A WSN Energy-aware Approach for Air Pollution Monitoring in Waste
Treatment Facility Site: A Case Study for Landfill Monitoring Odour
Lelio Campanile, Mauro Iacono, Roberta Lotito and Michele Mastroianni
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Universit
a Degli Studi della Campania ”L. Vanvitelli”, Italy
WSN, Sensor, Energy, Monitoring, Landfill, Odour, LoRaWAN.
The gaseous emissions derived from industrial plants are generally subject to a strictly program of monitoring,
both continuous or one-spot, in order to comply with the limits imposed by the permitting license. Nowadays
the problem of odour emission, and the consequently nuisance generated to the nearest receptors, has acquired
importance so that is frequently asked a specific implementation of the air pollution monitoring program. In
this paper we studied the case study of a generic landfill for the implementation of the odour monitoring system
and time-specific use of air pollution control technology. The off-site monitoring is based on the deployment
of electronic nose as part of a specifically built WSN system. The nodes outside the landfill boundary do not
act as a continuously monitoring stations but as sensors activated when specific conditions, inside and outside
the landfill, are achieved. The WSN is then organized on an energy-aware approach so to prolong the lifetime
of the entire system, with significant cost-benefit advancement, and produce a monitoring-structure that can
answer to specific input like threshold overshooting.
Anthropogenic environmental pollution is one of the
greatest problems that is faced and is going to be
faced by the actual generation. The pollution derived
from industrial activities is related not only to the haz-
ardous and/or accidental event (like oil spill) but also
to the regular process procedures. Indeed, almost all
the human activity emits heterogeneous pollutant into
the environment: the magnitude depends on the emis-
sion rates and on the chemical composition of the
effluent. In such complex scenario, in order to de-
crease the impact and restore the environmental qual-
ity, worldwide governments and environmental agen-
cies have introduce, in their permitting protocols, pro-
cedures and threshold limits based on the Best Avail-
able Techniques (BAT) that have to be respected by
industrial plant (European Commission, 2010).
Apart from this imposition, monitoring the results
obtained by developing a Pollution Monitoring Pro-
gram (PMP) for the operating time is also important.
The PMP is edited according to the industrial plant
process and specific pollutant emission rate: it is ap-
proved as part of the permitting procedure and applied
during the industrial lifetime. Usually the monitoring
process is performed at specific time and location at
the emitting source (i.e. x chemical compound, every
six months, to be measured at the stack). Otherwise,
to establish the impact at near receptors, mathemat-
ical models are commonly used: the input data for
these systems are real data gathered after a specific
event occurred. In both cases, if during the monitor-
ing there is a non-conformity between the threshold
authorised and the value measured, the plant man-
agers must perform any procedures to reduce the im-
pact. In the worst-case scenario, the plant is shutted
down until the permitting revision.
Nowadays the necessity to have a continuous
monitoring system is raised by the plant managers,
not only to cope with the administration and local
population but also to be able to perform the nec-
essary procedures ahead of time. A typical exam-
ple is the one regarding the waste treatment facilities:
these plants are not well approved by the near popula-
tion that suffers of the so called Not In My Backyard
(NIMBY) syndrome (Xu and Lin, 2020), so people
understand the necessity to complete the integrated
waste management system, and are willing to pay the
service, but they do deny the proximity of these plants
to their homes. Therefore, the manager and plant op-
erators are called to demonstrate the respect of the
imposed limits, and so their impact, even outside the
PMP time.
In this needing scenario of an efficient monitoring
Campanile, L., Iacono, M., Lotito, R. and Mastroianni, M.
A WSN Energy-aware Approach for Air Pollution Monitoring in Waste Treatment Facility Site: A Case Study for Landfill Monitoring Odour.
DOI: 10.5220/0009819005260532
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2020), pages 526-532
ISBN: 978-989-758-426-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
system, ta Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) can be
employed. A WSN is a network formed by dislocated
nodes, linked between them by wireless transmis-
sions, so as to collect data from the surrounding en-
vironment according to installed sensors (Aiswariya
Jonsi et al., 2018; Bonastre et al., 2012). Its use in
the environmental field is quite appealing, although
some problems have been found for real applications.
Indeed, if in the field of waste management systems
most of the works focused on the development of
a smart bins collecting system in order to avoid the
storage overtime and find the best collecting routes
(Narendra Kumar, 2014; Hannan et al., 2015), the
use of WSN for air quality monitoring developed in
the last decade shows various results according to
the developed architecture and sensors technical char-
acteristics. Consequentially, the marriage between
WSN and the Waste Pollution Monitoring Program
(wPMP) is not always a happy-ending one. On one
hand there is the facility manager who wants a per-
fect system, with specific characteristics such as cost-
contained and fast-answer capabilities, on the other
hand, a WSN-based system has to cope with problems
like energy supply and network modulability. Hence,
the efficiency of a WSN-based system depends on its
capability to identify or predict a pollutant event, re-
port it to the facility manager and apply emergency
procedures on tight deadlines.
On the basis of these requirements, Low Power
Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) acquire great im-
portance as emerging approach to Internet of Things
(IoT) and WSN: its main objective is to provide en-
ergy efficiency, extended coverage and scalability for
end user devices such as sensors and actuators.
LPWAN seems to be a logic choice for the aim
of this work as it provides wireless connectivity and
long range transmissions using a star topology in the
sub-Ghz frequency bands, with the major advantage
of a low power consumption which should ensure a
long sensor lifespan without the need to recharge the
Among the LPWAN technologies for IoT, there is
a growing interest for Long Range Wireless Area Net-
work (LoRaWAN), since it is a long range (from 3-
5Km in urban scenarios to 15Km in rural scenarios),
low power wide area network operating in the license
free sub-GHz bands (Centenaro et al., 2016).
This work presents a proof-of-concept architec-
ture for monitoring gaseous pollutants from waste fa-
cility plants, based on a case studio, using the Lo-
RAWAN standard. The main contribution of this ar-
chitecture is an evaluation of the application of Lo-
RAWAN in such systems to obtain better network per-
formances in term of robustness, reliability and sensor
battery life.
After this introduction, the paper is divided in five
sections. Section 2, namely Related Works, analyzes
what has been done in this specific field. Section 3
states out the motivation that drove us and a partic-
ular case study for which we describe a specific sys-
tem architecture in section IV. Finally, conclusions are
drawn in section 5. A list of the used acronyms is pro-
vided at the end of this paper.
The application of the WSN technology to air mon-
itoring is widely studied but not yet fully developed.
Indeed, the field applications of a specific system have
to face various problems like cost and energy sup-
ply (Lee et al., 2012). According to the confronted
problem, the scientific literature is wide (Idrees and
Zheng, 2020).
In terms of environmental industrial monitoring,
a first distinction can be made between on-site and
off-site monitoring. The on-site monitoring proce-
dures are described as the monitoring protocol per-
formed inside the plant boundary: sensors are so de-
ployed near the emitting sources or around product
units. This system is used to qualify and quantify the
local concentration and to develop secondary proce-
dures according to the emission characteristics. Some
examples of this kind of system are those related
to landfill sites in which both non-continuous (M
et al., 2019) and continuous systems have been stud-
ied (Beirne et al., 2010).
The off-site monitoring concerns the evaluation of
the impact generated by a specific source near sensi-
tive receptors, like city centers and natural environ-
ment. In this group works are included about air
quality monitoring from a smart cities point of view
(Pauchuri, 2018; Alejandro et al., 2015; Carminati
et al., 2019).
Overall, both types of monitoring systems share
some common characteristics, like the large num-
ber of nodes deployed, and the problem of prolong-
ing network lifetime due to energy consumption. On
this last perspective, some works introduced core net-
work nodes into the system with a method based on
a jointly energy-efficient development (Fadi M. Al-
Turjman, 2015) or by the use of modified algorithms
based on nodes clustering (Behera et al., 2020).
A WSN Energy-aware Approach for Air Pollution Monitoring in Waste Treatment Facility Site: A Case Study for Landfill Monitoring Odour
One of the newest problems that has to be handled
by the industrial facility manager is the odour impact
generated by the normally conducted process. This
is particularly true with the waste treatment facili-
ties where, from the collecting procedures to the pro-
cess itself, there is a high probability of emission of
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other chem-
icals, like hydrogen sulphide, with a low detection
The odour detection threshold (DT) is the concen-
tration at which nearly 50% of the population can de-
tect the chemical odour, so that people have a sensing
answer to it. Most of the time the limit imposed by
the permitting license overcomes the DT limit: in this
case, even if the facility is consistent with the license,
it still impacts the surrounding human environment.
The actual odour monitoring, based on the chem-
ical approach, concerns the application of a compli-
ance system and the use of specific sensors.
The compliance system works on a call-after-
impact model. Firstly, when a nuisance event occurs,
the impacted receptors call the facility administration
giving information following the what-where-when
scheme, as so to rely data about what kind of odour
they smelled, where they sensed it and when. The sec-
ond step is to match the compliance with wind speed
and direction: if the match succeeded, the compliance
is accepted. When a facility receives consecutively
compliance, it has to apply all the procedures in or-
der to reduce the emission even if these procedures
have a high cost. In the worst-case scenario, the fa-
cility is closed by the local authorities until the whole
industrial process and PMP is reviewed. Obviously,
this strategy is applied after the odour event occurred
without any possibility for warning the population nor
activating air control protocols to overthrow the pol-
lutant concentrations. Since the Air Pollution Control
technologies (APC) are usually time-cost depending
and their application on large surfaces can be cost rel-
evant in term of maintenance, and their use can also
produce a large amount of waste that has to be dis-
posed later on, the use of specific-APC has to be accu-
rate and time-specific in order to be effective, efficient
and cost-contained.
Another way of odour monitoring is the use
of specific sensors called electronic nose (E-nose):
nowadays these sensors are used as a continuous mon-
itoring station deployed along the facility boundary.
The sensors are calibrated, during a so-called training
procedure, on the basis of specific pollutants emitted
under control by the source (industrial emission foot-
print). When they record a concentration above an
imposed limit, the recording hour is labelled as odour
peak event. One of the problems related to the use
of E-noses is their failure in distinguishing the back-
ground concentration – defined in this case as the en-
vironmental concentration not correlated to the emit-
ting source and the concentration derived from the
The contribution of this paper consists in the pre-
sentation of a WSN system that can answer the fa-
cility management needs to have a secure and effi-
cient system that can automatically activate the APC
protocol only when a specific odour event occurs and
before the pollutants can reach the near sensitive re-
ceptors. For this reason, we set up a case study for
a generic landfill that still accepts organic waste, so
that it produces VOC with low DT during the normal
working procedures. The landfill site is equipped with
a common meteorological station – normally used for
the odour compliance system – with a logging period
of 1h. The nearest city is located 3 km far from the site
at the most frequent wind direction. To reduce vari-
ables, there is no other industrial plant that can emit
the same pollution footprint as the landfill: nonethe-
less, local facilities or artisans impact the air quality
by producing some of the same chemical compounds.
In this situation, the odour nuisance can be produced
either from the landfill or from other emitting sources.
In this scenario, the WSN needs to discern the im-
pact due to the landfill and the impact due to other
sources, so that the APC protocols are activated only
when a confirmed odour-process is performed inside
the landfill and before the pollution reaches the recep-
The entire system is composed of three layers, char-
acterized by different nodes and roles, that exchange
information with each other and have different energy
consumption profiles. The first layer is composed by
the base station and three nodes, equipped with dif-
ferent sensors, continuously recording data of com-
pound X concentration at the emitting source [X]
the wind characteristics W
and W
, and the
compound X background concentration [X]
: for this
layer energy supply is guaranteed by the plant itself,
so that the death of a node can be only related to actual
The second layer is formed by head cluster nodes
that, apart from the normal sensing procedures, have
the role to activate clustered nodes (third level) when
needed and collect acquired data. Hence, each head
AI4EIoTs 2020 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence for Emerging IoT Systems: Open Challenges and Novel Perspectives
Figure 1: General view of the system.
cluster node HC and node N obtains a concentration
of the X compound as [X]
and [X]
Figure 1 shows the network where the HCs are
dislocated around the facility so to cover the prefer-
ential wind directions; Figure 2 shows a detail.
4.1 LoRaWAN Protocol
The LoRaWAN protocol is an open protocol based on
the proprietary LoRa physical layer. The LoRaWAN
protocol is developed by LoRa Alliance and described
in (Sornin et al., 2015).
LoRaWAN networks are organized according to a
star-of-stars topology, in which we can identify three
main components:
End Devices (ED);
Gateways (GW);
a Network Server (NS);
In this topology, represented in Figure 3, each ED
transmits messages to one or multiples GWs and
each GW is connected to the NS by a stable high
bandwidth link. The responsibility of filtering dupli-
cate messages from the EDs, through the GWs, is in
charge to the NS.
In our architecture HCs and N correspond to Lo-
A WSN Energy-aware Approach for Air Pollution Monitoring in Waste Treatment Facility Site: A Case Study for Landfill Monitoring Odour
Figure 2: Detail view of the system.
Figure 3: LoRaWan architecture.
RaWAN EDs, while the NS is located near the Base
Station. The Gateways could be unique and also be
placed close to the BS or, in more complex scenar-
ios where more redundancy is needed, they could be
placed close to the HCs.
All the EDs in our architecture are in Class A
mode, which according to (Sornin et al., 2015) is the
default operation mode for LoRaWAN devices. In
this mode a ED transmits the packets coming from
the upper layer on the wireless channel in an asyn-
chronous way. After the transmission, the ED wait
for any command or packet returned by the NS. Us-
ing this operational mode, devices should keep the ra-
dio transceiver off as long as possible to save battery
4.2 Activation Model
The condition for the activation procedure is de-
scribed as following.
Inside the landfill, the first condition to activate
the network is:
t = 30 min
then BS activates the HC at the preferential wind di-
rection at time t. The 30 minutes default-time is based
on the definition of odour peak, namely odour-hour
during which the odour is sensed by the population:
the restrictive time is chosen as a safety guard proce-
The HC activated at the specific direction α
which the winds blows to and starts sensing the con-
centration, [X]
; therefore the second condition has
to be achieved. If:
t = 30 min
then, a further node at α
direction is activated, oth-
erwise the procedure is stopped and the HC returns to
its idle state until a new alert is stated.
The new activated nodes have to fulfill the second
condition for t equal to the minimum amount of time
needed for the pollutant to reach the receptor:
t =
where d is the distance between the last deployed
node and the sensitive receptor in that direction.
The procedure continues to activate nodes until
the last is reached: if the third condition is satisfied,
then the APC procedure at the landfill is activated.
In the following the activation procedure described
above in programming metalanguage:
AI4EIoTs 2020 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence for Emerging IoT Systems: Open Challenges and Novel Perspectives
1 X _s : f l o a t = 0
2 X_bk : float = 0
3 t : int = 30
4 X_hc : float = 0
5 X_n_th : float = 0
6 W_sp e e d : float = 0
7 th r e sho l d : float = 10
8 di s ta n ce _ n od e : int = 0
9 t _n : int = 0
10 w i n d_ d ir e ct i o n : [ w dir ] = None
12 w i n d_ d ir e ct i o n = g e t _ w i n d_ d ir e ct i on
13 wi n d _s p e ed = get_ w i nd _ sp e ed ()
15 while True :
16 if X_s >= t hre s h old :
17 hc_n o d es = g et _ h c_ n od e s (
wi n d _ d i re c ti o n )
18 for hc_nod e in hc_no d e s :
19 acti v a te ( hc_ node , t =
20 X_h c = g et _ se n so r _v a lu e
( H C _ node )
21 X_hc_ t h = X _ h c - X_bk
22 if X _hc_ t h >= thr e s hol d :
23 nodes = g e t _no d e s (
wi n d _ d i re c ti o n )
24 fo r nod e in no d e s :
25 di s t an c e_ n ode =
ge t _ di s tan c e ( node )
26 acti v a t e ( node , t
= d i s tan c e_n / w i nd_ s p ee d )
27 X_n =
ge t _s e ns o r_ v al u e ( nod e )
28 X_n_th = X_n -
29 if X _ n _th >=
thr e s hol d :
ac t iv a t e _A P C_ p r o ce d u r e ()
Listing 1: Activation Procedure.
In this work we presented a proof-of-concept archi-
tecture for monitoring gaseous pollutants, specifically
for odourant compounds, in the case study of a land-
fill site. The procedure of activation of each node
is based on the fulfillment of three conditions to be
acquired both on-site and out-site so to activate the
air pollution control system to minimize the emission.
The adopted network protocol is LoRaWAN in order
to prolong the lifetime of the entire network and to
satisfy the specific requirements. Future work will
aim to simulate the architecture here proposed by us-
ing the ns-3 simulator, because it is widely used in
WSN simulations as you can clearly see in (Cam-
panile et al., 2020), so to understand its efficiency in
terms of energy consumption and throughput.
This work has been partially funded by the internal
competitive funding program “VALERE: VAnviteLli
pEr la RicErca” of Universit
a degli Studi della Cam-
pania “Luigi Vanvitelli”.
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BAT. Best Available Techniques
PMP. Pollution Monitoring Program
NIMBY. Not In My Backyard
WSN. Wireless Sensor Network
wPMP. waste Pollution Monitoring Program
VOC. Volatile Organic Compound
DT. Detection Threshold
APC. Air Pollution Control
LPWAN. Low Power Wide Area Networks
LoRaWAN. Long Range Wireless Area Network
AI4EIoTs 2020 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence for Emerging IoT Systems: Open Challenges and Novel Perspectives