the customer requires and whether omitting
categories with only a few member products is
acceptable. In order to investigate the real-world
relevance more closely, we suggest using the model
first in a semi-automated process where categories are
proposed to the user. Based on the user decisions, the
model can then be further optimized and the degree
of automation can be increased. Apart from
classifying new products, our approach can also be
used for reclassification an already classified product
data base into a different classification system.
In summary, our results have shown that the
classification of food products can be carried out
during the initial product data generation step using
only the product name. Standard algorithms are
capable of achieving satisfying results without the
need for hyper-specialized and difficult to optimize
models. Our work can be extended to products from
other segments like clothing or consumer electronics.
Further research is needed to answer the question
whether a model covering products from all segments
is better than a compartmentalized approach with one
separate model for each segment.
The authors would like to thank the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research for supporting
their work through the KMU-innovativ programme
under grant number 01—S18018.
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