Table 13: Performance results for Test 7 set using combined
option max mean median
= 20, n
= 10 89 38.70 39
= 4, n
= 1 96 39.30 39
best 89 35.51 35
Table 14: Performance results for Test 8 set using combined
option max mean median
= 20, n
= 10 281 126.14 125
= 4, n
= 1 290 128.08 127
best 280 114.29 114
Based on the numerical experience, the following
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• The explicit approach is bad for numerical rea-
• Purely implicit or purely semi-explicit approach
is prone to slow convergence or lack thereof.
• Good convergence is obtained when implicit ap-
proach is used by default with semi-explicit ap-
proach invoked temporarily when lack of conver-
gence is detected.
• The semi-implicit approach uses the eigenvalues
of the trailing 2×2 subproblem to select the shifts.
• When these eigenvalues are real, a good shift se-
lection rule is to set a double shift σ
= σ
= λ
where λ
is the closest eigenvalue to the last ele-
ment of the product for the current subproblem.
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