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and novel XRI-based naming approach for the Inter-
net of Things, relying on a delegation of authorization
mechanism based on OAuth 2.0 that enables the au-
thenticated and authorized interaction of constrained
devices and IoT-cloud services through edge interme-
diaries. The proposed solution has demonstrated in
different projects that it is scalable (allowing auto-
mated enrolment in large scenarios) and interopera-
ble (based on an event-driven polling approach and on
the same concepts that standard OAuth 2.0 implemen-
tations, only extending them). Enough to solve ad-
dressing issues in almost all scenarios with adequate
efficiency, fault tolerance and security. Furthermore,
abstracting IoT-cloud services from low-level imple-
mentation details.
This research has been partially supported by the
Madrid region (EdgeData, Grant Ref. P2018/TCS-
4499) and by the Ericsson-URJC Chair (”Data Sci-
ence applied to 5G”).
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