nar in-memory format, organized for efficient analyt-
ical operations in modern hardware. It already in-
cludes dictionary coding to map arbitrary data types
to integer values. However, Apache Arrow lacks sup-
port for more sophisticated lightweight integer com-
pression algorithms which are suitable to (i) reduce
the memory footprint and (ii) to speedup the columnar
data processing. Thus, we presented an approach to
integrate the large corpus of lightweight into Apache
Arrow in this paper. We experimentally showed that
this integration leads to a decreased memory footprint
an increased performance of an aggregation function
compared to uncompressed data.
The next step in our ongoing research work is the
integration of more compression algorithms with dif-
ferent properties to generalize and optimize our inte-
gration approach. Another point of ongoing work is
to deduce the decompression abstraction correspond-
ing to compression metamodel. Thus, the genera-
tion of decompression code can be automated with-
out the explicit knowledge of a decompression algo-
rithm. Future work also includes the integration of
some data hardening algorithms respectively error-
detecting codes. This can be done by applying the
metamodel as well. Last but not least, we plan to ex-
haustively evaluate the benefit of our approach with
big data systems using Apache Arrow.
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