Learning Analytics and Perceived Experience of Gamifying
Homework Assignments
Ahmed Hosny Saleh Metwally
, Ahmed Mohamed Fahmy Yousef
and Wang Yining
School of Information Science and Technology, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China
Faculty of Specific Education, Educational Technology Department, Fayoum University, Egypt
School of Media Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China
Keywords: Gamification, Gamifying Homework, Gamifying Assignments, Gameful Experience, Game Design Elements,
Learning Analytics, Evaluation, User Experience, Satisfaction, Student Computer Interaction.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to assist the primary school students to complete their homework assignments,
and understanding students’ interpretation of gameplay experience and defining their satisfaction with
gamification elements while playing online homework assignments. The implementation of
the gamified homework followed the instructional design processes. The subsequent evaluation from a cohort
of students comprised learning analytics besides surveying students’ experience. The results indicated that
they were satisfied with completing the homework with the employed game design elements where they were
active and focused. In addition, they showed a tendency to challenges that involved in the treatment. One of
the more significant findings to emerge from this study is that the micro gamification design approach has
promoted the perception of motivation and enjoyment to take into consideration the design principles of the
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) constantly
encourages new learning methodologies by using
emerging applications and approaches as the
foundation for this type of development.
Gamification is one of these promising applications
which motivates learners to achieve the learning
objectives. More recent attention has focused on the
provision of gamification applications in different
fields (Çeker & Özdamli, 2017). Thus, gamification
is a multidisciplinary field which has the most portion
of literature in Information and Computing Science
and Technology, and Education (O’Donnell et al.,
2017); (Kasurinen & Knutas, 2018). Gamification
could help students for achieving complicated tasks
with using proper strategy and software (Çeker &
Özdamli, 2017). There are many reasons to use
gamification in learning that include making the hard
work and tasks more enjoyable, increasing
participation, satisfaction and motivation, and
satisfying learners’ needs and help them to be active
learners (Çeker & Özdamli, 2017).
Recent developments in gamification have
heightened the importance of understanding the
method of gamifying an educational activity in
specific context besides the impact of gamification
elements including game mechanics and dynamics
(Dichev & Dicheva, 2017). The literature also
recommends conducting more empirical research to
prove the effect of gamification and learning
performance by focusing on the effect of specific
elements (Ortiz-Rojas, Chiluiza, & Valcke, 2017).
Given these concerns, gamifying the homework
assignments is one of the interesting topics which
seeks to make the homework enjoyable for
encouraging students to achieve it by applying
gamification elements with different kinds of
assignments. The research results revealed that
students were enjoying the homework using
gamification elements in the web-based homework
(Goehle & Wagaman, 2015). Gamifying homework
through using online platform had a positive impact
on student motivation due to receiving feedback on
their homework (Butler & Bodnar, 2017). Gamifying
homework, in general, had positive findings for
Metwally, A., Yousef, A. and Yining, W.
Learning Analytics and Perceived Experience of Gamifying Homework Assignments.
DOI: 10.5220/0009818606730683
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020), pages 673-683
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
increasing the motivation and engagement of students
to overcome the boring homework assignments
through using this novel approach.
This research is a third iteration of detecting and
tracking the results of gamifying homework where we
figured out the positive impact of the last iterations
(Metwally, Yousef, & Yining, 2019). We seek in this
research to recognize students’ perception and
identify their satisfactions of game elements when
gamifying homework assignments online in an
attempt of deep understanding of gamifying
homework investigation. We introduce the micro
gamification design approach as a novel design
approach for gamifying learning assignments. This
research contributes to the current body of
gamification literature in education by investigating
and evaluating students’ perceptions and experience
of achieving gamified homework. This research also
allowed us to analyse the homework completion,
students’ achievement analysis regarding the
awarded points and badges. In addition, it gives an
insight into the design considerations through
approaching a micro gamification design.
Along these lines, the present research was
examined the following research questions:
What is the completion rate of gamified
homework regarding the final score and
number of students?
What are students’ achievements of gamified
homework regarding the total score and
What are students’ feedback on gamified
homework on the platform?
How do students perceive gameful experience
in the gamified homework assignments?
These are the main research questions seeking
answers through the implementation and evaluation
of the intervention. Evaluation results give positive
indicators to all four questions, denoting a strong
potential for the effect of gamifying homework.
2.1 State of the Art
Over the past few years, there is a growing set of
contributions in gamification research. “Gamification
is not just a technology but also a methodology which
some organizations adopt as a way to increase
motivation” (Dichev & Dicheva, 2017). Gamification
has been implemented in business, health,
crowdsourcing, and other fields including education.
The vast majority of gamification research is located
in education (Koivisto & Hamari, 2019).
Gamification had positive effects on the engagement
of elementary school students (da Rocha Seixas,
Gomes, & de Melo Filho, 2016). It also has a positive
effect on student motivation and attitude changes
(Dreimane, 2019). However, it should be used with
carefulness. Although using extrinsic rewards could
help for promoting the motivation, it could harm and
minimize intrinsic motivations and affect individual
motivation (Busarello, Ulbricht, Fadel, & Andiara
Valentina de Freitas e Lopes, 2016). Thus, “Extrinsic
reward systems work for nonintrinsically engaging
activities method”. (Werbach & Hunter, 2012).
Regarding the game elements, the published
literature reported the most used game elements
which are: badges followed by leaderboard, point,
level, besides rewards and achievement whereas other
game elements rarely used like quest, progress bar,
avatar, challenge, narrative (Sümer & Aydın, 2018);
(Peixoto & Silva, 2017). Even so, there is no full
agreement on the positive outcomes of points, badges,
leaderboard which depend on the way of applying
these elements (Tenório, Reinaldo, Góis, Lopes, &
Guataçara dos Santos Junior, 2017). Furthermore, the
effect of leaderboard found different views in virtual
learning environments and has been stated negative
consequences in a higher number of studies (Tenório
et al., 2017). Regarding the objectives of using
gamification in education, it is obvious that
engagement, motivation and involvement were the
most targeted objectives while the literature
encompassed other objectives like support, promote
the interaction, increase satisfaction, behavior
changing (Peixoto & Silva, 2017).
The finding tried to recognize the effect of the
gamified homework regarding the gamification
elements; however, there is a need for more
investigation of identifying the affordances which
have a specific effect, and the reasons of particular
game elements effects as extrinsic or intrinsic
motivators in a specific context (Koivisto & Hamari,
2019); (Mekler, Brühlmann, Tuch, & Opwis, 2017).
Consequently, Future studies could search the effect
of mediated variables like learning styles and
evaluating the perceived experience regarding these
variables which would open a new direction to
propose new design approaches. Studying goal types
like specific, difficult weather will be the same in a
gamified environment, single or multiple goals
(Landers, Bauer, Callan, & Armstrong, 2015),
especially with the homework activities.
GonCPL 2020 - Special Session on Gamification on Computer Programming Learning
2.2 Gamifying Homework
Homework is one of the crucial aspects of promoting
the learning process. Assigning homework exercises
for students intends boosting the learning experience
and supporting the behavior changes. The education
practices nowadays refer to the perceived negative
attitude of the homework because it is not interesting
for students and they feel bored when they have to
complete it. Gamifying homework is one of the
effective strategies of dealing with this problem.
Achieving the homework assignments is interesting if
the homework is formed as a game with using
gamification elements and game design techniques.
Gamifying homework is the process of implementing
gamification elements and game design with
homework exercises and learning assignments for
helping learners to enjoy doing their homework. This
way, there are promising endeavors concerned
applying gamification and investigated the impact of
using gamification and game design elements for
completing homework assignments. Implementing
gamification for homework of primary school
students promoted satisfaction, behavioral intention
and intrinsic motivation positively, and students felt
enjoying when they completed their homework
(Metwally et al., 2019). The gamified homework of
university engineering students through an online
gamification platform made them feel empowered,
interested, and motivated besides they found it useful
to their learning and for accomplishing the assigned
tasks (Kulhanek, Butler, & Bodnar, 2019).
Regarding gamification elements in homework,
levels and achievements in online mathematics
homework supported students to focus on their goals
of accomplishing assignments and tracking their level
and achievements with the feeling of enjoyment
(Goehle, 2013). Badges in the online homework
system were useful for undergraduate students to
submit their homework before the deadline (Uanhoro,
Young, & Lin, 2016). In addition, achievement
badges motivated computer science university
students in some aspects of their behavior when they
completed their homework exercises (Hakulinen,
Auvinen, & Korhonen, 2015). Gamification elements
like experience points (XP), leaderboards, badges,
levels, achievements, progress bars, and awards have
been used in a gamified homework portal for
engineering students which was designed around
quests, the results referred to the gamified
environment had an impartial impact on students’
academic motivation towards homework, and the
platform enforced student motivation due to receiving
continued feedback on their homework (Butler &
Bodnar, 2017). Using different gamification elements
in the homework context contributed to improving
homework completion rates and increased the
motivation to achieve it. However, examining its
impact by tracking and analysing the data
sequentially and thinking of new design approaches
to overcome the lack of common approaches are
worthy matters. Thus, this research seeks to recognize
students’ perception and identify their satisfactions of
game elements when gamifying homework
assignments online and identify the most useful
elements when applying with homework of primary
school students.
This research is derivative from broader research that
aims at investigating the impact of gamifying learning
activities and forming the best practices of
instructional design processes in an educational
context. Quantitative and qualitative methodologies
were applied to understand the users’ experience and
perception of applied gamification in their
assignments. Formative evaluation research was
implemented which is a kind of developmental
research for designing instructional practices or
processes (Reigeluth & Frick, 1999) due to the
iterative nature in this research for investigation and
evaluation of game elements according to students’
3.1 Setup
This part concludes the research setting of achieving
gamified homework experience on the web. The
process of gamified homework begins with selecting
a unit of the English course of the sixth-grade primary
3.1.1 Instructional Design
We conducted preliminary procedures like analysing
the content of the unit from the student’s textbook,
searching on the web for the educational resources
which would be useful for setting different kinds of
the questions and coming up with creating interesting
types of the questions to fit the innovative design, and
asking the English teacher for the homework
assignments. There are a variety of questions types to
reflect the required English skills that include
listening, writing, reading skills. Thus, the home-
work has been formed into main exercises which
are a reflection of the unit construction to include
Learning Analytics and Perceived Experience of Gamifying Homework Assignments
Table 1: The instructional design scenario of gamifying homework.
Exercise Name Question Type No. of Questions Level of Difficulty Points (Total) Level Badge
Conversation time Multiple Choice 4 Easy 20 One
conversation time, listening time, word time, focus
time, practice time, and reading time. We developed
a new form of gamification scenario to be used for
gamifying homework exercise which encompasses
the instructional design of homework and the related
game mechanics as shown in table 1. In other words,
gamifying homework entails defining the exercise
name which likely concerns on one skill, question
type, number of questions, the level of difficulty to set
the equivalent number of points, the total number of
points, the level name, and the badge. We proposed
and implemented a novel design approach which is
“Micro Gamification Design Approach”. It is a
proposed approach for designing gameful experience
resulted from our efforts in previous iterations and the
observation of students’ behavior and their feedback.
We opt for the short player journey and the simple
task with a specific objective and reward mechanism
that encourages students to achieve many tasks with
a passion for achievement and motivation (Metwally,
Yousef, & Yining, 2020, in press).
3.1.2 Setting
For executing this experience, we adopted an online
gamification platform “Seppo” which is an
innovative tool for creating educational games and
designed to help the instructors to create the game
tasks and develop gamification experience for their
students. The gamified homework on the platform
consisted of nine micro gamified exercises distributed
into four levels where students were advancing their
level when they answered the exercises. Students
were able to use the mouse and keyboard to navigate
the gamified interface which inspired from a famous
game (see figure 1).
They used mobile devices to log in and answer the
homework. There are convenient sets of gamification
element were implemented such as points, badges,
leaderboard, time constraints, challenges,
progression, chance, locked items, mission, and win
state, as shown in table 2. The initial test has been
conducted by inviting researchers and English
teachers to log in and try using the system for
collecting their feedback on the design and the ease
of using the system. This test aimed at tracking any
Table 2: The game elements list.
Elements Description
Refer to the score which used to measure
student’s performance after answering the
exercise. Obtained as a reward for achieving
Kind of visual feedback to praise the student’s
specific actions if they gained points or
completed their homework under different
conditions to reward them.
Gradual systems for the player to obtain new
advantages as they advance. Mastering new
advanced level represents the progress toward
achieving the goal.
The visual map to recognize to what extent the
student completes the homewor
Advanced exercises that require more concern
and skills to
ed correctly.
The function enables students to try again to
answer questions in case they answered
The limited time to answer some exercises like
a countdown timer.
Items need action for unlocking such as the
exercises that require typing the code to open.
Shows the performance of every student
available to others and is useful to maintain
competition among students.
The message that shows the result of the
student’s response when answering the
exercises to indicate whether it was right or
and Game
The element which has the context or story
encompassing all the assignments and enables
to move and explore the experience like the
interface that appears after logging in and
includes the homework exercises.
Win State
The state upon completing all the exercises
and the feeling of accomplishing the
homework with receiving a prize.
It means having a clear goal to complete the
assignment, for example, answering all
exercises, collecting points and badges to
achieve the mission.
The gradient in the level of questions
difficulty. The easy questions in the beginning
then increasing the level of difficulty.
That appears after answering the questions and
getting points or badges to notify the student.
Gentle introduction and instructions of
playing for completing the assignments and
using the other game elements.
GonCPL 2020 - Special Session on Gamification on Computer Programming Learning
possible errors during the use. We created accounts
for the participants and invited them to log in to the
platform where they can complete their homework
with using the gamification elements.
3.2 Participants
Before running the research implementation, we
obtained consent from the students’ parents and their
teachers and informed them that the collected data
would be anonymous and secure, and they are free to
withdraw from the experiment at any time. After
obtaining informed consent, the treatment has been
conducted with 14 valid responses of sixth-grade
primary school students making the study’s sample
size N = 14.
3.3 Instrumentation and Data
Collection Tools
Based on the research objectives, the data collection
tools investigated the quantitative and qualitative data
the data were gathered via the archived records of
student’s activities on the platform with a detailed
analysis of the completion rates of homework
exercises. Furthermore, a quick survey on the
platform used for realizing students’ feedback on
gamified homework on the platform. To evaluate
students’ perception and experience of gamified
homework, and identify their preferences of
gamification elements, they were asked to answer an
online self-reported questionnaire divided into two
sections where the first section focused on
gamification elements and included questions related
to their perceptions of using the gamification
elements with a 3-point visual scale ranging from
happy to sad to describe their satisfaction and feeling
of doing homework. The second section focused on
the reflected experience of using the platform
included open-ended questions for clarifying the
positive aspects of the gamified homework, and
whether they had problems or recommendations for
the future enhancement, adopted from (Yanfi, Udjaja,
& Sari, 2017). All participants data were kept
maintaining anonymous and confidential.
3.4 Procedure
After obtaining approval from the participants and
their parents, the researchers hold an introductory
session for the students to introduce the platform and
give the instructions of logging and using the
elements besides the possibility of previewing the full
instructions after the logging. We asked the students
Figure 1: The interfaces of gamifying homework.
to log in on the platform to answer the homework
exercises by using their account from their personal
computer or the mobile device. They can collect
points and badges, preview and observing their rank
on the leaderboard besides the other game elements.
Students were encouraged to contact the teacher and
researchers at any time through using the online chat
on the platform if they faced a problem and need
support. To identify their feedback for using the
platform, they answered a quick survey appeared
during they answer the exercises. After achieving the
homework, we measured the students’ perception of
gamified homework through online questionnaire
consisted of two parts. The first part tackled questions
related to their perceptions of using the gamification
elements with a 3-point visual scale ranging from
happy to sad to describe how they felt about doing
homework. The second part included open-ended
questions for clarifying the positive aspects of the
gamified homework and whether they had problems
or recommendations for future enhancement.
The Evaluation methodology falls under three
headings: learning analytics, students’ feedback of
gamified homework on the platform, and students’
perception of gameful experience on the platform.
The following sections will describe in more details
the study findings.
4.1 Learning Analytics
Regarding the participants’ activities of completion
the gamified homework, of the 14 students, 9 (64.3%)
Learning Analytics and Perceived Experience of Gamifying Homework Assignments
who achieved the gamified homework and rewarded
(60% or above) of the final score at least (180 points
of the total 300 points) where (M =178.21, SD=
82.48). This observed finding refers to that
gamification mechanics could be motivational
affordance to push the students to complete their
homework but does not guarantee academic
Figure 2: The completion percentage of homework
exercises (N = 14).
Regarding the completion percentage as shown in
figure 2, there is a slight drop in completing or
submitting an exercise which is restrained with the
time to submit the answer, for example, there are (7)
students who completed the exercise which is
constrained by the time count successfully while there
are (4) students could not submit the answer before
the ending time so the system did not reward them.
The highest completion percentages manifested in the
first exercise which could be interpreted as this
exercise is the first one on the board game.
Regarding the average points for every exercise,
there is a significant difference between the average
points and the maximum number of points of two
exercises. The first one is the “word time” exercise
which its questions were focused on new vocabularies
that require more concentration to avoid confusion
when answering. The second one is the time-
restricted exercise “Practice Time (3)” that could
reduce the points if the answers have not been
submitted before the time ends as shown in figure 3.
Regarding the achievement of each student
according to their rank on the leaderboard, there is a
correlation between the total number of answered
exercises and the total score which reached (0.93).
Moreover, the correlation between the total number
of answered exercises and the total number of badges
(0.99), that indicates the consistency of operating the
awarding system with the effort of accomplishing
homework (see figure 4).
Figure 3: The average points of homework exercises
comparing to maximum points (N = 14).
Figure 4: The achieved exercises regarding the total number
of points and badges (N = 14).
GonCPL 2020 - Special Session on Gamification on Computer Programming Learning
4.2 Students’ Feedback of Gamified
Homework on the Platform
In terms of students’ experience of achieving the
homework assignments on the platform, the finding
shows that the students were excited to use the
platform for learning and accomplishing the
homework exercises. They felt active and focused as
shown in figure 5. The positive feedback from the
students showed that the gamified homework on the
platform was useful and they appreciated using the
platform to complete the homework and learning
where they felt active and focused as most aspects
they appreciated. They enjoyed the challenges as the
most feature they liked. We noticed that some
students showed an overwhelming for competing
others with the highest score on the leaderboard by
trying to edit answers to improve their score. Overall,
they liked learning and doing their homework on the
platform with the challenging spirit and answering
different kinds of questions. These features are not
available when they used to complete the assignments
in the traditional setting without using the platform. It
has evidently appeared that the effect of gamification
elements on enjoyment and motivation perception of
doing homework.
4.3 Perceived Gameful Experience
To identify and confirm the research finding, and for
a deep understanding of the individual gameful
experience of students, we analysed the data of the
self-reported questionnaire. Their response to the
questionnaire gave us an insight of the gamified
homework on the platform. Data has been gathered
from students in five different schools in Egypt. The
majority of students expressed their satisfaction of
using the following gamification elements: points,
badges, levels, progression, challenges, chance,
unlocked items, leaderboard, feedback, board game,
win state, mission/goal, increasing difficulty,
notifications, and rule as shown in figure 6. They
found these elements useful and enjoyable (Goehle,
2013), except one student who commented that
badges and levels were not useful and enjoyable;
however, student’s response was happy. Progression
was a motivated affordance to complete the
homework, and the chance was beneficial due to the
possibility of trying to answer again, as one student
stated. There is no full agreement of time constraints
element as it has been mentioned in a comment that
the time was enough for answering the exercise
unlikely it has been in the last iteration.
Figure 5: Students’ feedback of achieving the gamified
homework assignments on the platform (N = 14).
The qualitative result of students’ comments
according to the most things they liked in this
experience, the problems they faced, their evaluation
of the application and their recommendations for
development were as a following:
They admired the gamified homework including
the mentioned elements above especially the badges
(Hakulinen et al., 2015), and the possibility of
revising questions. The vast majority evaluated the
gamified homework with the full mark, they defined
the reasons for the given the score because it
keeps away from feeling the boredom, they enjoyed
Maybe Yes Very
Do you like learning with the
How does playing this game
make you feel?
What do you like most in this
Learning Analytics and Perceived Experience of Gamifying Homework Assignments
Figure 6: Students’ satisfaction of gamification elements (N
= 14).
learning English, and the homework covers different
types of questions. Some students had an expectation
of the gamified homework as a game but the concept
of gamification still not clear in their minds.
Therefore, the confusion could happen easily with
predicting the same technics of the famous games as
a game they can play.
According to the problems of using the
application, they experienced the technical problems
of the loading time. They recommended including
different types of exercise with different board
games, increasing the number of attempts for
answering, and supporting the animation features.
Below are examples of their comments.
“This apps is good”
“Yes, I like it. The learning is very well and I love
“The game is very good and the questions are
“Yes, I liked very much. Badges were nice. I
enjoyed doing the homework”
Furthermore, we were interested to hear the
reflection of an English teacher about this experience
through observing students’ responses. The feedback
was optimistic in general with praising the listening
exercises and the time-constrained questions.
Competition questions played a role for motivating
students, the interface design was attractive, and the
leaderboard could support students’ motivation but
some students were eager to dominate the leaderboard
that could distract their attention from the main
objectives. The teacher appreciated the new design of
the homework for this unit which is short and simple,
that matches with the micro gamification design, and
recommended involving the questions which require
spelling new vocabularies. In addition, students
prefer to use mobile devices to complete their
homework due to the possibility of using it to open
and answer the assignment on the way.
4.4 Discussion
Analysis of students’ completion results and students’
feedback on the gamified homework on the platform
with the findings of the self-reported questionnaire
discloses that the intervention has had a detectable
positive influence on the perceived gameful
experience, including their interest of the assignments
(Pastushenko, Hruška, & Zendulka, 2018). The
successful completion of homework assignments by
the majority of students indicates that the use of
gamification elements are feasible and influential for
primary school students (Metwally et al., 2019). The
user-friendly interface was well suited for the sixth-
grade primary school. Usability of the application
promoted students to use the app through the personal
computer or mobile devices. A tacit advantage is that
students have invested using mobile devices to
complete their homework. Students achieved
homework assignments with using the motivational
affordances so it contributed to motivating but we
cannot confirm the academic achievement as it seems
does not have an effect on student performance
(Goehle & Wagaman, 2015); which it depends on
their efforts of studying. The time count element had
a controversy effect with mixed results that clearly
appeared in the exercises completion analysis, some
students need more time to think of the answers and
fail to submit, and other students have experienced
this kind of questions so they submitted the answers
before the time ends. It can be noticed in a student’s
comment when indicated that s/he submitted the
answer, unlike the last iteration.
The optimistic results of students’ feedback on the
platform concurred with the responses of the
questionnaire, they were active and focused on doing
their homework. They addressed the challenges as the
most feature they liked. It has been noticed with some
students wanted to dominate the leaderboard for
satisfying basic psychological needs. It refers to the
Happy Neutral Sad
GonCPL 2020 - Special Session on Gamification on Computer Programming Learning
gamified homework promoted intrinsic motivation
that touched the basic psychological needs:
competence, autonomy, and relatedness (Ryan &
Deci, 2000). Nevertheless, leaderboard as an element
could carry possible unintended consequences
(Osatuyi, Osatuyi, & De La Rosa, 2018); or negative
implications (Tenório et al., 2017). Some students
tried to edit the answers to improve the score not to
learn from mistakes. Thus, this element found their
well for editing the answers with limited attempts
before showing the correct answer.
There are variances between students in
completing the exercises due to their personality
treats or the allowed time they were available to login
however, their attitude was positive towards using
game design elements in homework context. Using
different types of elements instead of implementing
one element in isolation may produce effective
behavior and it could be explained according to
conditioning theories that some elements motivate
some learners but other learners may be better
conditioned by other elements (Landers et al., 2015).
Interestingly, the propitious reflection of the
design from teachers in accordance with the micro
gamification design approach, the short exercises
with immediate rewards meet the needs for the
feeling of achievement.
This study aimed at understanding students’
interpretation of gameplay experience and defining
their satisfaction with gamification elements while
playing online homework assignments. It seeks to
introduce the micro gamification design approach as
a novel design approach for gamifying educational
assignments. The research developed the gamified
homework experience in light of the instructional
design processes to design and develop the homework
assignments with associating the gamification
elements. One of the more significant findings to
emerge from this study is that the micro gamification
design approach has promoted the perception of
motivation and enjoyment to take into consideration
the design principles of the approach. Research
questions investigated through analytics and
evaluation data refer to the completion of homework
assignments, feedback, and perceptions of the
gamification elements and gamified homework on the
On the basis of the evaluation finding, it may be
concluded that students were satisfied with
completing the gamified homework where they were
active and focused. In addition, they showed a
tendency to challenges that involved in the treatment.
Most of the gamification elements found their interest
like points, badges, progression, chance, levels but
other element had a controversial effect like
leaderboard, time constraints. Students preferred to
use mobile devices for completing the homework
rather than using a personal computer. They
recommended including different types of exercise
with different board games, increasing the number of
attempts for answering, and supporting the animation
features. The main limitations of the research are that
the small number of participants which entails more
investigation to increase the sample size and
including other school grades which could open a
new future trend to search the optimum gamification
design for different grades. As a result, it cannot be
generalized, so an additional investigation is required.
It would be noteworthy for future research endeavors
to examine the particular effects of the game elements
in different settings to approve their feasibility.
The authors would like to thank Northeast Normal
University for providing initial funding for this study.
We are also immensely grateful to Seppo team for
their helpful advice on various technical issues and
providing us with an open license with unlimited
usage during our investigation.
Busarello, R. I., Ulbricht, V. R., Fadel, L. M., & Andiara
Valentina de Freitas e Lopes. (2016). Gamification
Approaches to Learning and Knowledge Development:
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Table 1: Exercises analysis.
Total Avera
eMin Max
Conversation Time 14 / 14 20 15.71 5 20
Listening Time 13 / 14 20 18.85 5 20
Word Time 12 / 14 50 30.83 0 50
Focus Time 12 / 14 25 16.67 10 25
Practice Time (1) 11 / 14 25 20.0 15 25
Practice Time (2) 11 / 14 40 35.45 20 40
Practice Time (3) 7 / 14 50 30.0 10 50
Reading Time (1) 11 / 14 20 16.36 10 20
Time (2) 10 / 14 40 38.0 30 40
ratulation! 8 / 14 10 10.0 10 10
Learning Analytics and Perceived Experience of Gamifying Homework Assignments