1 X _s : f l o a t = 0
2 X_bk : float = 0
3 t : int = 30
4 X_hc : float = 0
5 X_n_th : float = 0
6 W_sp e e d : float = 0
7 th r e sho l d : float = 10
8 di s ta n ce _ n od e : int = 0
9 t _n : int = 0
10 w i n d_ d ir e ct i o n : [ w dir ] = None
12 w i n d_ d ir e ct i o n = g e t _ w i n d_ d ir e ct i on
13 wi n d _s p e ed = get_ w i nd _ sp e ed ()
15 while True :
16 if X_s >= t hre s h old :
17 hc_n o d es = g et _ h c_ n od e s (
wi n d _ d i re c ti o n )
18 for hc_nod e in hc_no d e s :
19 acti v a te ( hc_ node , t =
20 X_h c = g et _ se n so r _v a lu e
( H C _ node )
21 X_hc_ t h = X _ h c - X_bk
22 if X _hc_ t h >= thr e s hol d :
23 nodes = g e t _no d e s (
wi n d _ d i re c ti o n )
24 fo r nod e in no d e s :
25 di s t an c e_ n ode =
ge t _ di s tan c e ( node )
26 acti v a t e ( node , t
= d i s tan c e_n / w i nd_ s p ee d )
27 X_n =
ge t _s e ns o r_ v al u e ( nod e )
28 X_n_th = X_n -
29 if X _ n _th >=
thr e s hol d :
ac t iv a t e _A P C_ p r o ce d u r e ()
Listing 1: Activation Procedure.
In this work we presented a proof-of-concept archi-
tecture for monitoring gaseous pollutants, specifically
for odourant compounds, in the case study of a land-
fill site. The procedure of activation of each node
is based on the fulfillment of three conditions to be
acquired both on-site and out-site so to activate the
air pollution control system to minimize the emission.
The adopted network protocol is LoRaWAN in order
to prolong the lifetime of the entire network and to
satisfy the specific requirements. Future work will
aim to simulate the architecture here proposed by us-
ing the ns-3 simulator, because it is widely used in
WSN simulations as you can clearly see in (Cam-
panile et al., 2020), so to understand its efficiency in
terms of energy consumption and throughput.
This work has been partially funded by the internal
competitive funding program “VALERE: VAnviteLli
pEr la RicErca” of Universit
a degli Studi della Cam-
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