Global Estimation for the Convoy of Autonomous Vehicles using the
Sliding-mode Approach
M-Mahmoud Mohamed-Ahmed, Aziz Naamane and Nacer K. M’sirdi
Aix Marseille University, University of Toulon, CNRS, LIS UMR, Marseille, France
Autonomous Vehicles, Convoy, State Estimation, First-Order Sliding Mode Observer, Second-Order Sliding
Mode Observer, Inter-distance Estimation.
In this paper, a global estimation approach is proposed to estimate the states of motion (longitudinal, lateral
and yaw angle) of a convoy of autonomous vehicles, which is composed of four cars and also the inter-distance
between each two neighboring vehicles. The approach used is based on the first-order sliding mode (FOSM)
and second-order sliding mode (SOSM) observer without and with linear gain (FOSML and SOSML), to
estimate and compare at the same time the estimation approach used for each vehicle in convoy. To validate
this approach, we use data from SCANeR
-Studio of a convoy moving in a defined trajectory. The robustness
of the observers towards estimation errors on the model parameters will be studied.
The convoy traffic is intended by the world of research
and industry to ensure the safety of the infrastructure
and to solve the problem of air pollution and noise due
to the number of vehicles circulating in the world to-
day. The transport of merchandise in the long way be-
tween countries as in the Chauffeur project; can move
in a convoy with a driver who drives the first truck,
which reduces driver fatigue. Another project, also
called Sarte, has been successfully realised by the Eu-
ropean Union, with the aim of running a convoy of au-
tonomous vehicles at high speeds, without changing
the infrastructure. Another project as Path in which
a convoy of eight cars was moved at high speed on a
highway. To achieve these missions; sensors are on
each vehicle to get local or global information to en-
sure safety and complete the mission (De La Fortelle
et al., 2014), (Chang et al., 1991).
In several research subjects, the problem of the
convoy is particularly fixed on the longitudinal and
lateral control in which all states are supposed to be
measurable in real time, as in (Ali et al., 2015), (Xiang
and Br
aunl, 2010) and (Qian et al., 2016) in which
the dynamic model is simplified to simplify the cal-
culation of the control in real time (Avanzini et al.,
2010). In (Mohamed-Ahmed et al., 2019) we pro-
posed a coupled longitudinal and lateral control ap-
proach in order to follow a well-defined trajectory,
but we also considered that the states of each vehicle
are available in real time, which represents a disad-
vantage in the term of observability in practice, due
to the number of sensors used to calculate the law of
control and to compensate for the inverse dynamics
of each vehicle, which is necessary to propose an es-
timation of states, in order to calculate the control or
to minimize the number of sensors used for a convoy
of autonomous vehicles.
Slip mode estimation approaches have been pro-
posed in the literature for one vehicle. As an exam-
ple (Jaballah et al., 2011) an estimate of tyre forces
has been proposed for the longitudinal movement of
a tractor, based on the SOSM approach, and another
estimate of the contact force is proposed (Rabhi et al.,
2010) with a well-defined convergence study. ABS
angle sensors were used in (M’Sirdi et al., 2008) to
identify the equivalent longitudinal stiffness of the tire
and the effective wheel radius of a vehicle based on
the slip mode approach.
In this work, we propose a global estimation of
states (position and speed) of a convoy of autonomous
vehicles based on different methods of approach es-
timation by sliding mode. First, we will define the
dynamic model used for this approach in order to
represent the non-linear behavior of i-th vehicle. This
model represents the longitudinal, lateral and yaw
angle behaviours. In a second step, we will define the
estimation method used for each vehicle. Leader is
based on a first-order sliding mode observer (FOSM),
the (i − 1)-th vehicle uses a first-order sliding mode
Mohamed-Ahmed, M., Naamane, A. and M’sirdi, N.
Global Estimation for the Convoy of Autonomous Vehicles using the Sliding-mode Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0009805702840293
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2020), pages 284-293
ISBN: 978-989-758-442-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved