Data Augmentation for Semantic Segmentation in the Context of Carbon
Fiber Defect Detection using Adversarial Learning
Silvan Mertes
, Andreas Margraf
2 a
, Christoph Kommer
, Steffen Geinitz
and Elisabeth Andr
University of Augsburg, Universit
atsstraße 1, 86159 Augsburg, Germany
Fraunhofer IGCV, Am Technologiezentrum 2, 86159 Augsburg, Germany
{andreas.margraf, steffen.geinitz}
Image-to-Image Translation, Carbon Fiber, Data Augmentation, Computer Vision, Industrial Monitoring.
Computer vision systems are popular tools for monitoring tasks in highly specialized production environ-
ments. The training and configuration, however, still represents a time-consuming task in process automation.
Convolutional neural networks have helped to improve the ability to detect even complex anomalies withouth
exactly modeling image filters and segmentation strategies for a wide range of application scenarios. In recent
publications, image-to-image translation using generative adversarial networks was introduced as a promising
strategy to apply patterns to other domains without prior explicit mapping. We propose a new approach for
generating augmented data to enable the training of convolutional neural networks for semantic segmentation
with a minimum of real labeled data. We present qualitative results and demonstrate the application of our
system on textile images of carbon fibers with structural anomalies. This paper compares the potential of
image-to-image translation networks with common data augmentation strategies such as image scaling, rota-
tion or mirroring. We train and test on image data acquired from a high resolution camera within an industrial
monitoring use case. The experiments show that our system is comparable to common data augmentation
approaches. Our approach extends the toolbox of semantic segmentation since it allows for generating more
problem-specific training data from sparse input.
1.1 Motivation
Optical sensors such as high resolution cameras are
widely used in the field of online process monitor-
ing (OPM) to detect changes and anomalies in pro-
duction environments. The image acquisition task
set aside, the potential of large image data can only
be explored with well-selected and problem-tailored
segmentation and classification models. Machine
learning algorithms have outperformed classic im-
age processing approaches in several studies over
the last decade (Cavigelli et al., 2017; McCann
et al., 2017). Especially convolutional neural net-
works (CNN) proved effective and applicable to many
problem domains due to their ability to generalize
well on large training sets (Simonyan and Zisser-
man, 2014; He et al., 2016). In highly specialized
industrial environments, however, image data is usu-
ally sparse due to the time-consuming and therefore
expensive collection and labeling procedure. This re-
sults in a lack of labeled data necessary to train vari-
ous machine learning algorithms for defect detection.
In this paper we present scenarios for carbon fiber tex-
tiles which exhibit unique surface structures and het-
erogeneous anomalies. Since regular image process-
ing with common filters such as edge, contour, thresh-
olding or fourier transform would not cover the vari-
ety of anomalies, we propose a CNN based semantic
segmentation method that relies on an adverserial net-
work approach for data augmentation (DA). Hereby,
DA is based on pix2pix image-to-image translation
and used to increase detection reliability and reduce
training effort for industrial machine vision.
1.2 Toward Better Data Augmentation
A major benefit of CNNs is their ability to classify im-
ages, i. e. to predict which category the images or sin-
gle pixles belong to based on the ”euclidean-distance”
or some kind of similarity score. However, state-of-
Mertes, S., Margraf, A., Kommer, C., Geinitz, S. and André, E.
Data Augmentation for Semantic Segmentation in the Context of Carbon Fiber Defect Detection using Adversarial Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0009823500590067
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications (DeLTA 2020), pages 59-67
ISBN: 978-989-758-441-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the art CNNs need large amounts of training data to
produce reliable results. Since it is time-consuming
and expensive to manually create annotations, DA is
a popular tool to artificially enlarge the training set.
Common DA methods rely on rotation, scaling, shift-
ing and similar algorithms. However, these simple al-
gorithms do not explicitly generate new patterns, but
rather alter existing data within very narrow limits.
GANs are designed to create output images as real-
istic as possible so that they become indistinguish-
able from real-world photographs. Modified GANs
for image-to-image translation, such as pix2pix, en-
hance the capabilities of original GANs to transfer
images from one domain to another. We make use of
this property as we teach GANs to transfer randomly
generated pixelwise label data to image data specific
to our problem domain. Thus, we create label and im-
age pairs that are truly new and can be used as training
data for CNNs in a semantic segmentation context.
1.3 Structure
For a better understanding of the topics covered, the
remainder of this paper is divided into four sections:
First of all, we provide an overview on related work
and existing technology in section 2. We then de-
scribe the proposed approach in section 3 and present
the experimental setup in section 4. In addition, we
discuss the results and compare them to related con-
cepts in section 5. Finally, we draw conclusions from
our findings and give an outlook on future research in
section 6.
The following section will give an overview of pre-
vious work published in related fields of research,
i. e. machine learning (ML), artifical neural net-
works (ANN), computer vision (CV), OPM and Or-
ganic Computing (OC). Identifying anomalies, e. g.
misaligned carbon fibers on textile surfaces is a chal-
lenging task, especially from an engineer’s perspec-
tive. On the one hand, camera sensors need to pro-
vide an outstanding image quality with a high resolu-
tion, on the other hand heterogenous surface patterns
serve as tough barriers for the design and training of
machine learning models. Geinitz et al. therefore de-
signed (Geinitz et al., 2016) a line scan sensor with
an adapted image processing filter pipeline in order to
handle the observed variability in surface images.
Margraf et al. proposed an evolutionary learning
approach (Margraf et al., 2017) for the automated de-
sign of image processing solutions for carbon fiber
fault detection which was extended by Stein et al.
(Stein et al., 2018) with an architecture for the auto-
mated generation of processing pipelines. A big leap
in classifying large image sets by means of CNN has
been achieved by AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012),
GoogleNet (Szegedy et al., 2015) and VGGNet (Si-
monyan and Zisserman, 2014). CNNs have been used
in the context of steel defect classification by Masci
et al. (Masci et al., 2012) and for photometric stereo
images by Soukup et al. (Soukup and Huber-M
2014). Ren et al. proposed a region proposal network
for real-time object detection (Ren et al., 2015). Fer-
guson et al. used CNNs and transfer learning for de-
fect detection in X-ray images (Ferguson et al., 2018).
Staar et al. examined CNNs for industrial surface in-
spection (Staar et al., 2019). Pixel-based segmenta-
tion was first introduced by Long et al. (Long et al.,
2015). Schlegl et al. proposed unsupervised anomaly
detection with GANs for marker discovery (Schlegl
et al., 2017). Also, Di Mattia et al. presented a
survey on GANs for anomaly detection (Di Mattia
et al., 2019). Furthermore, transfering colors from
a given photographic context into another has been
discussed in related publications (Zhang et al., 2016;
Xie and Tu, 2015). The concept of image-to-image
translation was first introduced by (Isola et al., 2017)
who presented the pix2pix architecture to project var-
ious image domains such as edge objects or label im-
ages to colored photographs. Images with a large gap
between a small foreground and a comparably large
background pose a challenge to pixel-based segmen-
tation which is reflected in the case of carbon fiber im-
ages. In this context, networks with a multi-channel
feature map seem to perform better which was con-
firmed using the U-Net architecture (Ronneberger
et al., 2015). It should be noted that this architecture
makes heavy use of data augmentation while taking
only few input data. However, its potential is limited
when using very small input data sets. For the specific
purpose of data augmentation, (Frid-Adar et al., 2018)
and (Mariani et al., 2018) successfully applied GANs
to classification tasks. Also, (Choi et al., 2019) pre-
sented an approach to use image-to-image translation
networks for semantic segmentation tasks. Therefor,
they transformed labeled data to related image do-
mains so that the original label still fits to the newly
created image. (Huang et al., 2018) utilized image-
to-image networks to be able to use multiple image
domains to train shared segmentation subtasks. How-
ever, to the best of our knowledge, there exists no
work using GANs to generate completely new image
and label pairs for enhanced training datasets in the
context of semantic image segmentation. The authors
of this paper are aware that metaheuristics for hy-
DeLTA 2020 - 1st International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Training of a pix2pix network to perform image-
to-image translation between labels and defect images (Step
perparameter optimization, e. g. swarm intelligence
(Strumberger et al., 2019) exist. However, this field
of research is not subject to the presented approach.
In this paper, we take a first step toward a pix2pix
based approach in the context of carbon fiber de-
fect detection. We show how pix2pix, an image-to-
image translation approach, can be adapted and uti-
lized to enlarge training datasets for semantic seg-
mentation. In the specific context of quality moni-
toring, we demonstrate that our approach is able to
improve semantic segmentation if only small datasets
are available. We also compare our approach to con-
ventional DA which will be discussed in section 5.
Thereby, it can be used to create training data for a
problem domain that typically lacks of labeled data.
While common strategies for DA rely on straightfor-
ward transformations such as flipping or rotating the
training images, our concept is based on a on a ran-
domized label generator combined with a pix2pix ar-
chitecture to create completely new synthetic training
Our approach is three-folded: in a first step, we
train a pix2pix network to perform an image-to-image
translation from labels of defect images to their cor-
responding image data, i.e. we teach the pix2pix net-
work to generate new defect images that correlate
with given label data. To train the network, we use
a set of existing real data pairs of images and labels.
Fig. 1 shows the basic principle of this step. The net-
work architecture and training procedure can be in-
fered from (Isola et al., 2017). The only change that
we made to the original architecture was to adapt the
size of the input layer to our problem domain.
The structure of carbon fiber faults usually ap-
pears as mostly straight or curved lines of varying
thickness. Under keen observation the basic struc-
ture of the single fibers can be regarded as combined
Table 1: Parameters for the fake label generator.
Parameter Lower bound Upper bound
15 30
0.02 0.03
1 50
-0.5 0.5
-0.5 0.5
-0.5 0.5
0.005 0.0095
graphs with different rotations. In stage 2, a compo-
sition of well-tuned stochastic functions destined to
create ‘fake’ labels is applied to the data. The au-
thors are aware of the fact that this method is unique
to the domain of carbon fibers and that the experi-
mental design of such stochastic functions can even
take more time than applying common data augmen-
tation techniques. However, there are more related
problem domains in the context of anomaly detection
in which surface anomalies can be imitated with ordi-
nary stochastic trigonometric functions. For example,
(Haselmann and Gruber, 2017) showed that anoma-
lies in images of plastic parts manufactured by a foil-
insert-molding process can be represented as trigono-
metric functions.
Several experiments showed that the following func-
tion allows to generate graphs that show a similar
structure as carbon fiber defects. The trigonometric
function f (x) is denoted as follows:
f (x) = a
· sin(a
· x) + a
· sin(x)+
+ a
· cos(a
· x) + a
· x + a
· x
where the parameters a
are chosen randomly within
certain defined intervals. We found appropriate inter-
vals through experimentation and visual inspection.
By studying the real defect images it could be noted
that the curved structures of the defects show big simi-
larities to trigonometric functions. To model different
shapings of the curvings, we chose parameter inter-
vals for trigonometric functions so that the resulting
graphs would cover a wide range of structures. For
example, we tuned one sine function to use big am-
plitudes and therefore form the global structure of the
label, whereas another sine function only uses small
amplitudes to cover curvings that occur on a rather
microperspective level. Polynomic functions were
also included to model additional types of curvings
that remind of aperiodic curvings. The intervals are
listed in table 1. For every fake label we randomly
set the variables and plotted the resulting graph for
x [0, w] where w represents the width of the sam-
ple images. After creating those plots they were ro-
tated randomly. Multiple graphs were overlapped and
the thickness of the resulting lines was varied to cre-
Data Augmentation for Semantic Segmentation in the Context of Carbon Fiber Defect Detection using Adversarial Learning
Figure 2: Heuristic to generate fake labels using the label generator (Step 2).
ate images with realistic fiber-like graphs so they can
barely be distinguished from real labels. Fig. 2 illus-
trates this procedure. It should be emphasized that the
whole process was performed automatically, i. e. no
human involvement was necessary to create ‘fake’ la-
bels. Fig. 5 depicts a random selection of fake labels
created with this heuristic.
Finally, the previously generated label data is fed
to the trained pix2pix model. By pairing the synthetic
labels of the function generator with the synthetic im-
age data of pix2pix, we get new image/label pairs to
train a CNN for semantic segmentation of defects as
shown in Fig. 3. We chose U-Net for this purpose
since this architecture could achieve promising results
in related fields, e. g. biomedical image segmentation
(Ronneberger et al., 2015).
4.1 Domain of Carbon Fiber Defect
We chose the domain of carbon fiber defect monitor-
ing to test and evaluate the proposed approach. Dur-
ing production, the surface of carbon fibers apears si-
miliar to common textiles. Ideally, the single fibers
are aligned in parallel and form a carpet of straight
lines. From time to time, single fibers come undone
due to the mechanical impact executed by spools in
the transportation system. Misaligned fibers are gen-
erally considered a potential defect. Since the posi-
tion, shape and size of loose or cracked fibers vary
heavily, their is no golden sample for single defects.
The goal is to identify the defects on a carbon fiber
carpet by training a U-Net architecture to perform a
binary segmentation of the pixels that contain defects.
Fig. 4 shows four examples of defect images with cor-
responding binary labels.
4.2 Experimental Setup
To evaluate our concept, we ran several experiments
to compare the system with conventional data aug-
mentation methods. For data augmentation the fol-
lowing image transformations were applied:
Randomised crop of squares of different size
Horizontal and vertical flip
Rotation (for 180 degrees)
Elastic transformation
Grid distortion
We arranged the image data in four different sets and
performed multiple training procedures of a U-Net ar-
chitecture. Afterwards, we compared the quality of
the models trained on the different sets. Every train-
ing pair for the U-Net architecture consists of a real or
fake defect image and a real or fake binary label im-
age. The following listing shows the composition of
the various datasets. The pairs of real data each con-
sist of a real defect image and a corresponding manu-
ally labeled image.
Dataset 1 contains 300 pairs of real defect data and
corresponding binary label images. For this
dataset, only original data was selected and DA
was not applied.
Dataset 2 contains the same 300 pairs of defect data
and corresponding labels as dataset 1. During
training, however, we applied an online form of
data augmentation. For each image some of the
aforementioned transformation operations were
applied with a given probability.
Dataset 3 contains 3000 pairs of defect data and cor-
responding labels. 2700 of the 3000 data pairs
were generated by applying the pix2pix based data
augmentation approach on dataset 1 while 300
data pairs were taken from dataset 1.
Dataset 4 contains the same 3000 pairs of defect data
and corresponding labels as dataset 3. We also ap-
plied stochastic data augmentation as for dataset
DeLTA 2020 - 1st International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
Figure 3: The generation and preparation of training data for U-Net using a trained pix2pix model and the fake label generator
to create fake training pairs. (Step 3).
Figure 4: Examples of real image data pairs labelled by ex-
perts. The misalgined fibers are visible on top of the fiber
2, i.e. each image was transformed with a given
probability during training. Thus, dataset 4 com-
bines common data augmentation with our ap-
As mentioned before, the datasets were used to
train a U-Net architecture for semantic segmentation.
For testing and evaluation we used a separate dataset
that contained real defect data and corresponding an-
notations. This test set was created with the help of
domain experts.
4.3 pix2pix Configuration
The pix2pix GAN configuration is given in table 2.
We stopped the training after 3200 epochs, as we
could not observe any further improvement of the
generated images by that time. Fig. 5 shows a selec-
tion of pairs of random generated labels and images
generated through application of the pix2pix model.
4.4 U-Net Configuration
During training, one setting was applied to the U-
Net architecture. Also, DA with conventional image
transforms was applied to 2 out of 4 datasets.
Table 2: pix2pix Configuration.
Parameter Value
Learning rate 0.0005
Batch Size 1
Epochs 3200
Loss Function Mean Squared/Absolute Error
All data augmentation methods are based on the
library published by (Rizki et al., 2002). In our ex-
periments, a stochastic component was added to im-
age transformations, i.e. all operations were per-
formed with a given probability. Thus, the random-
ized crop was given the probability p = 0.25 and a
window size interval of [400, 512] pixels. Further-
more, the probability for flipping, rotation, elastic
transform and grid distortion was set to p = 0.5. In
the latter case, only one operation, i.e. either elas-
tic transform or grid distortion was allowed (OneOf ).
The rotation was set to exactly 180 degrees. Elas-
tic Transform was performed with the parameters
α = 10, σ = 10, al pha a f f ine = 512 · 0.05 and
border mode = 4. Grid Distortion was given the pa-
rameters num steps = 2 and distort limit = 0.4. The
operations were applied using the given parameters on
every incoming original image. The U-Net model it-
self was slightly adapted from (Yakubovskiy, 2019) to
fit the dataset. The default size of the training images
was 512x512, yet the default U-Net setting accepts
28x28. As an encoder, the U-Net uses a ResNet-18
model. The architecture was adapted to fit the input
size before applying the model. The training was then
performed using the parameters as presented in table
Table 3: U-Net Configuration.
Parameter Value
Learning rate 0.0001
Batch Size 10
Epochs 200
Loss Function Binary Cross Entropy / Dice Loss
Data Augmentation for Semantic Segmentation in the Context of Carbon Fiber Defect Detection using Adversarial Learning
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 5: Samples of synthetic labels (top row) and corresponding pix2pix outputs (bottom row) imitating misaligned fibers.
It should be noted that accuracy, MCC and F
are less dependable for an objective evaluation of the
classification model. The proportion between back-
ground pixels (i.e. the non-defect pixels) and fore-
ground pixels (i.e. the defect pixels) per image is
thoroughly unbalanced. While accuracy returns the
proportion of true results among all data points exam-
ined, MCC and F
Score aim to balance out true and
false positives and negatives of the binary classifica-
tion result. In contrast, the Jaccard index or Intersec-
tion over Union (IoU) is used to measure the similar-
ity of two sets, i. e. the similarity of the ground truth
and the prediction. It is defined as the area of overlap
over the area of union or formally:
IoU =
|A B|
|A B|
In the following section, we will focus on the IoU
metric for an objective and problem related evalua-
tion. For the sake of completeness, all relevant statis-
tical scores are published for each experiment.
5.1 Discussion of Results
For all datasets the training was aborted after 200
epochs since convergence was clearly visible. As Fig.
7 suggests, both training accuracy and loss converge
from epoch 100 onwards for all 4 datasets. Training
on dataset 1 was stopped at a loss rate of 0.7, while
for both datasets 3 and 4 the training ended at a loss
rate of 0.4. For dataset 2, model training reached
an IoU of 0.6 and 0.5 for validation when the
process was aborted. At the same time, the training
loss ended at 0.4 and reached a value of 0.2 for
validation. Furthermore, training on dataset 1 reached
an IoU score of 0.7 while dataset 3 and 4 achieved
an IoU value of 0.8 after 200 epochs. All training
results for the four datasets are shown in table 4. The
trained models were consecutively applied on the test
dataset. The model trained on dataset 1 reached an
accuracy of 0.985 and IoU of 0.391 on the test set.
Likewise, the model trained with dataset 2 reached
an accuracy of 0.992 and an IoU of 0.593. As can
be seen, the IoU for the model based on dataset 3
reached an IoU of 0.579 and an accur acy of 0.991,
while training with dataset 4 achieved a value of 0.575
for the IoU and 0.991 for the accur acy. All metrics
for the test runs were acquired from prediction on 25
randomly selected sample images as presented in ta-
ble 4.
Fig. 6 shows a random selection of defect images
taken from the test set with red overlays represent-
ing the ROIs predicted by the U-Net model. It should
be noted that training without DA leads to more false
positives which remainds of noise in the overlays as
can be seen in Fig. 6b and 6c.
Figure 7 shows that the loss rate for dataset 1
drops heavily for 50 epochs and converges around a
value of 0.5 for the test set and just over 0.0 for the
training set. At the same time, the IoU value increases
heavily for 50 epochs before it slows down and con-
verges after 125 epochs around an IoU value of 0.85
for the training set and around 0.4 for the test set.
For dataset 2 the loss rate drops considerably dur-
ing the first 5 epochs, then decreases constantly but
slightly until it converges around 0.2 after 125 epochs
during training. The loss on the test set develops
the same way except it converges around a value of
0.4. Again, the IoU value increases clearly within
less then 5 epochs during training, then only slightly
continues to rise before converging around 0.6 after
epoch 125. During testing, the IoU value increases
constantly between epoch 0 and 75, then converges
around 0.4 as illustrated in the second row of Fig. 7.
DeLTA 2020 - 1st International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
Table 4: U-Net results from test runs on the datasets 1 through 4 for batch size 5.
Dataset 1 0.539169 0.586753 0.390778 0.985035 0.55487 0.561956 0.576576
Dataset 2 0.772803 0.718101 0.592925 0.991935 0.740872 0.744448 0.728413
Dataset 3 0.745926 0.721067 0.578888 0.991419 0.729034 0.733286 0.725905
Dataset 4 0.756767 0.705387 0.57502 0.991471 0.72631 0.730175 0.715098
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 6: Real carbon fiber defects from the test set with red overlay from U-Net segmentation for dataset 1 (top row), dataset
3 (center row) and the ground truth (bottom row).
Figure 7: IoU Score and Loss during U-Net training for
dataset 1 through 4 from top to bottom row.
As can be seen, the U-Net model trained on
dataset 3 significantly outperformed the model trained
on dataset 1. This shows that our approach could sub-
stantially improve the quality and diversity of the raw
training set. When comparing the results of dataset
2 and dataset 3, it becomes apparent that the pro-
posed approach is slightly worse, however not signif-
icantly diverts from conventional data augmentation
techniques which were applied on dataset 2. The dif-
ference comprises within less then 0.02 for the IoU.
The combination of synthetic data generated us-
ing a GAN with subsequent data augmentation as for
dataset 4 did not lead to any improvement. The model
trained on dataset 4 outperforms dataset 1, but leads to
a slighty lower IoU, accuracy and MCC than dataset
2 and 3. However, the degradation ranges within less
then 0.02 for the IoU and is therefore not significant
under the given circumstances. As the results from
table 4 and the samples depicted in figure 6 suggest,
the pairs of synthetic images and labels of carbon
fiber defects were successfully used to replace tradi-
tional data augmentation for semantic segmentation
network training. With an IoU of 0.579, the presented
approach performs comparably to U-Net training with
regular data augmentation. Since the absolute differ-
ence between dataset 2 and 3 results in a value of
0.01, it appears negligible. The results show that syn-
thesized training data helps to improve the detection
quality of a U-Net segmentation model to a great ex-
Data Augmentation for Semantic Segmentation in the Context of Carbon Fiber Defect Detection using Adversarial Learning
tent. Moreover, the augmented dataset could be cre-
ated based on few samples of only 300 images with
an image size of 512x512 pixels in which the ROI on
average only covers 1 % of an image frame.
We consider our pix2pix based image generation a
more realistic and application-oriented form of DA.
The experiments were conducted with and without
traditional DA in order to evaluate the effectiveness of
our approach. Excessive use of traditional DA might
superimpose the ‘real’ data within the training set due
to its low level form of manipulation, reproduction
and reuse which raises the risk of overfitting during
model training. GAN based data generation is also
less prone to repetitive patterns since it tries to project
the variation found in the original data to the synthetic
In summary, the proposed approach shows great
potential for semantic segmentation on sparse data.
At this point, we cannot evaluate the whole extent of
GAN based DA, but we encourage the research com-
munity to examine the application of our approach to
other fields of research and related use cases. We ex-
pect benefits especially in the field of deep learning,
industrial monitoring and neuroevolution.
In this paper, we proposed an image-to-image trans-
lation approach for the detection of misaligned fibers
and fuzzballs on carbon fiber surfaces. We discussed
related GAN approaches and designed a novel con-
cept for generating synthetic defects based on sparse
labeled data using a pix2pix model.
Within our experiments on four different datasets
we showed that the pix2pix based approach could sub-
stantially improve the pixel-based classification qual-
ity of U-Net models. The synthetic defects helped to
augment the dataset so that segmentation quality im-
proves significantly on sparse data. However, the ap-
proach did not outperform regular DA techniques but
still achieves similiar quality scores. Furthermore, the
approach can be used to train neural networks for se-
mantic segmentation on comparably sparse data since
the GAN manages to generate realistic, yet artifical
labels from few samples. At this time, further ex-
perimentation is necessary to evaluate the whole po-
tential. It should however be noted, that by using
the label generator with mathematical models, train-
ing data can always be created for a specific use case
as for carbon fiber images. Conventional DA only
applied very general image transformations without
any reference to specific requirements in the applica-
tion scenario. We demonstrated that the approach of-
fers great potential for further semi-supervised train-
ing and exhibits high relevance for anomaly detec-
tion in industrial applications. We also showed that
in combination with traditional DA the approach did
not improve the pixel-based classification quality fur-
ther. Under the given conditions the assumption can
be made that GAN based augmentation already pro-
vides a well-balanced and diverse dataset so that con-
ventional image transformation methods do not add
any additional value. As current research activities
still focus on adapting semantic segmentation and ob-
ject detection networks to different domains of indus-
trial image data, our research work will investigate the
potential for an extended use of unsupervised learn-
ing using GANs. For this purpose, our efforts are
concerned with network designs that manage to train
models with even less or no input data in order to
efficiently solve industrial monitoring tasks. In this
spirit, we want to shift the attention from defect gen-
eration by designing problem-specific algorithms to
a problem-independent approach. The field of neu-
roevolution, e.g. still remains unexplored for indus-
trial applications. Future work will strive for a closer
look to hyperparameter optimization in the context of
deep learning. Furthermore we are working on a more
generic approach that allows to use GANs not only
for the generation of image data, but also for label
data that is currently generated by our random label
generator. Thus, we try to apply concepts borrowed
from the fields of Evolutionary and Organic Comput-
ing to equip our approach with self-configuring and
self-learning properties. The application of evolu-
tionary computation, i.e. genetic algorithms and co-
evolution, constitutes another topic of our research
The authors would like to thank the Administration of
Swabia and the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Af-
fairs and Media, Energy and Technology.
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Data Augmentation for Semantic Segmentation in the Context of Carbon Fiber Defect Detection using Adversarial Learning