GeoTIFF” feature of the latest ODM project can be
utilized to calculate the normalized difference vege-
tation index (NDVI) online which is shown in Figure
9. This client-side resource-saving feature is a really
good show-case of a low-cost end-to-end system.
Figure 9: Server-Side NDVI calculation from the processed
dataset using scaled nodes in WebODM portal.
In the future, further evaluation with larger datasets
can be performed to get a better idea about the sys-
tem saturation point. Security and backup, aspects
need to be considered to provide cloud service-level-
agreement with the proposed approach. To conclude,
the proposed scheme and the initial results repre-
sented a show-case in setting up a cloud-based web-
portal for faster and resource-efficient drone imagery
mapping on-premise.
This work is part of the SPECTORS project
with project number 143081, which is funded by
the cooperation program INTERREG Deutschland-
Nederland. The authors would like to acknowledge
the support of KnowH2O and Wageningen University
& Research in consultation, and the teuto.net Netzdi-
enste GmbH in technical support for the system.
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