4.3 Advanced Music Education
Among potential applications in the educational field,
it is worth mentioning the use of Kibo as a simple
but powerful device to study and put into practice a
number of concepts typical of sound and music com-
Since Kibo is a MIDI controller, a first case study
is learning the theoretical principles and practical
rudiments of the MIDI protocol, with the possibility
to deepen non-trivial aspects such as distributed mu-
sical performances, articulated MIDI chains, MIDI
choking in presence of fine-granularity continuous
controllers, etc.
Moreover, even if Kibo is basically a controller,
sound production is demanded to a synthesizer, which
in turn can be controlled via Kibo. Exploring different
MIDI programs, i.e. instrumental patches and sound
banks, can stimulate the study of sound-synthesis
models, such as sound sampling and table lookup
methods. Other advanced subjects can be explored,
such as the SoundFont technology that uses sample-
based synthesis to play MIDI events.
Finally, the features of Kibo can arise exquisitely
technical discussions, concerning issues such as the
resolution of MIDI choking and MIDI-over-Bluetooth
bandwidth limitations, or the characteristics of a pres-
sure sensor capable of detecting fine variations and
withstanding strong stresses as well.
Needless to say, this kind of approach is suitable
mainly for students with a musical and technological
From a pedagogical point of view, it is pos-
sible to frame Kibo-based activities in the context
of the Think-Make-Improve model (Martinez and
Stager, 2013), by recording students’ performances,
e.g. through a MIDI sequencer connected to Kibo, and
inviting them to self-reflect about their actions.
Kibo is a MIDI controller presenting a simplified tan-
gible interface that conjugates research in the artis-
tic, scientific and social field in order to foster music
expression and creativity. When properly integrated
within a pedagogical method, Kibo can promote mu-
sic education through technology so as to facilitate
cooperation, social inclusion and cultural exchange.
Concerning future work, Kibo requires a thor-
ough experimentation in specific educational con-
texts. From this point of view, we are planning ad-
hoc educational labs in cooperation with Fondazione
Clerici Milano, addressing specific user categories,
specifically BVI people and learners with cognitive
special needs.
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CSME 2020 - Special Session on Computer Supported Music Education