Towards Human-centric Model-driven Software Engineering
John Grundy
, Hourieh Khalajzadeh
and Jennifer Mcintosh
Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
Model-driven Engineering, Human-centric Software Engineering, Human Factors.
Many current software systems suffer from a lack of consideration of the human differences between end
users. This includes age, gender, language, culture, emotions, personality, education, physical and mental
challenges, and so on. We describe our work looking to consider these characteristics by incorporation of
human centric-issues throughout the model-driven engineering process lifecycle. We propose the use of the
co-creational ”living lab” model to better collect human-centric issues in the software requirements. We
focus on modelling these human-centric factors using domain-specific visual languages, themselves human-
centric modelling artefacts. We describe work to incorporate these human-centric issues into model-driven
engineering design models, and to support both code generation and run-time adaptation to different user
human factors. We discuss continuous evaluation of such human-centric issues in the produced software and
feedback of user reported defects to requirements and model refinement.
Modern software systems are extremely complex,
currently hand-crafted artefacts, which leads them
to be extremely brittle and error prone in practice.
We continually hear about issues with security and
data breaches (due to poorly captured and imple-
mented policies and enforcement); massive cost over-
runs and project slippage (due to poor estimation
and badly captured software requirements); hard-to-
deploy, hard-to-maintain, slow, clunky and even dan-
gerous solutions (due to incorrect technology choice,
usage or deployment); and hard-to-use software that
does not meet the users’ needs and causing frustra-
tion (due to poor understanding of user needs and
poor design) (Curumsing et al., 2019; Prikladnicki
et al., 2013; Yusop et al., 2016). This leads to huge
economic cost, inefficiencies, not fit-for-purpose so-
lutions, and dangerous and potentially lifethreatening
situations. Software is designed and built primarily to
solve human needs. Many of these problems can be
traced to a lack of understanding and incorporation
of human-centric issues during the software engineer-
ing process (Hartzel, 2003; Miller et al., 2015; Stock
et al., 2008; Wirtz et al., 2009; Smith, 1998).
2.1 Smart Home
Consider a representative example - a ”smart home”
aimed at providing ageing people with technology-
based support for physical and mental challenges so
they are able to stay in their own home longer and
feel safe and secure (Curumsing et al., 2019; Grundy
et al., 2018). To develop a solution, the software
team must deeply understand technologies like sen-
sors, data capture and analysis, communication with
hospital systems, and software development methods
and tools. However, they must also deeply under-
stand and appreciate the human aspects of their stake-
holders: ageing people, their families and friends,
and clinicians/community workers. These include
the Technology Proficiency and Acceptance of age-
ing people likely to be much older than the soft-
ware designers. The development of ”Smart homes”
technology should factor in the Emotional both pos-
itive and negative reactions to the smart home e.g.
daily interaction is potentially positive but being mon-
itored potentially negative. The Accessibility of the
solutions for people with e.g. physical tremors, poor
eyesight, wheel-chair bound, and cognitive decline.
Within this, personality differences may be very im-
portant e.g. those wanting flexible dialogue compared
to those needing directive dialogue with the system.
Grundy, J., Khalajzadeh, H. and Mcintosh, J.
Towards Human-centric Model-driven Software Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0009806002290238
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2020), pages 229-238
ISBN: 978-989-758-421-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Incorporating ”Human-centric” software issues into Model-Driven Software Engineering.
The Usability of the software for a group of people
with varied needs e.g. incorporating the use of voice
or gestures or modified smart phone interface.
The ageing population is diverse and therefore
smart home technology must accommodate for the
different Ages, Genders, Cultures and Languages of
users including appropriate use of text, colours, sym-
bols. This is particularly important as one quarter of
the elderly in Australia are non-native English speak-
ers and the majority women, but by far the major-
ity of software developers are 20-something year old
English-speaking men. Within this, personality dif-
ferences may be very important e.g. those wanting
flexible dialogue compared to those needing direc-
tive dialogue with the system. Failure to incorporate
human-centric issues into the development of Smart
Home software has the potential to result in a home
that is unsuitable for who it is designed to help, by in-
troducing confusing, possibly unsettling and invasive,
and even potentially dangerous technology.
2.2 Key Challenges
Current software engineering approaches ignore
many of these human-centric issues or address them
in piece-meal, ad-hoc ways (Prikladnicki et al., 2013;
Curumsing et al., 2019; Hartzel, 2003; Wirtz et al.,
2009; Ameller et al., 2010). For example, key aspects
of Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE) are
outlined in Figure 1. In MDSE, user requirements for
the software are captured and represented by a vari-
ety of abstract requirements models (a). These are
then refined to detailed design models (b) to describe
the software solution. These design models are then
transformed by a set of generators into software code
(c) to implement the target system (Schmidt, 2006).
However, currently almost no human-centric issues
are captured, reasoned about or used when produc-
ing or testing this software (Miller et al., 2015; Yusop
et al., 2016).
2.3 Generating More Human-centric
We need to fully integrate these human-centric issues
into model-driven software development. In order to
do this, we aim to carry out the following steps:
1. Use a co-creational, agile Living Lab-based
approach, enabling software teams to capture
and reason about under-represented, under-used,
under-supported yet critical human-centric re-
quirements of target software;
2. Develop a new set of human-centric requirements
modelling languages, enabling software engineers
to effectively model diverse human-centric is-
sues, along with new approaches for obtaining and
extracting such human-centric software require-
ments from a wide variety of sources e.g. Word,
PDF, natural language, videos, sketches,...;
3. Augment conventional model-driven engineering
design models with human-centric requirements
for use during MDSE, along with techniques to
verify the completeness, correctness and consis-
tency of these models, and proactively check them
against best practice models and principles;
4. Develop new techniques to incorporate these
human-centric issues in design models into
MDSE-based software code generators, enabling
target software to dynamically adapt to differing
user needs at run-time; and
5. Use these human-centric requirements dur-
ing software testing to support human-centric
requirements-based testing of software systems,
along with techniques to receive feedback from
users on human factors-related defects in their
software solutions.
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: A clinician-oriented Domain-specific Visual Language for care plan modelling and using Model-driven Engineering
to generate an eHealth app.
Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE) cap-
tures high-level models about software requirements
i.e. what users need their software to do. MDSE then
refines these models to detailed designs about how
the software solution is organised, composed and its
appearance. Model transformation then turns these
models into software code. This is in contrast with
most current software development methods which
use informal and imprecise models, hand-translation
into code via error-prone, and time-consuming low-
level hand-coding. Advantages of MDSE-based ap-
proaches include capture of formal models of a soft-
ware system at high levels of abstraction, being able
to formally reason about these high-level models and
more quickly locate errors, and being able to generate
lower-level software artefacts, such as code, without
overheads and errors of traditional hand-translating
informal models.
However, most MSDE approaches use generic re-
quirements and design languages e.g. the Unified
Modelling Language (UML) and extensions (Fon-
toura et al., 2000; Kent, 2002). These have the dis-
advantages of being overly complex and very difficult
to use by non-software engineering domain experts
(Hutchinson et al., 2011). Domain-specific Visual
Languages (DSVLs) provide a more accessible ap-
proach to presenting complex models for domain ex-
perts (Sprinkle and Karsai, 2004). DSVLs use one or
more visual metaphors, typically derived from the do-
main experts, to represent the model(s). They enable
domain experts to understand and even create and
use the models directly, rather than rely on software
engineers. These DSVLs are then used to generate
software code and configuration artefacts to realise
a software solution via MDSE approaches. This ap-
proach provides higher abstractions and productivity,
improves target software quality, provides for repeata-
bility, and supports systematic reuse of best practices
(Sprinkle and Karsai, 2004; Hutchinson et al., 2011;
Kent, 2002; Schmidt, 2006).
There are many DSVLs for MDSE tools (Sprinkle
and Karsai, 2004; Li et al., 2014; Ali et al., 2013).
A representative example is shown in Figure 2: (a) a
custom DSVL designed for clinicians is being used to
model a new patient care plan for diabetes and obe-
sity management. Then (b) a model transformer takes
the care plan and generates a mobile app to assist
the patient to implement their plan (Khambati et al.,
2008). This is a major improvement on developing
software using conventional techniques. However, the
approach fails to model or incorporate into the mobile
app a range of critical human-centric issues, result-
ing in its failure in practice. Patient-specific, human-
centric needs are not captured e.g. technology accep-
tance and emotional reactions e.g. some patients react
negatively to the remote monitoring approach used.
Some users are not English speakers. Colours and
care plan model language used in the app are confus-
ing for many older users. Users with eye-sight limi-
tations find the app too hard to see and too fiddly to
interact with. The app can not adapt to different con-
texts of use or preferences of the users e.g. it can not
Towards Human-centric Model-driven Software Engineering
use their smart home sensors or each patient’s particu-
lar mobile app dialogue preferences. The app displays
Euro-centric terminology about well-being, therefore,
putting off some users from following their care plan.
We need to incorporate these human-centric issues
into MDE (Ameller et al., 2010).
There has been recent interest in the human-
centric issues of complex software and how to bet-
ter support these during software development. Agile
methods, design thinking and living lab approaches
all try and incorporate a human element both in elicit-
ing software requirements and in involving end users
of software in the development process (Dyb
a and
Dingsøyr, 2008; Hyysalo and Hakkarainen, 2014;
Mummah et al., 2016). However, none capture
human-centric issues in any systematic way and
therefore the software fails to address several critical
aspects of the human users. Some new approaches
have tried to capture limited human-centric software
issues. Emotional aspects of software usage include
identifying the emotional reactions of users e.g. when
engaging with health and fitness apps or for gaming.
Work has been done modelling these Emotional Re-
quirements and applying them to challenging eHealth
domains (Miller et al., 2015; Curumsing et al., 2019).
Figure 3 shows a representative example using an
emotion-oriented requirements DSVL to design bet-
ter smart homes (Grundy et al., 2018). Here a con-
ventional goal-based DSVL (1) has been augmented
with a set of ”emotional goal” elements (2) specific
to different users (3). Human characteristics like age,
gender, culture and language can dramatically impact
aspects of software, especially in the user interface
presented by the software and the dialogue had with
the user (Hartzel, 2003; Stock et al., 2008; Wirtz
et al., 2009). Limited support for the capture of some
of these has been developed. Another example is
a multi-lingual requirements tool providing require-
ments modelling in English and Bahasa Malaysia, in-
cluding supporting linguistic and some cultural differ-
ences between users (Kamalrudin et al., 2017).
Usability and usability testing has long been stud-
ied in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research
and practice. However, usability defect reporting is
very under-researched in the context of software en-
gineering (Yusop et al., 2016). Similarly, a lot of
work has been done on accessibility in HCI e.g. sight,
hearing or cognitively impaired (Stock et al., 2008;
Wirtz et al., 2009), and health IT e.g. mental health
challenges when using mobile apps (Donker et al.,
2013). However, little has been done to evaluate the
extent to which physical and mental challenges are
properly addressed in engineering software develop-
ment, and is also poorly supported in practice. Per-
sonality, team climate and organisational issues relat-
ing to people have been heavily researched in Man-
agement, Information Systems, and the personality
of programmers and testers in software development
(Pikkarainen et al., 2008; Soomro et al., 2016). How-
ever, little attention has been paid to how to go about
supporting differing personality, team climate or or-
ganisational or user culture in software, nor to capture
requirements relating to these human-centric issues.
Traditional software requirements and design models
have very limited (or no) ability to capture these sorts
of human-centric software issues, and approaches are
ad-hoc, inconsistent, and incomplete.
There are no modelling principles, DSVL-based
model design principles, nor widely applicable, prac-
tical modelling tools to capture human-centric soft-
ware issues at requirements or design levels. While
a DSVL provides a more human-centric engineer-
ing approach, it fails to capture and support the key
human-centric issues in the target software itself.
Current MDSE tools, while providing significant soft-
ware engineering benefits do not support modelling
and using these critical human-centric issues. Cur-
rent software engineering processes lack consistent,
coherent ways to address these increasingly important
human-centric software issues and thus they are often
very incompletely supported or in fact are usually ig-
We aim to employ several innovative approaches
to (i) systematically capture and model a wide
range of human-centric software requirements and
develop a novel integrated taxonomy and formal
model for these; (ii) promote a wide range of
human-centric requirements for first-class considera-
tion during software engineering by applying princi-
ples for modelling and reasoning about these human-
centric requirements using DSVLs; (iii) support a
wide range human-centric requirements in model-
driven engineering during software generation and
run-time reconfiguration via MDSE techniques; and
(iv) systematically use human-centric requirements
for requirements-based software testing and reporting
human-centric software defects. This will improve
model-driven software engineering by placing cru-
cially important, but to date often forgotten, human-
centric aspects of software as first-class considera-
tions in model-driven software engineering. The crit-
ical importance of this is really only just becoming
recognised, due to the increasing breadth of uses of IT
in society and the increasing recognition that under-
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 3: A Human-centric, Emotion-oriented Domain-specific Visual Language.
standing and incorporating the very diverse needs of
our very diverse software end users is essential. Key
features of this approach include:
Use of the Living Lab concept’s design think-
ing, agile, co-creation and continuous feedback
mechanisms. These will be used to provide a
MDSE approach in which human-centric require-
ments can be effectively and efficiently captured,
treated as priorities by the software team, users
can quickly report defective software violating
these human-centric requirements, and the soft-
ware team can work effectively with these end
users to co-design changes.
A set of principles for domain-specific visual
modelling languages will be developed that en-
able software engineers to capture a wide range
of human-centric aspects of software: including
user’s age, gender, cultural preferences, language
needs, emotional needs, personality and cognitive
characteristics, and accessibility constraints, both
physical and mental. These and other human end
user characteristics are essential to prioritise dur-
ing both software development and software de-
ployment to ensure a useful and usable end prod-
uct results for a broad range of end users.
These principles will be used to design a range
of novel DSVLs that fully support the capture of
many of the important human-centric aspects and
model them as the critical requirements issues that
they are.
Augmented models that ensure these modelled
human-centric properties are preserved for use at
design-time to ensure that MDSE-based solutions
take them into account appropriately when gener-
ating software applications.
We will develop a new framework for human-
centric, requirements-based testing of software
that can verify whether the constructed software
systems meet these critical human-centric require-
Figure 4: Overall approach.
Figure 4 illustrates the new human-centric, model-
driven software engineering approach we aim to pro-
duce. We have identified a set of key approaches
that are needed to achieve this vision. An Agile Liv-
ing Lab approach will be used to colocate the soft-
ware team and target end users (Grundy et al., 2018).
This will provide a co-creational environment to elicit
human-centric requirements, model and capture with
Towards Human-centric Model-driven Software Engineering
human-centric DSVLs, and receive continuous feed-
back from users.
A set of DSVL tools will be used to capture and
model the human-centric requirements, validate them
against design principles and best practice modelling
patterns, and translate them to extended design-level
models. A set of MDSE generators will generate soft-
ware applications – code, configurations, etc. Unlike
existing generators, these will take into account vari-
ations of end-users as specified in the human-centric
requirements, producing either multiple versions of
the target software applications and/or reconfigurable
applications that adapt to each end user’s differing
human-centric needs.
A combination of human-centric requirements
testing and continuous defect feedback will be fed
to the development team. By leveraging the Living
Lab concept, this will enable both faster feedback
and defect correction, but also better evolution and
modelling of the human-centric requirements over
time. Lessons will be fed into the improvement of the
DSVL tools, best practice patterns and MDSE gener-
ators. We have identified a set of necessary research
activities to achieve this outcome, summarised below.
5.1 A Human-centric Agile Living Lab
Human-centric requirements have to be elicited from
target end users (or stakeholders), captured (or mod-
elled) using our DVSL-based tools, used by extended
MDSE solutions to generate software, and then the
software tested and user feedback accepted and ac-
tioned to correct requirements and design model prob-
A new approach is needed to effectively support
the software team in achieving this, and propose in-
vestigating the Living Lab co-creation concept that
has become popular in digital health software devel-
opment (Hyysalo and Hakkarainen, 2014; Grundy
et al., 2018). We are establishing this lab with a
domain-specific focus with partner companies and
target end users and the software team co-located
as in Agile customer-in-team approaches (Dyb
a and
Dingsøyr, 2008; Pikkarainen et al., 2008). Target end
users and developers closely collaborate to elicit, cap-
ture, test, use and refine the human-centric software
requirements. The DSVL modelling tools, MDSE
generators and testing tools all need to support col-
laborative capture, discussion and refinement of the
human-centric requirements for this to be most ef-
fective. We plan to do this by extending our cur-
rent work on developing digital health technologies
(Grundy et al., 2018), human-centric software engi-
neering processes in software teams, including per-
sonality and team climate (Salleh et al., 2018), and
collaborative DSVL-based modelling tools (Grundy
et al., 2013).
To the best of our knowledge, no taxonomy of
human-centric software requirements or even infor-
mal definition exists at this time. We are working on
developing a new, rich taxonomy of human-centric re-
quirements for software systems. The taxonomy will
include different human-centric concepts relating to
computer software, and will draw on other disciplines
including HCI, usability, psychology, and others to
build the conceptual model, and provide detailed re-
lationships and trade-offs between different human-
centric requirements.
We are applying this to a number of represen-
tative requirements examples to test and refine it,
and use the outcomes to inform the development of
DSVLs, DSVL tools and MDSE solutions in other
activities. This is critical research as it will provide
software engineers a set of principles and concep-
tual model to model and reason about these kinds of
requirements. We are conducting a detailed analy-
sis of several representative real-world software ap-
plications from eHealth apps, smart homes, commu-
nity service apps, educational apps, and other heavily
human-centric requirements critical domains.
From these we are developing a framework and
model for prioritising human-centric software issues.
This will characterise complex trade-offs and other
relationships between different human-centric issues
that make supporting one issue problematic for other
issues, similar to the Cognitive Dimensions frame-
work (Green and Petre, 1996). We will use focus
groups with end users and developers to refine and
validate our taxonomy. The taxonomy will be tested
on real-world example requirements to gain feedback
from both developers and end users to demonstrate its
effectiveness. We are drawing on our extensive pre-
vious work developing taxonomies for design critics
(Ali et al., 2013), emotion-oriented requirements (Cu-
rumsing et al., 2019), usability defects (Yusop et al.,
2016), and team climate (Soomro et al., 2016).
5.2 Human-centric Requirements
While DSVLs have been an active research area for
at least 20 years, remarkably few principles exist for
design and evaluation of effective DSVLs (Moody,
2009). We are developing a set of new design prin-
ciples and associated DSVL evaluation approaches
to provide more rigorous principles and design steps
for specifically human-centric DSVL development.
This will require us to identify for the range of a
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
human-centric software requirements and design is-
sues identified in the taxonomy built, how we can
model these, use appropriate visual metaphors to rep-
resent the models, how we can support interaction
with the visual models, and how we can reason about
the suitability of these visual models in terms of us-
ability and effectiveness. We are drawing upon the
work on DSVL design tools to achieve this (Grundy
et al., 2013; Li et al., 2014; Ali et al., 2013), as well
as work on ’Physics’ of Notations (Moody, 2009) and
Cognitive Dimensions (Green and Petre, 1996) to de-
velop these DSVL design principles for modelling
human-centric software issues.
We are developing a range of new and augmented
DSVLs to model a wide variety of human-centric is-
sues at the requirements level for software systems.
Some of these DSVLs extend existing requirements
modelling languages in successively more princi-
pled ways than currently e.g. goal-directed re-
quirements languages such as i*, use cases and es-
sential use cases, target user personas, user stories,
etc. However, others may provide wholly novel re-
quirements modelling techniques and diagrams that
are then linked to other requirements models. We
envisage novel requirements capture for things like
identifying cultural, age, accessibility and personal-
ity aspects of target end users. Where multiple target
end users for the same software application have dif-
fering human-centric requirements, multiple or com-
posite models may be necessary. We are building
on a wide range of DSVLs, including for design
tools, requirements, reporting, business processes,
surveys, performance testing, and many others (Ali
et al., 2013; Grundy et al., 2013; Kamalrudin et al.,
2017) as well as digital health software (Grundy et al.,
2018) and work on modelling usability defects and
emotional and multi-lingual requirements (Curums-
ing et al., 2019).
Software requirements need to be elicited from
end users and these are typically held in a variety
of documents and can be obtained in a variety of
ways. We will work - in the context of the Living
Lab - to develop new tools to extract human-centric
requirements from diverse sources, including Power-
point, Word, Excel, PDF, audio transcripts, images
and video. A number of works have addressed differ-
ent parts of this problem, including extracting require-
ments using light weight and heavy weight natural
language processing (Ali et al., 2010; Lee and Xue,
1999). However, none have specifically addressed
the extraction of a wide range of human-centric re-
quirements. We will develop, trial and refine a set
of extraction tools leveraging existing approaches but
focused on human-centric requirements capture and
representation using our DSVLs, within our living lab
approach, and leveraging our human-centric require-
ments taxonomy. These tools will also be refined as
these other related activities are refined and extended,
and applying these tools to representative real-world
requirements artefacts will help us to test and ex-
tend the outputs of these other tasks. We will de-
velop leading-edge tools for extracting requirements
for goal-directed and multi-lingual models (Lee and
Xue, 1999; Kamalrudin et al., 2017), and require-
ments checking and improvement (Ali et al., 2010).
5.3 Using Human-centric Issues in
Model Driven Engineering
MDSE tools typically use Unified Modelling Lan-
guage (UML) or similar design models. Even those
using their own design models need to refine higher-
level abstract requirements models into lower-level
architectural, software design, interface, database and
other models. We will explore different ways to ef-
fectively extend design-level models to capture nec-
essary design-level human-centric properties, derived
from higher level human-centric requirements-level
properties (Ameller et al., 2010). For example, we
want to capture design alternatives to achieve an ap-
plication user interface for a target end user who has
sight-impairment, prefers a gesture-based sensor in-
terface to using a Smart phone, has limited mobility,
and is quite ”neurotic” about device feedback.
We will evaluate the different modelling solutions
via our living lab with both software engineers and
end users, in terms of needed design information and
preserving critical human-centred end user needs re-
spectively. Even partial successful outcomes here will
be immediately of interest and applicable for software
teams. We will extend design models with aspects
(Mouheb et al., 2009), goal-use case model integra-
tion (Lee and Xue, 1999), and goal-models extended
with emotions (Curumsing et al., 2019; Grundy et al.,
2018). Just because we add human-centric issues to
our requirements and design models does not mean
they may be correct or even appropriate. We will de-
velop a set of proactive tool support systems to ad-
vise software engineers of errors or potentially incor-
rect/unintended issues with their models (Ali et al.,
2013; Robbins and Redmiles, 1998). This will en-
able the DSVL toolsets for human-centric require-
ments and design models to provide proactive feed-
back to modellers. To enable these design critics
we will develop a range of ”human-centric require-
ments and design patterns”. These will provide best-
practice approaches to modelling complex require-
ments and design models mixed with human-centric
Towards Human-centric Model-driven Software Engineering
issues. These features will be added to successive
iterations of our prototype tools from above. This
work will build on our approaches to develop DSVL
design critics (Ali et al., 2013) and DSVL-based re-
quirements and design pattern modelling tools (Ka-
malrudin et al., 2011).
Once we have some quality design-level human-
centric issues in models (incremental outcomes from
the above activities), we can use these in model-
driven engineering code and configuration generators.
Results from this work will be fed back to extending
the taxonomy and human-centric design principles.
This will involve adding generators that consume
design level models augmented with human-centric
properties and synthesizing software applications that
use these appropriately. For example, we might gen-
erate a gesture-based, passive-voice feedback solution
for the target user from the example above. How-
ever, we might instead generate several interfaces for
the same software feature, and at run-time configure
the software either with pre-deployment knowledge,
end user input, or even modify it while in use based
on end user feedback. Thus for example a part of
the software for our smart home example could adapt
to different end users’ current and changing needs
(e.g. age, culture, emerging physical and mental chal-
lenges, personality etc).
This work will be done incrementally, focusing on
single issues first then looking at successively more
complex combinations, adding support to the proto-
type tools and repeatedly trialling the tools. We will
work on adding human-centric issues to MDSE code
generators (Ameller et al., 2010), generating adap-
tive user interfaces (Lavie and Meyer, 2010), adaptive
run-time software (Mohamed Almorsy, 2014), and
DSVL-based MDSE solutions (Sprinkle and Karsai,
5.4 Using Human-centric Requirements
in Testing, Defect Reporting and
Continuous Feedback
Here we will address critically important issues of
(i) testing whether the resultant software generated
from our augmented MDSE actually meets the re-
quirements specified; (ii) providing a feedback mech-
anism for end users to report defects in the software
specifically relating to human-centric issues; and (iii)
providing a feedback mechanism from software de-
velopers to users about changes made relating to their
personal human-centric issues. We are developing
a human-centric requirements-based testing frame-
work, techniques and tools. These enable human-
centric issues to be used in acceptance tests to im-
prove validation of software against these require-
ments. We will also develop new human-centric de-
fect reporting mechanisms and developer review and
notification mechanisms. These will support continu-
ous defect reporting, correction, and feedback via the
living lab and remotely. Even partial outcomes would
be of immediate benefit to the software engineering
research and practice communities. This work is ex-
tending research on software tester practices and us-
ability defect reporting (Yusop et al., 2016; Garousi
and Zhi, 2013) and requirements-based testing (Ka-
malrudin et al., 2017).
5.5 Trials on Industry-scale Examples
We will trial our approach with real industry practi-
tioners and organisations for whom human-centric is-
sues are critical. Our approach is particularly suit-
able on applications with end users with challeng-
ing human-centric issues, such as physical or men-
tal disability, English as second language, cognitive
decline, very young or old, and needing software to
adapt to their changing personal or contextual usage
needs. Planned target application domains include
digital health apps for community members, commu-
nity educational apps, government service and trans-
port apps and websites, and smart home and smart
building management software.
We have proposed a new approach to incorporating
and supporting a wide range of human-centric issues
into model-driven software development. We are set-
ting up a co-creational, agile living lab in which to
collaborative elicit user requirements, capture in aug-
mented models, generate multiple solutions, and en-
able requirements-based testing and feedback. We are
developing a new taxonomy of human-centric issues
and then incorporating these into requirements and
design modelling languages and tools. We are using
these augmented models in model-driven engineering
to generate multiple versions of software to support
diverse end user needs, or support run-time adaptation
of the generated code to these needs. We are support-
ing iterative user feedback to proactively incorporate
human-centric issues into models and re-generating
and re-deploying solutions.
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Support from ARC Discovery Project DP170101932
and ARC Laureate Program FL190100035 is grate-
fully acknowledged.
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