properties of the fiber
were investigated by changing the diameter of two
solid rods in the cladding to break the symmetry of
the fiber structure and by increasing the refractive
index difference between the core and the rods in the
cladding. The combination of these effects can make
the phase birefringence reach the values of the order
of 10
. Due to the feasible fabrication process,
flattened chromatic dispersion and the ability of
controlling phase birefringence, the proposed Ch-
ASHMOF can be a good candidate to realize MIR
SC generation with broad bandwidth and high
coherence for many potential applications.
This work was supported by the Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI (Grant
Number 15H02250, 17K18891 and 18H01504).
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Phase birefringence (x10
Wavelength (um)
S3a (
S3b (
S3c (