workflow allows test developers to assess which tools
are most suitable to handle their interdisciplinary val-
idation challenges. Additionally, interdisciplinary
testing in a smart grid context becomes more trans-
parent and reproducible. The presented methodol-
ogy is applied internally to include our institute test-
ing infrastructures (mosaik and SESA-Lab), but it
could be extended to include other labs and soft-
ware co-simulation frameworks. Thus, test devel-
opers have the flexibility of developing for example,
multi-platform tests. This can be facilitated by the use
of the Research Infrastructure Database developed in
ERIGrid (Kulmala et al., 2018).
As proof of concept we presented two relevant
case studies. The market model case study is used to
test the dynamics of a trading mechanism before ap-
plying it as regulation and could be sufficiently sim-
ulated in software based matter. The second case
study of voltage regulation in the distribution network
contains transient and dynamic behaviors that could
be simulated properly using hardware components.
The workflow was able to suggest the suitable test-
ing framework following the requirements imposed
by the assessment criteria.
The extension of the experiment questionnaire to
add more detailed questions regarding other domains
such as thermal, control, ICT, environmental and so-
cial domain as well as use cases to test its usability, is
a matter of future work. Additionally, further elabora-
tion of market models in the component catalog will
provide models for specific market studies.
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- Modellexperimente in der operativen Energiesyste-
manalyse’ (Grant Agreement No. 03ET4078I).
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Structured Planning of Hardware and Software Co-simulation Testing of Smart Grids