Multi-Stakeholder Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Data Protection
Majid Mollaeefar
, Alberto Siena
and Silvio Ranise
Security and Trust, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
DIBRIS, University of Genova, Genova, Italy
Cybersecurity, GDPR, Multi-Stakeholder Risk Assessment, Security and Privacy, Quantitative Risk
To ensure the effectiveness of the adopted security measures and minimize the impact of security issues on
the rights and freedom of individuals, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires to carry out
a Data Processing Impact Assessment (DPIA). Such an assessment differs from traditional risk analyses in
which the actor carrying out the evaluation is also the one interested in reducing its risk. Conflicts may
thus arise between the need of protecting data subjects rights and organizations that shall provide adequate
security measures while struggling with various types of constraints (e.g., budget). To alleviate this problem,
we introduce the Multi-Stakeholder Risk Trade-off Analysis Problem, (MSRToAP) and propose an automated
technique to solve their instances. We then show how this can help data controllers make more informed
decisions about which security mechanisms allow for a better trade-off between their requirements and those
of the data subjects. For concreteness, we illustrate the proposed on a simple yet realistic use case scenario.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has
been introduced to guarantee basic rights of Euro-
pean citizens concerning personal data protection and
privacy. One of the main goals of the GDPR is to
give individuals control over their personal data. Con-
trollers and processors of personal data must provide
for appropriate technical and organizational measures
to minimize the risks that personal data can be abused,
for instance in the case of a data breach. To ensure
the effectiveness of the adopted security measures and
minimize the risk, the GDPR requires to carry out a
Data Processing Impact Assessment (DPIA) in par-
ticular for certain data processing activities that are
likely to result in a risk to data subjects rights and
The focus of the DPIA is thus to consider risks that
are likely to violate fundamental rights related to the
privacy of individuals; thereby making a clear separa-
tion between the actor (the data controller) perform-
ing the risk assessment and the one (the data subject)
whose risk should be reduced. This is dramatically
different from traditional risk analyses in which the
actor carrying out the evaluation is also the one inter-
ested in reducing its risk. As a consequence of the
separation, conflicts may arise between the protection
of data subjects rights and organizations that need to
provide adequate security measures while struggling
with budget constraints and an increasing skill gap in
security and privacy.
To alleviate this problem and help data controllers
make more informed decisions about which security
mechanisms allow for a better trade-off between their
requirements and those of the data subjects, we in-
troduce the Multi-Stakeholder Risk Trade-off Analysis
Problem, MSRToAP (Section 3) and propose an auto-
mated technique to solve instances of such a problem
(Section 4). This allows designers to perform a what-
if analysis and identify a (small) set of risk manage-
ment policies that can simultaneously minimize the
risks associated with the various actors (Section 5).
The approach is illustrated by means of a simple but
realistic running example (Section 2). We also dis-
cuss related work (Section 6) together with conclu-
sions and future work (Section 7).
ACME is the (anonymized) name of a real Italian
startup operating in the healthcare domain. It de-
velops a software application we call it HCare
which exposes an API service to allow its clients to
Mollaeefar, M., Siena, A. and Ranise, S.
Multi-Stakeholder Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Data Protection.
DOI: 10.5220/0009822703490356
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2020) - SECRYPT, pages 349-356
ISBN: 978-989-758-446-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
work together, as illustrated in Figure 1. Through the
API, HCare connects three actors: the API provider
(ACME), the Health Service Provider (HSP), and pa-
tients. Notice that a HSP in our case can also be
an independent developer, who provides IT-only ser-
vices without offering actual health care support; for
example, providing data visualization tools. Finally,
the end-user is typically the patient using the app that
can send biometric data or user-initiated requests and
receive responses from the HSP; e.g., prescriptions
from a doctor, medical alerts, etc. HSPs use the APIs
to perform some operations such as create, read, up-
date, and delete (CRUD operations) in a compliant
way i.e., by considering proper roles and permis-
sions and storing and accessing the data accordingly.
Application Provider
Health Service Provider
Smart Health
Figure 1: Health service scenario.
The health data is stored in a cloud environment, con-
trolled, and monitored by ACME. Consequently, from
a legal perspective, ACME acts as the data proces-
sor. However, due to the nature of its offered services,
ACME has also to support data controllers to com-
ply suitably. Therefore, it looks at the issue of GDPR
compliance from both perspectives, of the data pro-
cessor and data controllers. This is handled by a ser-
vice level agreement between ACME and the HSP.
Table 1 shows an example of the impact assess-
ment for the case of ACME. The table has been built
through a process modeled on the GDPR data pro-
cessing impact assessment procedure of ACME. It de-
scribes, with a certain level of abstraction, the identi-
fied risks with respect to the various principles. For
example, the first row reports a risk for the Confiden-
tiality and integrity of data (column 1). Data (such
as the medical history of the patient) could be lost or
corrupted because of a hardware failure. The con-
sequences for the patient can be extremely high, be-
cause the healthcare data in this scenario is used for
providing healthcare services such as medical pre-
scriptions and missing or corrupted data may result
in wrong diagnoses or in the impossibility to provide
the service (column 2). For this reason, data storage
must be reliable, by introducing more frequent back-
ups or data replication (column 3). But these solu-
tions change consequently the risk exposure for the
company. In particular, data replication introduces
the need for a complex network architecture, with all
its associated risks. For example, business risks due
to the rising costs, but also process risks (due to the
difficulty of decision making and network configu-
ration). Under the same principle, health data leak-
ages could happen because of unauthorized access to
the sensitive data, which may have bad consequences
for the patient, such as social stigma and discrimina-
tion. Because of these consequences, anonymization
or pseudonymization techniques may be required to
be applied, but this in turn can introduce additional
risks for the data controller, such as degradation of
functionalities due to the fact that data can no longer
be treated transparently (column 4). This example
makes it evident the effects of the law: given that the
data subject has some fundamental rights, it is a duty
of the data controller to set up the proper technical
measures for ensuring that the rights are respected.
On the other hand, attempting to minimize the risks
for the data subjects gives rise to the possibility that
the risk exposure for the data controller increases– not
only in terms of data-related risks.
Different stakeholders have different criteria to evalu-
ate the potential impact of threats. As a consequence,
risk management policies intended as the set of
technical and organizational measures put in place to
deal with risk have different effects on the risk ex-
posure of the stakeholders. A risk management policy
(RMP) should therefore be selected with the purpose
of minimizing the risks for all the considered stake-
holders, while taking into account, at the same time,
additional constraints, such as legal prescriptions or
business requirements: failing to comply with appli-
cable laws brings in additional risks and costs due to
the expected fines; but even if the law is not formally
violated, unbalanced risk levels among stakeholders
may point out potential conflicts of interests, which
can result in generating additional risks.
From these considerations, we derive the Multi-
Stakeholder Risk Trade-off Analysis Problem
(MSRToAP), which consists of the problem of jointly
estimating the potentially conflicting risk levels for a
set of actors, in relation to the technical settings and
relating threats. We formalize MSRToAP as follows:
A set of threats T
, ..., T
, each of which has a cer-
tain degree of evidence of being true or false.
An RMP, defined as a set of technical and organi-
zational security controls C
, ..., C
, each of them
associated to a set of threats.
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Risk assessment under GDPR.
GDPR principles Data subject risk Potential solutions Data controller risk
Confidentiality and integrity
Patient data losses or data corrup-
tion; wrong diagnoses by doctors;
Patient data backup; patient data replica-
Higher inside job possibility; time-
consuming; rising costs; recovery
Unauthorized access to patient
health data; identity theft; loss of
Anonymization, pseudonymization and
obfuscation; access control; encryption;
System slowdown; complexity;
Possible implementation faults;
functionality degradation;
Purpose limitation Unintended permission; Unautho-
rized data disclosure;
Documenting the purposes in a transpar-
ent manner; restrict access to users’ data;
Loss of public reputation;
Accuracy, Storage limita-
tion, Data minimization
Disclosing undeleted inaccurate or
medical history data; incorrect data
may drive to discrimination or so-
cial pressure for patients;
Ensuring data accuracy; data clean-
ing algorithms; automated enforcement
of deletion policies; regularly checking
data collection;
Rising costs; possible implementa-
tion faults;
A set of security goals G
, ..., G
. E.g, confiden-
tiality, integrity,and availability.
A set of actors (e.g, the data controller (dc) and
the data subject (ds) in the GDPR context) and, for
each actor a, a set of criteria P
, ..., P
that actors
use to evaluate the impact of threats. The method
can support more actors, it results more complex
(also from an algorithmic point of view), but the
substance would not change.
We also assume that the risk R
for actor a depends on
its preferences P
, ..., P
, the threats T
, ..., T
, and a
goal G
for k = 1, ..., g. An MSRToAP is the problem
of finding a subset C of the finite set C of candidate
RMPs that simultaneously minimise the risk R
for all
actors a. We need to consider a set C since, for any
situation in which actors have conflicting objectives,
there may be no single solution that is simultaneously
optimal for each risk. Imagine a scenario in which,
according to one RMP the risk of actor 1 is 1 and
that of actor 2 is 2 whereas for another RMP the risks
for the two actors are swapped; the former is better
than the latter with respect to the risk of the first ac-
tor, but it is worse with respect to that of the second.
An obvious question arises: which solution should be
preferred? The answer is to use the notion of Pareto
optimality; see, e.g., (Marler and Arora, 2004). In
our context, an RMP is Pareto optimal if there does
not exist another RMP that improves one risk with-
out detriment to another. Identifying a set C of op-
timal RMPs is beneficial as it simplifies the work of
designers that need to select the right RMP among the
hopefully small set C rather than among all candidate
To deal with this problem, in this paper we address
the following objectives:
develop a methodological framework, capable to
drive the risk analyst in the quantitative estimation
of the risks exposure levels for the actors referring
to a same accountant; and
evaluate the capability of the framework to ex-
plore alternative risk management policies, by
performing a what-if analysis.
Risk is traditionally defined as R = L × I, where L is
the likelihood of the risky events to happen, and I is
their impact on the organizational goals, if they hap-
pen. We move from the idea that, within the same
accountability context (i.e., the scope, for which the
same actor is the accountant for the risk manage-
ment), different stakeholders are exposed to different
risks, but typically only one of them is accountable
for performing the risk analysis and taking the proper
measures. This is particularly sharpened in contexts
in which laws, such as the recent GDPR, explicitely
prescribe that a certain subject (the data controller)
is accountable for the risks existing in its organiza-
tion, but the risk assessment has to be carried out
from the point of view and in the interest of the data
subject. Given these hypotheses, we redefine risk as
R = h R
, R
i = h (L
× I
), (L
× I
) i. From
the aforementioned distinction between accountabil-
ity and interest, we derive one further property: since
the interested parties are many, the perceived impact
is different for each party; on the other hand, since
the accountable actor is one by definition, the estima-
tion of the likelihood is the same for all the actors.
We assume therefore that L
= L
, and the risk be-
comes R = h (L × I
), (L × I
) i. The generalization
to more than 2 actors is obvious. Given that there
are plenty of approaches in the literature that cope
with the likelihood estimation form risk assessment,
and that its actual value is irrelevant for the purpose
of comparing the risk exposures, in the present work
we focus on the estimation of the relation between
Multi-Stakeholder Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Data Protection
Threat criticality
Impact level
Risk exposure
Figure 2: Risk assessment methodology.
the impact levels I
, ..., I
and the corresponding risk
exposures. Given this assumption, the risk exposure
depends on two things: (i) the method adopted to es-
timate the potential impact of threats on each actor a;
and (ii) the threats actually associated to the system
configuration. In the following we will introduce a
methodology to perform a quantitative impact assess-
ment for multiple actors, while in section 5 we will
show how to use it to estimate the risk of a specific
system configuration, as well as to explore potential
risk mitigation solutions.
4.1 Impact Assessment Methodology
The impact assessment methodology consists of three
main phases: Artifacts identification, Impact assess-
ment, and Risk calculation, as illustrated in figure 2.
4.1.1 Artifacts Identification
In the initial phase, the following input artifact has to
be identified:
Protection Goals. It presents the perspective of the
data subject whose rights are at stake. For sim-
plicity, in particular, we consider confidentiality, in-
tegrity, availability, unlinkability, intervenability, and
transparency (Bieker et al., 2016) as protection goals
which may be affected by the threats.
Threat Taxonomy. The potential threats that may ex-
ist in the scenario are identified by utilizing threat tax-
onomies such as ENISA, MITRE, etc. This threat tax-
onomy is considered as an input artifact. For the sake
of simplicity, table 2 shows five possible threats rele-
vant to the ACME scenario. For each threat, one (or
more) possible malicious activity is reported, which
represents the reason why the threat is considered to
be relevant in the scenario.
Stakeholders’ Preferences. Different stakeholders
have different criteria that define what they consider
risky. Data controllers (e.g., companies) typically
adopt business impact criteria, such as financial im-
pact or reputation, whereas data subjects (e.g., indi-
viduals) evaluate risk on the basis of their impact on
their personal sphere. In our scenario, we have con-
sidered the social situation, individual freedom, finan-
cial situation, and health condition as the data subject
impact criteria. Reputational situation and financial
situation are the impact criteria for ACME, which are
linked to indirect and direct pecuniary loss or damage.
4.1.2 Impact Assessment
The second phase is the core of the impact assess-
ment. In risk management, impact assessment is a
critical task, due to it is tough to estimate the potential
consequences of threats and how they are evaluated
by stakeholders. It is mostly a fully subjective evalu-
ation, and this makes it particularly critical when at-
tempting to estimate the impact from the point of view
of third parties, such as the data owner. We accept
this level of subjectivity as unavoidable, but neverthe-
less we mitigate it, by conceiving a cross-weighting
system, which makes impact assessment more sys-
tematic. In a nutshell, in such weighting system the
analyst is still required to provide his opinion about
the potential impact of threats, but he is asked for an
opinion multiple times and on different aspects of the
problem, with the twofold objective of (i) inducing
the analyst to consider multiple points of view, and
(ii) merging these points of view into a more balanced
value, which will be done in the third phase. In prac-
tice, the impact assessment is articulated into three
finer-grained actions: threat-goal correlation, threat-
preference correlation, and preference weighting.
Table 2: Possible threats in our scenario.
Threats Possible malicious activities
data storage
Personal data is kept stored more than the time
necessary for the purposes by ACME.
access and disclo-
Due to over-privileged or inadequate controls,
insiders (i.e., a medical practitioner or an
ACME’s staff) modify patients’ data or disclose
by mistake.
T3-Identity theft Patients and their personal data can re-identify
in de-identified data sets by outsiders malicious.
(ACME data set)
T4-Denial of ser-
Attackers can disrupt the communication chan-
nel between patients and the healthcare service
provider in order to prevent data from being up-
load to the server.
T5-Threat to in-
ACME does not implement a procedure (techni-
cal and/or processes) that allows the patients to
rectify, erase or block individual data.
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 3: The affected protection goals by each threat (right side of table), and the assigned impacts to stakeholders’ preferences
for each threat (left side of table), along with the assigned weights to each preference and the observed ratio for each protec-
tion goals in our scenario. The legends are represented as follows: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Unlinkability,
Intervenability, Transparency, Financial Sitution, Reputational Situation, Health Condition, Individual Freedom, Social
Situation, and Observation Weight. The “3” symbol means the associated goal is affected by the threat.
0 1 0 0 1 2 T1 - - - - - 1/13
3 2 2 4 2 2 T2 - - 4/13
1 3 4 0 3 3 T3 - - - 3/13
0 0 3 3 2 3 T4 - - - 3/13
3 3 3 4 2 2 T5 - - - - 2/13
0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.4
Preference weights
Stakeholders’ preferences
Data controller
Data subject
Protection goals
Threat-goal Correlation. Each threat has potentially
an impact on one or more security and privacy goals,
which depends on the very nature of the threat. For
example, every “Denial of service” threat will intu-
itively have more impact on data availability rather
than on integrity, while any “Identity theft” will have
more impact on data confidentiality. In table 3, we
summarize the correlation between each threat and
each goal. The more a threat has impact on multiple
goals, the more it is considered pervasive; the more
a goal is impacted by multiple threats, the more it
is considered scattered. Threat-goal correlation does
not directly inform on the threat impact, because a
goal impacted severely by a single threat can be more
threatened than a goal impacted slightly by many
threats. However, it is an information that is used in
combination with others to derive the impact.
Threat-preference Correlation. Each threat is per-
ceived as more or less dangerous by each actor in re-
lation of his/her own criteria. E.g., it is very unlikely
that excessive storage of patients’ health data would
damage ACME’s reputation. On the other hand, by
increasing stored data on its data storage, there is fi-
nancial damage on ACME cause of cost of storage
and management of the IT infrastructure. The rep-
utation of patients is not affected by excessive stor-
age of personal data. However, the increasing amount
of stored data increases the risk and impact of data
breaches and leaks. To capture this correlation, we
assign a value to the level of aversion that each stake-
holder is considered to have against each threat, ac-
cording to his/her own criteria. As shown in table 3,
such value is expressed in a scale from 0 to 4 (no
impact, low, moderate, critical, catastrophic), has the
purpose of capturing the contribution of that specific
preference to the overall evaluation of the risk impact.
Preference Weighting. Lastly, each stakeholder has
different preferences, which result in different im-
portance given to different criteria. For example, in
our scenario for patients the health condition crite-
rion is more momentous than the others. We capture
these high level stakeholder preferences by assigning
a weight to each stakeholder criterion, which we call
it “assigned preference weight” or in short APW”.
In table 3, the last row (on the left side) shows the
assigned weights to each preference in our scenario.
4.1.3 Risk Caclulation
Finally, in this phase, the risk exposure calculates for
each protection goal by following processes.
Threat Criticality Quantification. To quantify the
threat criticality value, two values must be consid-
ered, (i) the number of goals is affected by the threat,
and (ii) the threat evidence value. Basically, the threat
criticality shows the level of danger of a threat among
all threats. We introduce the “observation weight” for
each threat according to the number of goals that are
affected by the threat respect to all affected goals in
total. For simplicity, we assume all the goals have
equal importance. The observation weight for each
threat is measured in table 3.
The threat criticality is computed by formula 1 to
determine how much a threat has precedence over the
other threats. In the formula, OW
represents the value
of the observation weight for threat i, and T
sents the evidence value of the existence of the threat
i, which is a value in [0...1]. In our scenario, in table 3
the observation weights are computed for each threat.
= OW
× T
Indeed, the TC indicates how much a threat can be
severe. To calculate risk exposure, we need to nor-
malize the obtained values through formula 2.
Multi-Stakeholder Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Data Protection
Impact Level Evaluation. By having the values
which have obtained from the threat-preference corre-
lation process and the weight assigned to each prefer-
ence, the impact level of each threat is evaluated. For-
mula 3 evaluates the impact level of each threat for
each actor. In this formula, n is the number of prefer-
ences a stakeholder has, as well as, I
(i, j)
and APW
(i, j)
are the impact level and the assigned weight for the
j-th preference of actor a for the threat i, respectively.
For example, according to table 3, the impact level of
the health condition for the second threat is 4. As can
be seen in table 3, we have assigned a weight to each
preference. E.g., in case of the data subject, the health
condition has a higher weight than the social situa-
tion. As the same performed for the threat criticality,
the obtained impact from formula 3 is normalized in
order to evaluate the actual impact for each goal.
(i, j)
(i, j)
Risk Exposure Calculation. Finally, the risk expo-
sure calculates in terms of how much the protection
goals are at risk for both perspectives. By formula 4,
we can calculate the risk exposure from different per-
spectives for each protection goal, which helps us un-
derstand the risk exposure gap between stakeholders’
interests. In this formula, X
is the total number of af-
fection of the j-th goal by threats, or other words, how
many threats affect the j-th goal. For instance, ac-
cording to table 3 the transparency goal has affected
one time (out of five) which means X
is 1.
, GoalImpact
× ImpactT
The risk impact assessment methodology described
above has the purpose of defining how the impact
has to be evaluated for each stakeholder, when the
existing threats are known. Knowing which threats
exist, on the other hand, depends on the specific set-
ting of the system. E.g., in the previous section, we
have identified ve threats in the scenario, and con-
sequently, it needs to define a set of technical and or-
ganizational measures to see how much these threats
harm the system. Each threat may have a truth value
from 0 to 1, which is estimated by using controls. It
is possible to obtain a high level characterization of
the system threats by putting in place technical con-
trols for each threat. E.g., a passed control provides
Confidentiality Integrity Availability Unlinkability Intervenability Transparency
Data Subject
0.110 0.168 0.132 0.075 0.177 0.178
Data controller
0.099 0.181 0.150 0.074 0.178 0.104
Figure 3: Risk impact exposure for data subject and data
controller in the running example.
evidence that the threat isn’t effective, while a failed
control provides evidence of the threat’s existence.
Out of all the controls for a given threat, the evi-
dence that the threat exists can be simply evaluated as
= 1 (C
×... ×C
), where C
. For
simplicity, we currently use for C
the truth values 0
(not implemented (No)), 0.5 (partially implemented)
and 1 (fully implemented (Yes)). Table 4 shows
the possible controls, along with their implementa-
tion status for the ve identified threat. The RMP in
table 4 is considered as the initial RMP for our sce-
nario, which with that, we performed the risk impact
assessment. In our scenario, table 5 shows the ob-
tained result for the TC and its normalized value along
with the normalized impact for both actors which are
calculated for each threat by formula 1-3.
Table 4: Security and privacy controls in our scenario.
Threats Controls Implemented?
1) Purpose specification Yes
2) Ensuring limited data processing Yes
3) Ensuring purpose related processing Partially
4) Ensuring data minimization Partially
5) Enabling data deletion No
1) Ensuring data subject authentication Yes
2) Ensuring staff authentication Yes
3) Ensuring device authentication Partially
4) Logging access to personal data Partially
5) Performing regular privacy audits No
6) Ensuring data anonymization Partially
7) Providing confidential communication Yes
8) Providing usable access control Partially
9) Ensuring secure storage Yes
10) Ensuring physical security Partially
1) Providing confidential communication Yes
2) Logging access to personal data Partially
3) Ensuring data subject authentication Yes
4) Ensuring data anonymization Partially
1) Enabling offline authentication No
2) Network monitoring Partially
3) Implementing the preventing denial-of-
service attack mechanisms like firewalls,
IDS, etc.
1) Informing data subjects about data pro-
2) Handling data subject’s change requests Partially
3) Providing data export functionality No
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
To better understand the risk gap between stake-
holders’ interests, in figure 3, the risk exposure result
has plotted for each protection goal. In this figure,
the risk impact of each goal is expressed. By aggre-
gating the impact of all goals, the overall risk impact
from the point of the data subject is 0.84, which is
the aggregation of goal exposures, and this value for
the data controller is 0.78. Notice that these numer-
ical values, per se, do not aim to have an absolute
meaning; they are rather intended to serve for com-
paring the risk exposures of the stakeholders, against
each other as well as against different risk manage-
ment policies, as described in the next section.
5.1 What-if Analysis
The described approach consists of two main phases:
a configuration stage, in which the characteristics of
the specific organization are captured and transformed
into parameters (basically, phases 1 and 2 of the
methodology) of the risk evaluation method; and an
execution stage, in which the existing threats are ac-
tually estimated on the basis of the controls, and their
impact level evaluated, which in turn defines the risk
exposure for the various stakeholders. What is inter-
esting here is that, once the framework has been con-
figured and the controls defined, it is possible to re-
peat the risk evaluation several times by changing the
input values (i.e., the truth values associated with the
controls). In other words, it is possible to perform a
what-if analysis of the potential system configuration
settings, in order to find the best one. To this purpose,
moving from the risk policy currently in force in our
scenario, and summarized in table 4, we define 5 addi-
tional risk management policies, which are potential
alternative configurations of the system to be evalu-
ated. The outcomes of this what-if evaluation are re-
ported in table 6. As mentioned above, table 4 repre-
sents the adopted risk policy, while in table 6 policies
1-5 are the potential alternatives. In each policy, we
have selected three controls; these controls and their
implementation status are mentioned in table 6. For
Table 5: The obtained threat criticality and the normalized
impact of each threat for stakeholders.
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Threat criticality
0.03 0.11 0.06 0.19 0.10
Normalized threat
criticality (NTC)
0.06 0.22 0.12 0.39 0.21
Data subject
nomalized impact
0.075 0.725 0.525 0.450 0.850
Data controller
nomalized impact
0.393 0.500 0.750 0.643 0.500
example, in policy 1, the three controls are as fol-
lows: (i) enabling data deletion for T1, (ii) ensuring
device authentication for T2, and (iii) ensuring data
anonymization for T3. Each policy relies on the same
stakeholder preferences, protection goals and threat
taxonomy, but implies different truth values for the
described controls, corresponding to different techni-
cal solutions in the system. The truth values for a con-
trol can be 1, 0.5, or 0, which represents a control that
has been fully or partially implemented, or not consid-
ered. We perform different combinations of controls
to see how the risk exposure result. We conduct this
analysis only for five different combinations under the
mentioned condition. In table 6, RMPs have set, and
their risk exposure result is calculated for two actors.
By testing all possible RMPs, we can observe how
the risk exposure changes for the stakeholders. In
a nutshell, we are looking for an optimal setting in
which the overall risk exposure becomes minimum
for the stakeholders. We see from the table for the
DS, policy 1 and 2 are the worst. In contrast, policy
3 and 5 are the best for the DS. From the DC point
of view, policies 1 and 2 have similar risk exposures,
and policy 3 is the worst. In contrast, policies 4 and 5
are the best for the DC. However, out of this analysis,
we can imply the best in both perspectives is policy 5.
In the scope of information security a wide range of
risk assessment approaches have been proposed by
standard institutes and organizations like NIST SP
800-30 (NIST, 2012), ISO/IEC 27005 (2011), etc.
Regardless of the particular processes each of these
security risk assessment approaches has, they all point
out to the risk as an unexpected incident that would
damage business assets, either tangible (e.g., organi-
zation’s infrastructures) or intangible (e.g., organiza-
tion’s services). The ultimate goal of an information
security program based on risk management is to aug-
Table 6: Stakeholders’ risk exposure under different sets of
implementing controls.
Implemented Controls DS risk DC risk
Set 1
T1-5) partially T2-3) fully
T3-4) fully
0.85 0.79
Set 2
T1-5) partially T3-4) fully
T5-1) fully
0.84 0.79
Set 3
T1-5) partially T2-5) fully
T5-3) fully
0.77 0.80
Set 4
T2-5) partially T4-1) partially
T5-3) partially
0.82 0.78
Set 5
T4-2) fully T5-2) fully
T5-3) fully
0.77 0.78
Multi-Stakeholder Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Data Protection
ment the organization’s output (product and service)
while simultaneously limiting the unexpected adverse
outcomes generated by potential risks. These method-
ologies have several limitations when intending to use
them to analyze the risk in multi-stakeholder perspec-
tives. Apart from that, for example, these frameworks
are restricted in terms of what are risks related to
data subjects and how to evaluate these risks, which
is requested by the law. Numerous methodologies
and frameworks in the context of privacy impact as-
sessment (PIA) have proposed, such as legal frame-
works for data protection authorities in several coun-
tries (Act, 2014; OAIC, 2014; CNiL, 2018), as well
as academic researchers (Oetzel and Spiekermann,
2014; Clarke, 2009; Wright, 2012), and for specific
purposes like PIA for RFID and Smart Grids (Com-
mission, 2014; Oetzel et al., 2011). There a lot of risk
assessment approaches which consider multi-criteria
to calculate risk exposure, e,g., in (Zulueta et al.,
2013) risk analysis is modeled as a Multi-Criteria De-
cision Making (MCDM) problem in which experts
express their preferences for each risk. However, a
few approaches that have defined risk impact crite-
ria for different stakeholders. E.g., in the context of
cloud computing, in (Albakri et al., 2014) a security
risk assessment framework proposed that can enable
cloud service providers to assess security risks in the
cloud computing environment and allow cloud clients
with different risk perspectives to contribute to risk
assessment. In analyzing the conflict of interest be-
tween stakeholders in (Rajbhandari and Snekkenes,
2012) authors proposed the conflicting incentives risk
analysis method in which risks are modelled in terms
of conflicting incentives. The goal of it is to pro-
vide an approach in which the input parameters can
be audited more easily. In (Wright, 2012), the authors
have declared that privacy risk shall be assessed from
both data subjects and system perspective. Similarly,
in (Iwaya et al., 2019) a privacy risk assessment is
proposed by considering both perspectives in the case
of mobile health data collection system.
We have formalized the Multi-Stakeholder Risk
Trade-off Analysis Problem together with an auto-
mated technique to identify a set of risk management
policies that simultaneously minimize the risks asso-
ciated with the data subjects and data controllers. This
assists designers with conducting a DPIA, as man-
dated by the GDPR, by supporting a what-if analysis
to explore various alternatives at design time or when
there is a need to re-evaluate risks because of evolving
As future work, we plan to mechanize the pro-
posed approach on top of an automated solver for
multi-objective optimization problems. To simplify
the practical application of the methodology, we will
also identify indicators for threat detection. Fi-
nally, we are going to evaluate the integration of the
methodology in existing risk assessment approaches.
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