2.1 Serious Game
Variety of definitions about serious game analyse
their characteristics and aspects (Stoyanova ,
Tuparova, & Samardzhiev, 2017). Zyda (Zyda,
2005) defines the serious game as a “mental contest,
played with computer in accordance with specific
rules that uses entertainment to further government
or corporate training, education, health, public
policy, and strategic communication objectives”.
Main characteristics of the serious games are:
computer games, their goal is not entertainment,
mostly the aim of serious games are directed to the
training and education (https://www.igi-global.com/
dictionary/serious-games/26549) to “enhancing
some aspect of educational, political, social, or
workplace interaction” (Oravec, 2019)
Regarding the digital tools for creating and using
serious games in (Terzieva, Golev, & Stavrev, 2017)
the authors point out that “Serious games can be
considered as part of the online education as
separate and independent programs or as modules,
supporting the conservative education.”
2.2 Educational Computer Game
(ECG)/ Didactical Computer Game
Educational computer game is type of serious
computer game, applicable in educational subject-
They have the technological characteristics and
elements of computer games but are connected with
a concrete school subject and define educational
content. They are dedicated to solving various and
diverse pedagogical tasks – learning knew
knowledge, verification and evaluation of
knowledge, development of skills, consolidation of
knowledge and skills (Tuparova, 2019). They can be
used in lessons for assistance the different school
activities during the lesson (micro level) or for self-
learning for a concrete subject (micro and macro
2.3 Usability
It is considered that the first introduction of the term
usability is in 1971 from Miler who examines the
usability of concrete system in the characteristic of
“easy to use” (Shackel, 1991). Shackel defines
usability in operational style and recommends
creating a plan for usability insurance of the system
in the stage of specification. He defines four main
attributes of usability which is needed to be achieved
and in the same time measurable: Effectiveness,
Learnability, Flexibility, Attitude.
Jakob Nielsen determines the term usability of
computer system as quality feature which
determines how easy it is to be used. He defines five
main characteristics of usability: Learnability,
Efficiency, Memorability, Errors, and Satisfaction.
(Nielsen, 1993)
According to (Quesenbery, 2004) usability has
five dimensions, called 5Е: Effective, Efficient,
Engaging, Error tolerant, Easy to learn.
With development of technology the models of
usability regarding the characteristics and attributes
are getting expanded. There are common names but
some of them have different meaning. (Tuparova,
2019). International developed standards for
defining the characteristics of usability of software
are included. The standard ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001
Software engineering - Product quality - Part 1:
Quality model sees usability as characteristic (part)
of software’s quality model. Revised by ISO/IEC
25010:2011 - Systems and software engineering --
Systems and software Quality Requirements and
Evaluation (SQuaRE) -- System and software
quality models standard. The last update is made in
2017. (ISO, 2017). This standard defines usability in
the context of how much “product of system can be
used from concrete users for achieving determined
aims with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction
in concrete context of usage.”
In standards’ definitions for usability and
its characteristics there is a mandatory connection
with “concrete context for usage.” This suppose
that for the different technologies, software and
domains for software products' application, the
characteristics/attributes of usability need to be
2.4 Usability of Application Software
and Systems for Education
It is needed to broaden the different models of
usability. For example: starting from the attributes in
the ISO standards, which are connected with the
achievement of concrete aims in the context of
concrete content, in the educational software the
attributes effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction
are conditioned from the achievement of concrete
points and aims, acquirement of educational content,
they are also connected with the cognitive and