CPA secure since they do not respect the DDH as-
sumption. On one hand, some implementations do
not employ safe primes, an essential condition to form
subgroups of large prime order in which the DDH as-
sumption holds. On the other hand, other implemen-
tations do not apply message encoding mechanisms or
use Quadratic Residue Generators. As a consequence,
20 out of the 26 analyzed libraries may leak one bit of
information about the original message and therefore,
may endanger the validity of an election. Finally, af-
ter comparing four different message encoding tech-
niques that satisfy the DDH assumption, we conclude
which implementation is most convenient for voting
systems. We focused the current study on manually
analyzing the IND-CPA security of open source code
libraries of ElGamal encryption scheme. However, it
is also possible to check the IND-CPA (in-) security
when source code is not available. In fact, by applying
the technique discussed in the Example 4.2 of Section
4, one can black-box test applications. In particular,
such tests can be applied to ElGamal encryptions ob-
tained by Hardware Security Modules (HSM) (Volka-
mer, 2009; Orr and Liam, 2016), which are used
e.g. in the Estonian I-voting system (Springall et al.,
2014). We leave this as future work.
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SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography