Security Analysis of ElGamal Implementations
Mohamad El Laz, Benjamin Gr
egoire and Tamara Rezk
Inria Sophia-Antipolis M
ee, France
ElGamal, DDH Assumption, Quadratic Residues, Voting Systems, Message Encoding.
The ElGamal encryption scheme is not only the most extensively used alternative to RSA, but is also almost
exclusively used in voting systems as an effective homomorphic encryption scheme. Being easily adaptable to
a wide range of cryptographic groups, the ElGamal encryption scheme enjoys homomorphic properties while
remaining semantically secure. This is subject to the upholding of the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH)
assumption on the chosen group. We analyze 26 libraries that implement the ElGamal encryption scheme
and discover that 20 of them are semantically insecure as they do not respect the Decisional Diffie-Hellman
(DDH) assumption. From the five libraries that do satisfy the DDH assumption, we identify and compare four
different message encoding and decoding techniques.
Throughout the last century, especially with the be-
ginning of public key cryptography due to Diffie-
Hellman (Diffie and Hellman, 1976), many crypto-
graphic schemes have been proposed. Their security
depends on mathematically complex problems such
as integer factorization and discrete logarithm. In
fact, it is thought that a cryptographic scheme is se-
cure if it resists cryptographic attacks over a long pe-
riod of time. On one hand, since certain schemes
may take several years before being widely studied in
depth, they become vulnerable as time passes. On the
other hand, a cryptographic scheme is a provable one,
if it resists cryptographic attacks relying on mathe-
matical hypothesis. Being easily adaptable to many
kinds of cryptographic groups, the ElGamal encryp-
tion scheme enjoys homomorphic properties while re-
maining semantically secure (Goldwasser and Micali,
1982), provided that the Decisional Diffie-Hellman
(DDH) assumption holds on the chosen group. While
the homomorphic property forbids resistance against
chosen ciphertext attacks, it is very convenient for
voting systems (Cortier et al., 2015).
The ElGamal encryption scheme (ElGamal, 1985)
is the most extensively used homomorphic encryption
scheme for voting systems (see also Paillier (Paillier,
1999)). Moreover, ElGamal is the only homomorphic
encryption scheme implemented by default in many
hardware security modules (Volkamer, 2009; Orr and
Liam, 2016). In order to be provably secure, the El-
Gamal encryption needs to be implemented on top
of a group verifying the Decisional Diffie-Hellman
(DDH) assumption. Since this assumption does not
hold for all groups, one may have to wrap an encod-
ing and a decoding phase to ElGamal to be able to
have a generic encryption scheme. In this paper, our
main goal is to study ElGamal encryption scheme li-
braries to identify which implementations respect the
DDH assumption.
We manually analyze the source code of 26
libraries that implement the ElGamal encryption
scheme in the wild. We focus our analysis on under-
standing whether the DDH assumption is respected
in these implementations, ensuring a secure scheme
in which no information about the original message
could be leaked. The DDH assumption is crucial
for the security of ElGamal because it ensures indis-
tinguishability under chosen-plaintext attacks (IND-
CPA). Without a group satisfying the DDH assump-
tion, encryption mechanisms may leak one bit of in-
formation about the plaintext and endanger the secu-
rity of the electoral system, thus threatening the pri-
vacy in an election. For instance, when considering an
approval ballot with a yes or no vote, leaking one bit
of information signifies a full leakage of the vote. One
way to comply with the DDH assumption is by using
groups of prime order. In particular, when adopting
safe primes, one can ensure the existence of a large
prime order subgroup (Milne, 2011) and restrict mes-
sages to belong to this subgroup. Mapping plaintexts
into subgroups is called message encoding. Such en-
coding necessitates to be efficient and precisely in-
vertible to allow decoding after the decryption.
El Laz, M., Grégoire, B. and Rezk, T.
Security Analysis of ElGamal Implementations.
DOI: 10.5220/0009817103100321
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2020) - SECRYPT, pages 310-321
ISBN: 978-989-758-446-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In Table 1, we give an overview of our results : out
of 26 analyzed libraries, 20 are wrongly implemented
because they do not respect the conditions to achieve
IND-CPA security under the DDH assumption. This
means that encryptions using ElGamal from any of
these 20 libraries leak one bit of information (see Sec-
tion 4).
From the 6 libraries which respect the DDH as-
sumption, we also study and compare various encod-
ing and decoding techniques. We identify four differ-
ent message encoding and decoding techniques sum-
marized in Table 2. Finally, we discuss the different
designs and conclude which implementation is more
efficient for voting systems.
The ElGamal Scheme. The ElGamal encryption
scheme was introduced in 1985 by Taher ElGamal
(ElGamal, 1985). It relies on Diffie-Hellman key ex-
change and is known to be semantically secure un-
der the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption
where the discrete logarithm problem is hard to solve.
In 2009, Barthe et al. (Barthe et al., 2009) proved
that the ElGamal encryption scheme is secure against
chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) in the standard model
assuming that the DDH problem is hard in the under-
lying group family by using the proof assistant Coq.
The Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem (CS) (Cramer and
Shoup, 1998) was developed by Ronald Cramer and
Victor Shoup in 1998. It is a generalization of ElGa-
mal’s protocol and is provably secure against adap-
tive chosen ciphertext attacks (CCA), under the DDH
assumption. Even though it is a modified version
of ElGamal, the Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem cannot
be used however as a substitute of ElGamal in vot-
ing systems. In fact, being resistant to CCA results
in losing the homomorphic property of the scheme,
which is fundamental for voting systems. In 2006,
ıt Chevallier-Mames et al. (Chevallier-Mames
et al., 2006) proposed an ElGamal encryption alter-
native, using a new encoding-free technique. Their
approach holds better performance than plain ElGa-
mal without the necessity to map the message into
a subgroup. The authors introduce the notion of the
class function based on the difficulty of the Deci-
sional Class Diffie-Hellman (DCDH) assumption. An
essential improvement of the Encoding-Free version
scheme is to avoid message conversion, providing a
wider message space. ElGamal encoding-free is IND-
CPA. However, to date, it is not known how to iden-
tify whether a group satisfies the DCDH assumption
or not.
Semantic Security. The mental poker (Rivest et al.,
1979) is the first protocol known to be vulnerable to
attacks because its encryption scheme does not re-
spect the DDH assumption. The game of mental
poker is an ordinary poker game and communications
between players are done via messages since it is a
game without physical cards. Being exposed to at-
tacks, the mental poker game can leak one bit of in-
formation about the cards by observing whether the
encryption scheme preserves the quadratic residuosity
of a number (Lipton, 1981). Consequently, in 1982,
Goldwasser and Micali introduced the first probabilis-
tic public-key encryption scheme (Goldwasser and
Micali, 1982) which is provably secure under stan-
dard cryptographic assumptions. It is based on the
intractability of Quadratic Residuosity Assumption
modulo a composite n. Considering that the distribu-
tion of quadratic residues and quadratic non-residues
is not the same, one restricts oneself to a subset where
the number of quadratic residues is equal to the num-
ber of quadratic non-residues, and takes only the mes-
sages that are quadratic residues to prevent an attacker
from gaining any information about the original mes-
Encoding Mechanisms. What we call message encod-
ing refers to the mechanism that maps a message into
a specific group. An approach to encode a message is
the hash-ElGamal encoding. This scheme consists of
including a hash function during the encryption pro-
cess. Let h : G {0, 1}
,w h(w) be a hash func-
tion mapping elements to l-bit strings. The encryption
of a message m M where the message space is de-
fined as M = {0,1}
is then given by (g
,m h(y
This encoding mechanism solves the problem of leak-
ing information about the original message but un-
fortunately, it cannot be used for voting systems as
it loses its homomorphic property. Another option
to encode messages is exponent-ElGamal encoding
(Cramer et al., 1997). This technique takes advantage
of a property where any element w G =< g > is
uniquely represented as w = g
for some z Z/qZ.
For any message m Z/qZ, the resulting encod-
ing is g
. The corresponding ciphertext is given by
) = (g
). In this case, the problem is in
the decryption process: to retrieve the original mes-
sage, the computation of the discrete logarithm in G
is needed. Considering that the discrete logarithms
are hard to solve in G, this leads to limit the message
space to a small set where the discrete logarithm prob-
lem is easy to solve by using brute force or Pollard’s
rho algorithm (Pollard, 1978).
Elliptic curve ElGamal is a different variant where
a message m is represented as a point on an elliptic
curve, more accurately, as a point on a prime order
Security Analysis of ElGamal Implementations
subgroup. Elliptic curve cryptography (Koblitz et al.,
2000; Miller, 1985) offers smaller key sizes resulting
in gains in speed and memory, and benefits of the ab-
sence of sub-exponential algorithms that solve the el-
liptic curve discrete logarithm problem. However, en-
codings (Farashahi, 2014; Fadavi et al., 2018; Bern-
stein et al., 2013) mostly do not handle prime-order
elliptic curves as there is no known polynomial time
algorithm for finding a large number of points on an
arbitrary curve. Furthermore, several encodings are
hash-to-curve that are not invertible and therefore not
compatible with group operation which destroys the
homomorphic property (Faz-Hernandez et al., 2019).
Application to E-voting. We briefly discuss elec-
tronic voting systems that use ElGamal encryption.
To get familiar with voting systems, we refer the in-
terested reader to (Ne Oo and Aung, 2014; Cortier
et al., 2016; Volkamer, 2009). E-voting systems are
important as they expand the participation of voters
and offer an efficient way to count votes. However,
without employing secure systems, the use of voting
systems would be meaningless. E-voting uses public-
key cryptography: ElGamal is the most common used
encryption algorithm as it enjoys multiplicative ho-
momorphic properties that allows the addition on the
ciphertexts in order to count ballots without reveal-
ing the identity of the voters. Additionally, ElGamal
enables re-encryption which results in a different ci-
phertext containing the same information. (Paillier
encryption scheme (Paillier, 1999) is a possible op-
tion as well, relying on the DCR assumption). Vari-
ous studies demonstrated the importance of ElGamal
as an encryption scheme for electronic voting sys-
tems (Haines et al., 2019; Adida, 2008). Addition-
ally, several countries (e.g. Estonia (Kubjas et al.,
2017), Norway (Puigalli and Guasch, 2012) and Rus-
sia (Babenko et al., 2017)) are using e-voting systems
as a main mechanism for elections and are employing
ElGamal to count and verify votes. Moreover, in a
note of 15 November 2019, Pierrick Gaudry (Gaudry,
2019) reveals an attack about the Moscow voting sys-
tem because it does not comply with the DDH as-
3.1 Notions and Preliminaries
The ElGamal encryption scheme is known to be IND-
CPA secure under the decisional Diffie-Hellman as-
sumption. In this section we recall some basic defini-
tions and notations that will be used throughout this
Definition 3.1 (Decisional Diffie-Hellman)
Given two distributions DDH
= (g
and DDH
= (g
) where x,y,z are randomly
distributed in Z
, a cyclic group with generator g. It
is hard to distinguish between DDH
and DDH
An encryption scheme is said to be IND-CPA se-
cure if a polynomial time adversary choosing two
plaintexts cannot distinguish between the resulting ci-
phertexts. If the adversary can distinguish between
the ciphertexts better than guessing blindly, we say
that the adversary achieves an advantage. The advan-
tage of any efficient adversary is expressed as a negli-
gible function of the security parameter in the formal
definition of IND-CPA . For ElGamal, the security pa-
rameter is the key length.
To satisfy IND-CPA, an encryption scheme must
necessarily be probabilistic, otherwise an adversary
could trivially detect which message corresponds to
the challenge ciphertext by simply encrypting one of
the messages it has chosen and compare the resulting
ciphertext with the challenge ciphertext.
3.2 The ElGamal Encryption Scheme
ElGamal (ElGamal, 1985) is an asymmetric encryp-
tion scheme, it enjoys homomorphic properties that
are fundamental for the electronic voting systems. El-
Gamal scheme (see Algorithm 1) consists of three al-
gorithms: key generation(η), η being a security pa-
rameter, encryption E(m, pk) with m being a plaintext
and pk a public key, and decryption D(c,sk) where c
is a ciphertext and sk is a private key.
Algorithm 1: ElGamal Scheme.
K G: Pick randomly a secret key x Z
, then
compute y = g
to obtain the public key.
E(m): Let m G and r Z
randomly selected.
The resulting ciphertext is c = (u, v) = (g
D(c): To recover the plaintext, one computes
m = v · u
3.3 Security of ElGamal
A key point for the security of the ElGamal encryp-
tion scheme resides in the group G and its order. One
should start by generating a pair of keys (public and
private), then map the message into a group where the
Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption holds. Hence,
the difficulty consists in finding an efficient invert-
ible group encoding procedure so that one can recover
the original message when decrypting. The ElGamal
cryptosystem operates in a finite cyclic group, which
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
by convention is written multiplicatively. For the sake
of simplicity, we will restrict our discussion to the
group of integers from {1} to {p 1} under mul-
tiplication mod p for some prime p, commonly de-
noted Z
and subgroups of Z
of prime order. More-
over, we will also use |g| to denote the order of an
element g in Z
and < g > to denote the cyclic sub-
group of Z
generated by g. Unless otherwise noted,
assume multiplications and exponentiations involving
elements of Z
are done mod p. As if all subgroups
of a cyclic group are cyclic and if G =
is cyclic,
then for every divisor d of |G| there exists exactly one
subgroup of order d which may be generated (Rot-
man, 1999). One may rely on this property to form a
unique subgroup of quadratic residues elements. To
achieve this goal, the idea is to use a Sophie Ger-
main prime (Pollard, 1978): it is a safe prime p of
the form 2q + 1 where q is also prime. Safe primes
of that form are important for modulo groups as they
guarantee the existence of a subgroup of prime order.
For ElGamal, using a safe prime p, where the order
is p1 = 2q permits to form a subgroup of prime or-
der q that forms the message space we need in order
to encrypt messages. One may take advantage of the
Lagrange theorem (Pollard, 1978) that states that in a
finite group G, the order of any subgroup H divides
the order of the group, to conclude that the prime or-
der subgroup has no subgroups being prime. Finally,
the message space must be restrained to this prime or-
der subgroup.
Quadratic Residues. To make the ElGamal cryp-
tosystem IND-CPA secure, the Decisional Diffie-
Hellman assumption must be respected. As a matter
of fact, one needs to find which type of groups satis-
fies the underlying assumption. A good technique is
to restrict the messages to form the subgroup of prime
order q of quadratic residues. In what follows we will
introduce further explanations and examples to better
understand the role of quadratic residues for the secu-
rity of the ElGamal encryption scheme.
Definition 3.2 (Quadratic Residue) An element a
is said to be a Quadratic Residue modulo n if there
exists x Z
, such that x
a(mod n). Every such x is
called a square root of a modulo n. If no such x exists,
then a is called a Quadratic Non-Residue modulo n.
We denote the set of all quadratic residues modulo n
by QR
and the set of all quadratic non-residues by
Quadratic residues are exactly those elements which
can be written of the form g
where i is even:
} are distinct quadratic residues, while
} are quadratic non-residues. There
exists an efficient algorithm based on Euler’s crite-
rion for deciding quadratic residuosity in Z
, with p
Definition 3.3 (Euler’s Criterion) Let p be an odd
prime. Then a Z
is a quadratic residue modulo p
iff a
1 (mod p).
Therefore, by restricting all the messages to be
Quadratic residues in a safe prime group, a polyno-
mial time adversary cannot distinguish between ele-
ments as all the elements are then quadratic residues.
Hereinafter, we will be using the Legendre symbol
based on Euler’s criterion for its convenient notation
that reports the quadratic residuosity of a mod p.
Definition 3.4 ( Legendre symbol) Let p be an odd
prime , a an integer, such that gcd(a, p) = 1. The
Legendre symbol (LS) is defined to be
1 if a QR
-1 if a QNR
Let p be a prime and g Z
. Given a public key g
the ElGamal encryption scheme encrypts a message
m Z
by computing (g
), with r chosen ran-
domly in Z
. Using the private key x, decryption can
be done by first computing (g
) and then dividing to
retrieve m. The cryptosystem is not semantically se-
cure when g is a generator of Z
, as some informa-
tion about the plaintext is leaked. Specifically, the
Legendre symbol of (m.g
) uncovers the Legendre
symbolof the message m. In order to prove that ElGa-
mal is IND-CPA under the DDH assumption, one may
choose g to be the generator of the group in which
the DDH assumption holds and restrict the message
space to this group. This way, the system is seman-
tically secure as given (g
) and (g
), the secret value
) cannot be distinguished from a random element
in the group. Therefore, (m.g
) cannot be distin-
guished from a random element and an attacker can-
not learn any information about the original message.
In what follows, we will show an example on how to
break the DDH assumption and ElGamal encryption
scheme for Z
Example 4.1 (Breaking the DDH Assumption)
In order to break the DDH assumption, one should
be able to distinguish between two distributions
having elements randomly distributed in a group.
Let p = 2q + 1 = 11 be the group on which we want
to perform the attack (to ease the comprehension of
the example, we consider small parameters size and
Security Analysis of ElGamal Implementations
not secure). Being prime, p has {p 1} elements,
half being quadratic residues (QR) and the other
half being quadratic non-residues (QNR). Given a
tuple (g
) it is hard to decide whether c = xy
or c = z, where z is randomly generated. By LS, we
can check the quadratic residuosity of the elements
, g
and g
= 1 if x is a square (i.e., quadratic
residue), then
= 1 if x is even. Therefore, g
quadratic residue if x is a quadratic residue too. In
addition, if x or y are even, then xy is even and g
is quadratic residue. Taking advantage of all the
before-mentioned notions, we will give a detailed
example on how to break the DDH assumption. A
tuple is a valid DDH tuple if xy c mod p and can
be written as (g
Let p = 11, the challenge is to distinguish whether
(4,5,9) is DDH
or DDH
in G
. For Euler’s crite-
rion, a Z
is a QR iff a
1 (mod p).
1 mod11 5
1 mod11 9
1 mod11
By testing the quadratic residuosity of the three el-
ements, one can notice that all of them are quadratic
residues. In this case, we cannot distinguish be-
tween xy and z. Since the multiplication between two
elements that are quadratic residues, results in an
quadratic residue element, it might be that the third
element of the tuple belongs to DDH
or DDH
. Con-
sequently, we are not able to break the DDH assump-
In this second example, the challenge is to distin-
guish whether (4,5,8) is (g
) or (g
) in
1 mod11 5
1 mod11 8
6≡ 1 mod11
One can notice that the third element of the tuple
is not a quadratic residue. Being both quadratic
residues, the multiplication between g
= 4 and g
= 5
must result in an quadratic residue element. However,
= 8 results being a non quadratic residue element.
In this case, we are able to distinguish between xy
and z by ensuring that (4,5, 8) is DDH
and break
the DDH assumption as a consequence. We empha-
size on the importance of choosing a safe prime group
p, to be able to work in the subgroup of prime order
q by restricting the elements to form the subgroup of
quadratic residues. This guarantees the difficulty of
such attacks on the DDH assumption.
Example 4.2 (Breaking the ElGamal Scheme using
a QR Generator) Being in a group in which the DDH
does not hold may leak information about the original
plaintext. An attacker able to calculate the quadratic
residuosity of an encrypted message, can learn one
bit of information about the original message. An at-
tacker can check whether the encryption of a message
is a QR or not and therefore deduce whether the orig-
inal message is a QR too. In fact, by taking g
and encrypting the message as E (m,k) = (g
one can notice that if m.g
QR then m QR.
Consider the group G
, let x = 4 sk, r = 2 rnd,
g = 3 QR and y = g
= 4 pk.
In the above example, the group G
{1,3,4,5,9} as a subgroup of quadratic residues. Ac-
tually, encrypting a message m QR with a public key
pk QR, results always in an encryption E(m,k)
QR. Thus, by using G
and taking messages belong-
ing to its entire message space, one endangers the se-
curity of the scheme as he allows QR and QNR mes-
sages to be encrypted. An attacker able to calculate
the quadratic residuosity of an element could learn
one bit of information about the original message by
performing the following attack:
(a) g QR, then (g
) is QR.
(b) Check if
is QR or not.
(c) If
QR, the attacker can learn that the
message m QR, as the multiplication between
QR elements result always in a QR element.
(d) If
QNR, then the attacker can learn that
the message m QNR.
Let us check E (1,5) = (9,5):
= 1 g QR,
= 1 (g
) QR.
= 1 E(1, 5) QR.
(c) Being m.g
QR leaks the quadratic residuosity
of m. In fact
= 1 m QR.
The previous example could also be adopted for QNR
messages. In summary, the feasibility of calculating
the quadratic residuosity of an element in a modulo
prime groups, may leak information about the orig-
inal message on top of groups that do not respect
We focus our study on manually checking whether
the underlying groups in ElGamal implementations
satisfy the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. A
summary of our results regarding 26 analyzed li-
braries can be found in Table 1.
We split our work into three tasks to measure the
correctness of the implementations. We first ver-
ify that the implementations use safe primes, next
we check if they adopt quadratic residue generators
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
to generate subgroups in which the DDH assump-
tion holds. Finally, we analyze the message encod-
ing techniques deployed to map the messages into the
before-mentioned subgroups. This study led us to no-
tice that a large number of the considered libraries
are not IND-CPA secure as the encryption may leak
at least one bit of information on the plaintext: 20
libraries do not respect the DDH assumption. More-
over, among these 20 libraries, 10 do not use a safe
prime. In what follows, we describe in details the
problems found in the investigated libraries using the
following classification:
(A) Libraries that do not respect the DDH assump-
tion. There are 20 libraries in this category. In
this class we further classify the libraries that do
not respect the DDH assumption due to 3 dif-
ferent concerns: libraries that do not deploy a
safe prime, libraries that do not adopt a quadratic
residue generator, and libraries that do not use a
correct message encoding technique to map the
messages into the intended subgroup.
(B) Libraries that do respect the DDH assumption.
There are 6 libraries in this category. However,
they do not all use the same encoding technique.
Thus, we describe in detail the 4 different encod-
ing techniques, discussing their advantages and
Libraries’ Relevance. This paper will provide a brief
description on the relevance of some of the chosen
libraries for analysis. Belenios (Belenios, 2016) has
been deployed on an online platform and it is used in
more than 200 elections, both in academia and in ed-
ucation. Similarly, Helios (Helios, 2008) is used for
the election of the International Association for Cryp-
tographic Research members board, the ACM general
elections, the election of UCLouvain president and for
other student elections. On the other hand, the Esto-
nian voting system (Estonia, 2017) has been used for
the European Parliament elections, local government
council elections and the election of the president of
the Republic. Swisspost (Swisspost, 2018) then offers
voting system services for cantons and municipalities
in Switzerland, while Verificatum (Verificatum, 2017)
is used in binding elections, student body elections
and intra-party elections.
5.1 Libraries That Do Not Respect
In this section, we will present the implementations
that do not respect the conditions to achieve an IND-
CPA secure ElGamal scheme. Working on groups
modulo p, a secure ElGamal scheme has to adopt safe
primes, a quadratic residue generator, and a message
encoding technique to map the messages into a sub-
group that respects the Decisional Diffie-Hellman as-
sumption. Twenty out of twenty six libraries violate
one or more of the before-mentioned conditions: all
the libraries in this section do not employ message
encoding techniques.
Lack of Safe Prime. In this category, 10 libraries
(Diaz, 2017; Alves, 2015; Sidorov, 2016; Lee, 2017;
Wang, 2017; Pankratiew, 2018; Pellegrini, 2017;
Musat, 2017; Libgcrypt, 2013; Moscow, 2019a) do
not use safe primes. Instead, these implementations
focus on generating large numbers and checking their
primality. This method does not guarantee the gen-
eration of a safe prime. In fact, a safe prime of the
form p = 2q + 1 where q is also a large prime, is es-
sential as it forms a large prime subgroup of order q.
Conversely, using an arbitrary large prime results in a
p 1 group order, that can be decomposed into small
prime order subgroups. Hence, small prime order
subgroups are exposed to subgroup attacks in which
the discrete logarithm is easy to compute by using
the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm (Pohlig and Hellman,
1978) or the Pollard’s rho algorithm (Pollard, 1978).
Lack of QR Generators. In this category, we dis-
cuss the libraries that do not use quadratic residue
generators. Among the 20 libraries that do not re-
spect DDH, 5 libraries (Nasr, 2015; Ridhuan, 2016;
Elgamir, 2016; Pycrypto, 2012; Ioannou, 2014) use a
safe prime p = 2q + 1 but do not choose a quadratic
residue generator. Using a safe prime without a
quadratic residue generator does not guarantee a sub-
group of prime order q in which the DDH assumption
stands. In what follows we show an example on the
feasibility of learning information about the plaintext
when we do not employ a quadratic residue generator.
Example 5.1 (Breaking ElGamal without a QR
generator) To break ElGamal without a QR gener-
ator, it is sufficient to break the underlying assump-
tion. The DDH assumption does not hold in Z
if g
is a generator of Z
. This is because the Legendre
symbol of g
reveals whether a is even or odd. Given
), one can compute the LS and compare the
least significant bit of a, b and ab, which allows to
distinguish between g
and a random element group.
Having a distinguisher against DDH means having
a distinguisher against ElGamal and therefore break
Lack of Encoding. We point out the relevance of
message encoding mechanisms as a crucial require-
ment in ElGamal scheme. Despite generating a safe
prime and choosing a quadratic residue generator, 5
libraries (Botan, 2018; Riddle, 2014; Norvegia, 2017;
Pycryptodome, 2018; Swisspost, 2018) do not use a
Security Analysis of ElGamal Implementations
Table 1: An overview on the 26 analyzed libraries (where T1, T2, T3 and T4 are listed in Table 2).
Library Safe prime QR Generator Encoding Decoding DDH
Belenios (Belenios, 2016) X X T3 T3 Yes
Botan (Botan, 2018) X X 7 7 No
Cryptology (Nasr, 2015) X 7 7 7 No
Elgamal-api (Diaz, 2017) 7 7 7 7 No (Alves, 2015) 7 7 7 7 No
ElGamalExt (Sidorov, 2016) 7 7 7 7 No
ElGamal.h (Lee, 2017) 7 7 7 7 No
ElGamal.hs (Ridhuan, 2016) X 7 T3 T3 No
Elgamal.hpp (Wang, 2017) 7 7 7 7 No (Pankratiew, 2018) 7 7 7 7 No
Elgamal-lib.c (Pellegrini, 2017) 7 7 7 7 No (Musat, 2017) 7 7 7 7 No (Riddle, 2014) X X 7 7 No
Elgamir (Elgamir, 2016) X 7 7 7 No
Estonia (Estonia, 2017) X X T1 T1 Yes
Helios (Helios, 2008) X X T2 T2 Yes
Libgcrypt (Libgcrypt, 2013) 7 7 7 7 No
Microsoft (Microsoft, 2019) X X T3 T3 Yes
Moscow 07-19 (Moscow, 2019a) 7 7 7 7 No
Moscow 09-19 (Moscow, 2019b) X X T4 T4 Yes
Norway (Norvegia, 2017) X X 7 7 No
PyCrypto (Pycrypto, 2012) X 7 7 7 No
PyCryptodome (Pycryptodome, 2018) X X 7 7 No
RSA-ElGamal (Ioannou, 2014) X 7 7 7 No
Swisspost (Swisspost, 2018) X X 7 7 No
Verificatum (Verificatum, 2017) X X T1 T1 Yes
message encoding to map the messages into a valid
subgroup. However, by adopting the standard en-
cryption scheme of ElGamal, the message space is
not restricted to the expected subgroup. This imply
that even in the presence of a safe prime and con-
sequently the presence of a subgroup of prime order
generated by a quadratic residue generator, the mes-
sage to encrypt is not mapped into the designed sub-
group. Hence, an attacker can gain knowledge about
the original message and expose the entire scheme to
total insecurity. To better understand the importance
of using a message encoding method, we display an
attack on how to break a scheme that does not map
messages into the intended subgroup (see example in
Section 4).
5.2 Libraries That Do Respect DDH
In this section, we will present the implementations
that respect the DDH assumption and therefore imple-
ment an IND-CPA secure ElGamal scheme. As men-
tioned in the previous section, a well implemented li-
brary should adopt a safe prime, a quadratic residue
generator, and a message encoding technique. Only 6
out of the 26 analyzed libraries (Belenios, 2016; Es-
tonia, 2017; Helios, 2008; Microsoft, 2019; Moscow,
2019b; Verificatum, 2017) respect all of the previ-
ously mentioned conditions. In the following para-
graphs, we will discuss in detail the message encoding
techniques implemented in these libraries. In particu-
lar, we can categorize four different techniques.
5.2.1 Limited Message Space and
The Estonian and Verificatum. In this paragraph,
we will present two libraries that implement ElGa-
mal using the same technique: the Estonian voting
system and Verificatum. The Estonian government
relies on Internet voting in a significant way for na-
tional elections. While the Estonian voting system
(Estonia, 2017) is implemented in Java, Verificatum
(Verificatum, 2017), which implements provably se-
cure cryptography libraries for electronic voting sys-
tems, is implemented in JavaScript. To comply with
the IND-CPA security of ElGamal, these two imple-
mentations adopt a safe prime, and generate the sub-
group of prime order in which the DDH assumption
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
holds. Both implementations allow messages m to be
any integer from [1, p 1]. Hence, before encrypting,
one checks if m is a QR by checking m
1 mod p:
Proof 1 Euler’s criterion states that a Z
is a
quadratic residue modulo p iff a
1 (mod p). Be-
ing q =
, then a
= a
1 (mod p).
If the equivalence is confirmed then m is encrypted
as a QR, else the message is rejected and an error is
raised (see Listing 1). In fact, these two implementa-
tions take as an input messages in Z
and rejects half
of the messages that are not QR instead of encoding
them (also see Helios in Subsection 5.2.2). Besides
that, using q-exponentiations to encrypt messages can
be optimized as we will explain in Section 6.
switch ( legendre (m)) {
case 1:
return new ModPGroupElement(this, m);
case 1:
throw new IllegalArgumentException(”Can not
encode as quadratic residue ) ;
// Negate if not a quadratic residue .
var value = new LargeInteger (bytesToUse);
return new ModPGroupElement(this, value);
Listing 1: Limited space and q-exponentiations ElGamal
encoding (Verificatum, 2017).
5.2.2 Encoding with q-exponentiations
Helios. Helios (Helios, 2008), is a known library
implemented in Python. It is used for voting sys-
tems and can be manipulated to meet the needs of
the users. Helios, is vulnerable to ballot stuffing as
a dishonest bulletin board could add ballots without
anyone noticing (Belenios, 2016). Being IND-CPA
secure, ElGamal in Helios is implemented by gener-
ating a safe prime p = 2q + 1 where p and q are both
large primes. It then selects a generator g of the sub-
group of prime order q. Before encrypting a message
m, a mapping to the prime order subgroup is done. As
the implementation allows the message m to be any
integer from [0, p 1], one computes m
= m + 1 (to
avoid picking m = 0) and checks whether m
is a QR.
If m
1 mod p then it outputs m
which belongs to
the QR elements (as in Subsection 5.2.1), else, it out-
puts m
. Please note that m
mod p belongs also
to the QR elements. Being a safe prime p and p 3
mod 4, ensures the fact that 1 is a square element and
1 is a non-square element. This is essential in turn-
ing a non-square element m into a square element m.
After decryption, one obtains m and checks if m q.
If m q then m
= m otherwise m
= m. To recover
the message, one computes m = m
1 (see Listing
Proof 2 This is because x
mod p. So the
squares of the first half of the nonzero numbers mod p
give a complete list of the nonzero quadratic residues
mod p. If p is an odd prime, the residue classes of
} are distinct and give a complete
list of the quadratic residues modulo p. So there are
residues and
non-residues. This gives a com-
plete list as x
and (p x)
are equivalent mod p:
mod p p|x
p|(x y)(x + y)
p|(x y) or p|(x + y)
which is impossible if x and y are two different mem-
bers of the set.
As we will see in the Section 6, it is possible to re-
duce to 2 the q-exponentiations, and therefore obtain
a more efficient encoding process.
if (encode m) {
var y = m.add(BigInt. ONE);
var test = y.modPow(pk.q, pk.p);
if ( test . equals ( BigInt .ONE)) {
this .m = y;
} else
this .m = y. negate () .mod(pk.p); }
Listing 2: ElGamal encoding with q-exponentiations
(Helios, 2008).
5.2.3 Hard Decoding
Belenios and Microsoft. Belenios (Belenios, 2016)
is a verifiable voting system built upon Helios. It can
be used to organize elections and perform verification.
Contrary to Helios, Belenios provides eligibility ver-
ifiability as anyone can check that ballots are coming
from legitimate voters: each voter receives a private
credential, while the election server receives only the
corresponding public credential. Therefore, even if
the election server is compromised, no ballot can be
added. Microsoft Election guard (Microsoft, 2019)
is a library that verifies voting ballots. Concerning
ElGamal encryption scheme a message m is encoded
as g
where g is the QR generator of the prime order
subgroup: every element written in the form of g
longs to the subgroup generated by g. The choice of
using the exponential version of ElGamal is to bene-
fit from turning the multiplicative homomorphism of
ElGamal into an additive one. After decryption, one
should compute the discrete logarithm of g
in order
to recover the initial message m. This is possible by
using Pollard-lambda algorithm or brute force only if
m is taken from a small subset and not from the entire
interval {0,...,q 1}. Being in a subgroup of prime
order q, where q is a large prime, it is not possible
Security Analysis of ElGamal Implementations
to decompose the subgroup in smaller subgroups (La-
grange Theorem (Pollard, 1978)) since the computa-
tion of the discrete logarithm is unfeasible in general
(see Listing 3).
type factor = elt partial decryption
let eg factor x {alpha; } =
let zkp = decrypt | ˆ G. to string (g
˜ x) ˆ
| in
˜ x,
fs prove [| g; alpha |] x (hash zkp)
let check ciphertext c =
Shape. forall (fun {alpha; beta} > G.check
alpha && G.check beta) c
Listing 3: Hard decoding implementation (Belenios,
5.2.4 Encoding with 2-exponentiations
Moscow Voting System. For the elections of
September 2019, the Russian government decided to
employ an electronic voting system (Moscow, 2019a)
to elect governors for local parliaments in Moscow. In
July 2019, the source code, developed by the Moscow
Department of Information Technology, was made
public to test its vulnerabilities. At that time, the
Moscow voting system was discovered to be sub-
jected to two attacks by researchers (Gaudry, 2019).
In the first test, the researchers exploited the fact that
the keys used are small: three keys of 256 bits were
used. Discrete logarithms defined by small primes
are easy to calculate in feasible time. Therefore, one
can compute the discrete logarithm and recover the
secret keys used for decryption. Moreover, one can
decrypt messages employing the same time as a legit-
imate possessor of secret keys. After reporting this
issue, the developers of Moscow voting system in-
creased the key size to 1024 bits. However, a sec-
ond test was made to verify the security of the mod-
ified version. In this version, the message space was
not restricted to the subgroup of quadratic residues as
any message was allowed to be encrypted. By rely-
ing on subgroup attacks, one can get enough infor-
mation about the voter’s choice and indeed can reveal
one bit of information about the original message (see
Section 4). Therefore the Decisional Diffie-Hellman
assumption did not hold and the system leaked strong
information. Two days before the elections, the devel-
opers modify the source code (Moscow, 2019b) and
adopt an efficient method to secure their voting sys-
tem. To map a message m into the QR subgroup, it is
sufficient to square the message: m m
(see Listing
Proof 3 The quadratic residue theorem states that
a QR if x s.t. x
a(p). Let m = x, then m
if m
(p), which can be trivially satisfied.
After decryption, one obtains m by calculating its
modular square root: m = c
(Nishihara et al.,
2009). The algorithm computes the square root of c
iff p 3 mod 4, which is always the case when using
a safe prime. As a matter of fact, the underlying group
in this last version respects the DDH assumption. We
will discuss the adopted method in Section 6.
const sessionKey = trimBigInt (xoredRandomBigInt,
this . moduleP.bitLength() 1);
const squaredData = dataAsBI.modPow(new BigInt('2
'), this .moduleP);
const a = this .generatorG.modPow(sessionKey, this
.moduleP). toString () ;
const b = this .publicKey
.modPow(sessionKey, this. moduleP)
. multiply (squaredData)
.remainder( this .moduleP)
. toString () ;
Listing 4: ElGamal encoding with 2-exponentiations
(Moscow, 2019b).
In the previous section, we have seen 4 different en-
coding techniques of ElGamal that comply with the
DDH assumption. In Table 2, we summarize the four
techniques by giving a general overview on the en-
coding and the decoding processes.
T1 The first message encoding technique (T1)
checks whether a message m is a QR or not by
checking the following equivalence: m
1 (p).
If the equivalence holds, then the message is en-
crypted, otherwise an error is raised and the mes-
sage is rejected. The decoding operation is simple
as one outputs directly the message m.
T2 The second message encoding technique (T2)
uses the same method as the previous one, but
instead of raising an error and rejecting the mes-
sages, it maps the message as m. For what
concerns the decoding process, one first checks if
m < q and output m, otherwise it outputs m.
T3 The third message encoding technique (T3) maps
a message m as g
. The decoding mechanism is
hard in general and can be only applied on a small
subset of messages in which the computation of
discrete logarithm can be solved by brute force.
T4 Concerning the fourth message encoding tech-
nique (T4), one maps a message m as m
into the
subgroup of order q. This squaring technique is
sufficient to map any message as a QR element.
In addition, it is efficient as it needs only 2 ex-
ponentiations for encoding any message. To de-
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 2: Message Encoding Comparison.
T1: Limited msg space & q-expon. T2: q-expon. T3: m-expon. T4: 2-expon.
Encoding m
1 (p)? m : error m
1 (p)? m : m g
Decoding m m < q ?: m : m log
) m
code, one computes the square root by modular
exponentiation of m: m
to recover the original
Whereas in T4, the encoding technique is faster
than T1 and T2 (2-exponentiations is more perfor-
mant than q-exponentiations as q is large), the de-
coding process is T1 and T2 is faster. However, for
what concerns electronic voting systems, usually sev-
eral encryptions are made and only one decryption
is needed to reveal the result of an election. We
conclude that T4 is more efficient to apply to elec-
tronic voting systems. Additionally, as reported in
the note on Moscow voting systems (Gaudry, 2019),
this technique is efficient since the decryption (q-
exponentiations) is usually done on high-end servers,
while the encryption (2-exponentiations) is done on
the voter’s device.
In addition, T1, T2, T3, and T4 implement a QR
generator using q-exponenentiations since they check
its quadratic residuosity by calculating g
(p). How-
ever, one can simply implement a quadratic residue
generator by using only 2-exponentiations instead of
using q-exponentiations (q-exponentiations are used
in (Belenios, 2016; Helios, 2008; Microsoft, 2019;
Moscow, 2019b; Verificatum, 2017) for the quadratic
residue generator). But clearly, a more direct and ef-
ficient way to calculate the generator is by fixing it in
advance. For example g = 4 if we are working in Z
Note that the performance of the encoding is more
important than the performance of the generator cal-
culation, which occurs only once at the initial phase
of the voting process. Moreover, the performance of
the decoding is also less important than the encoding
in a voting process as discussed previously.
We provide a reference implementation in Ocaml
emy, 2000) (see Listing 5) in which we apply
the encoding and decoding process as in T4. In ad-
dition, in our implementation, the generation of the
quadratic residue generator differs from all the other
implementations as we use 2-exponentiations instead
of q-exponentiations.
Generate a safe prime of the form p = 2q + 1
let rec random safe prime nbits =
let q = sample ( nbits 1) in
let q = Z.nextprime q in
let p = Z.succ (Z. shift left q 1) in
if Z.probab prime q 10 <> 0
&& Z.probab prime p 10 <> 0 then p
else random safe prime nbits
Generate a QR generator
let generator pbits p =
let q = Z. shift right p 1 in
let g = Z.succ ( sample le pbits (Z.sub p (Z.
of int 2)) ) in
Z.powm g (Z. of int 2) p
Define the group
let sample group pbits =
let p = random safe prime pbits in
let g = generator pbits p in { pbits = pbits }
Encode the message as a QR element
let encode gr m = Z.powm (Z.succ m) (Z. of int 2)
gr .p
let encrypt gr pk m =
if (( Z.leq m) && ( m (Z.pred (q gr))
)) then
let r = sample le (gr . pbits 1) (q gr) in
(Z.powm gr.g r gr .p, mulm gr (Z.powm pk r gr.
p) (encode gr m))
else raise ( Invalid argument ”ElG encryption”)
let decrypt gr sk (u,v) =
let mult = Z.mul (Z.pred (q gr) ) sk in
let modulo = Z.powm u mult gr.p in
let dec = mulm gr v modulo in
decode gr dec
let decode gr m =
let p = gr.p in
let q = q gr in
let r = Z.powm m (Z. shift right (Z.succ q) 1) p
let m = if Z.leq r q then r else (Z.sub p r) in
(Z.pred m)
Listing 5: Our Ocaml implementation using a QR
Generator & 2-exponentiations for an efficient message
During our analysis, we have discovered a number of
ElGamal scheme implementations that are not IND-
Security Analysis of ElGamal Implementations
CPA secure since they do not respect the DDH as-
sumption. On one hand, some implementations do
not employ safe primes, an essential condition to form
subgroups of large prime order in which the DDH as-
sumption holds. On the other hand, other implemen-
tations do not apply message encoding mechanisms or
use Quadratic Residue Generators. As a consequence,
20 out of the 26 analyzed libraries may leak one bit of
information about the original message and therefore,
may endanger the validity of an election. Finally, af-
ter comparing four different message encoding tech-
niques that satisfy the DDH assumption, we conclude
which implementation is most convenient for voting
systems. We focused the current study on manually
analyzing the IND-CPA security of open source code
libraries of ElGamal encryption scheme. However, it
is also possible to check the IND-CPA (in-) security
when source code is not available. In fact, by applying
the technique discussed in the Example 4.2 of Section
4, one can black-box test applications. In particular,
such tests can be applied to ElGamal encryptions ob-
tained by Hardware Security Modules (HSM) (Volka-
mer, 2009; Orr and Liam, 2016), which are used
e.g. in the Estonian I-voting system (Springall et al.,
2014). We leave this as future work.
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Security Analysis of ElGamal Implementations