The connection and implementation of the
existing I-O fragmentary databases;
The consolidation and the expansion of the
networks of I-O hospitals and research centres.
These objectives can be achieved by the
implementation of innovative techniques of visual
representation and analysis of data, by the use of
indicators of Immunotherapy information and
statistics. Many improvements in I-O could be
achieved through the sharing of data in the different
phases of prevention, diagnostic, therapeutic and
monitoring phases of cancers treated or treatable with
immunotherapies and in particular through the
optimization of:
Therapeutic indications,
experimental clinical trials,
pharmacological research,
economic resources for researchers and
medical staff.
The project is divided into three phases that are
described in the following paragraphs.
3.1 First Phase of the Project
The first phase of the project concerns the analysis of
the Italian context and the evaluation of the existing
landscape of Immuno-Oncology information in Italy,
(Emens et. al., 2017). We analysed I-O structures,
networks, online database and also I-O projects
promoted by public institutions, foundations,
associations, and companies. We started to build the
project’s database from the collection of data on:
1. Italian structures, research centres and
institutions that deal with Immuno-Oncology;
2. Real and virtual networks that connect
structures and research centres in Italy that deal
with Immuno-Oncology;
3. Online database and search-engines available
to access information about the Immuno-
therapies, clinical trials, treatments in Italy and
4. Projects involved in Immuno-Oncology that
have been developed by structures and research
centres in Italy.
In the following part each point is briefly illustrated:
1. Structures and research centres in Italy that
deal with Immuno-Oncology. For the
implementation of this point, we have started an
independent survey, using different sources,
such as AIOM publications (AIOM Libro
Bianco, 2015, AIOM Libro Bianco, 2017),
Fondazione Serono database, and other sources.
We have built a database that we are using as a
basic information layer for the mapping of the
other information layers. For the moment, the
Italian Regions with I-O hospital structures that
we mapped in our project are ten.
2. Real and virtual networks that connect
structures and research centres in Italy that deal
with Immuno-Oncology. For the
implementation of this point, we analysed the
Italian Regions that have active oncological
networks compared with the pilot Regions we
started to map in our project. Some of the I-O
institutions, promote I-O networks, as for
example the Italian Network for Tumor
Biotherapy (NIBIT) in Siena, Toscany, and the
Regional Network for Tumor Biotherapy “Rete
del Lazio per la Medicina Traslazionale e
Sviluppo delle Bioterapie dei Tumori” in the
Latium Region. Besides the official networks
there are many non-official networks that have
been established independently. The objective
of the project is to highlight all the networks and
to promote a “network of networks” through the
3. Online database and search-engines available
to access information about the Immuno-
therapies in Italy and abroad, that facilitate the
diagnosis and therapies for patients and doctors.
In Figure 3.1 it is possible to see the preliminary UML
model of the project’s database.
3.2 Second Phase of the Project
In the second part of this project, considering the
important improvements in access to information
given by the new digital information systems, and the
indications to digitalisation of the entire public health
sector, (medical records, diagnostic reports, etc.), we
proposed the implementation of a Geographic
Information System of Immuno-Oncology in Italy.
This platform should be available on a website to all
citizens, researchers and operators of the sector (by
registration and passwords with dedicated access
profiles according to the role), and it should also
collect the information about the different phases of
the project and in particular should display: