shown that the simulation has a tendency to empha-
size some errors that are otherwise dampened by the
real feeder.
The learned feeder designs presented in Figure 1
and 8 reorients the parts by exploiting their mass dis-
tribution and attempt to topple them into one orien-
tation. The track shape is then held constant to keep
the parts in their new orientation. This removes the
need for a designer to make informed decisions on
the orientation strategy, both in terms of deciding on
a suitable trap type, as well as deciding which part ori-
entation to optimize the feeder towards. This results
in a system which is easier to use for non-experts.
In this paper, a new approach to vibratory feeder de-
sign has been presented. The approach is based on a
Genetic Algorithm with self-adaption of its strategy
values. The approach creates working designs that
attempt to reorient all parts in the feeder to a single
orientation. The novelty of the approach is that it can
grow free-form features adapted to the specific part,
which is a clear distinction from previous methods,
that optimizes fixed designs by varying their inherent
parameters. The design approach was used to learn
designs for two parts, where it in both cases formed
features that toppled the parts and subsequently held
them in place in their new orientation. The obtained
designs yielded promising results with high success
rates making the presented approach a solid basis for
future work.
There are multiple open issues that can be addressed
with future work. Most notable is that the results do
not provide 100% successful reorientation, and for the
designs to be used in industry this needs to be han-
dled. Moreover, the simulation accuracy, although
producing useful realistic results, is not perfect. An
approach to address this could be adding controlled
noise to the sensitive parameters such as geometry,
mass distribution, friction, etc., forcing the learning to
adapt the design to account for these variations, and
thus creating a more robust result.
Furthermore, the simulation involves only one
part on the track. This neglects the influence of part
interaction on the learned design and the effect this
has is an open question that must be addressed in the
Additionally, even with a perfect simulation, there
is no inherent guarantee in the algorithm, that it finds a
perfect design using only the current strategy of reori-
enting the parts. Thus, it could be necessary to extend
the design method with another strategy which more
aggressively optimizes towards rejecting parts in all
but one orientation.
It is also likely that better performance can be
achieved by having specific strategy parameters of
each individual gene, as e.g. the optimal value for mu-
tation rate could be different for the distance between
segments and the 2D-points of the cross-sections. In-
vestigating this in the future could lead to faster con-
vergence and improved performance and is essen-
tially free to investigate due to the GA’s self-adaption.
Naturally, the settings in Table 1 also affect over-
all performance and should be addressed with a clear
policy on how to set them.
Lastly, the approach should also be validated on
more test cases in the future, but in its current state,
this feeder design approach shows promising results.
This work was supported by Innovation Fund Den-
mark as a part of the project “MADE Digital”.
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Free-form Trap Design for Vibratory Feeders using a Genetic Algorithm and Dynamic Simulation