ment the organization’s output (product and service)
while simultaneously limiting the unexpected adverse
outcomes generated by potential risks. These method-
ologies have several limitations when intending to use
them to analyze the risk in multi-stakeholder perspec-
tives. Apart from that, for example, these frameworks
are restricted in terms of what are risks related to
data subjects and how to evaluate these risks, which
is requested by the law. Numerous methodologies
and frameworks in the context of privacy impact as-
sessment (PIA) have proposed, such as legal frame-
works for data protection authorities in several coun-
tries (Act, 2014; OAIC, 2014; CNiL, 2018), as well
as academic researchers (Oetzel and Spiekermann,
2014; Clarke, 2009; Wright, 2012), and for specific
purposes like PIA for RFID and Smart Grids (Com-
mission, 2014; Oetzel et al., 2011). There a lot of risk
assessment approaches which consider multi-criteria
to calculate risk exposure, e,g., in (Zulueta et al.,
2013) risk analysis is modeled as a Multi-Criteria De-
cision Making (MCDM) problem in which experts
express their preferences for each risk. However, a
few approaches that have defined risk impact crite-
ria for different stakeholders. E.g., in the context of
cloud computing, in (Albakri et al., 2014) a security
risk assessment framework proposed that can enable
cloud service providers to assess security risks in the
cloud computing environment and allow cloud clients
with different risk perspectives to contribute to risk
assessment. In analyzing the conflict of interest be-
tween stakeholders in (Rajbhandari and Snekkenes,
2012) authors proposed the conflicting incentives risk
analysis method in which risks are modelled in terms
of conflicting incentives. The goal of it is to pro-
vide an approach in which the input parameters can
be audited more easily. In (Wright, 2012), the authors
have declared that privacy risk shall be assessed from
both data subjects and system perspective. Similarly,
in (Iwaya et al., 2019) a privacy risk assessment is
proposed by considering both perspectives in the case
of mobile health data collection system.
We have formalized the Multi-Stakeholder Risk
Trade-off Analysis Problem together with an auto-
mated technique to identify a set of risk management
policies that simultaneously minimize the risks asso-
ciated with the data subjects and data controllers. This
assists designers with conducting a DPIA, as man-
dated by the GDPR, by supporting a what-if analysis
to explore various alternatives at design time or when
there is a need to re-evaluate risks because of evolving
As future work, we plan to mechanize the pro-
posed approach on top of an automated solver for
multi-objective optimization problems. To simplify
the practical application of the methodology, we will
also identify indicators for threat detection. Fi-
nally, we are going to evaluate the integration of the
methodology in existing risk assessment approaches.
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code of practice. Technical report, Technical Report.
Information Commissioners Office.
Albakri, S. H., Shanmugam, B., Samy, G. N., Idris, N. B.,
and Ahmed, A. (2014). Security risk assessment
framework for cloud computing environments. Secu-
rity and Communication Networks, 7(11):2114–2124.
Bieker, F., Friedewald, M., Hansen, M., Obersteller, H., and
Rost, M. (2016). A process for data protection impact
assessment under the european general data protection
regulation. In Annual Privacy Forum, pages 21–37.
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Oetzel, M. C. and Spiekermann, S. (2014). A systematic
methodology for privacy impact assessments: a de-
sign science approach. European Journal of Informa-
tion Systems, 23(2):126–150.
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Mull, S. (2011). Privacy impact assessment guideline
for rfid applications. German Federal Office for Infor-
mation Security (BSI).
Rajbhandari, L. and Snekkenes, E. (2012). Intended ac-
tions: Risk is conflicting incentives. In International
Conference on Information Security, pages 370–386.
Wright, D. (2012). The state of the art in privacy im-
pact assessment. Computer Law & Security Review,
Zulueta, Y., Martell, V., Martínez, J., and Martínez, L.
(2013). A dynamic multi-expert multi-criteria deci-
sion making model for risk analysis. In Mexican Inter-
national Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages
132–143. Springer.
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