comprehensively and efficiently to all security needs
with lower communication and calculation costs.
The paper is organized as follows: In section 2,
we describe the work that has appeared recently to en-
sure the security of the smart grid technology. Then,
in section 3, we detail our solution with its different
steps. After that, in section 4, we analyze the per-
formance and reliability of the solution we have pro-
posed with other competing solutions. Finally, this
paper ends with a general conclusion and some per-
The problem of the security of the smart grid tech-
nology has prompted several researchers to take an
interest in this delicate subject. For this, several ap-
proaches have been devoted to the search for solu-
tions to face this problem. For example, in (Garg
et al. 2019), the authors suggested an authenti-
cation scheme, which took advantage of the op-
portunities offered by elliptic curve cryptography,
the one-way hash functions and the benefits pro-
vided by the Menezes-Qu-Vanstone key exchange so-
lution. Indeed, this authentication scheme desig-
nated a lightweight solution ensuring the security and
anonymity of communications in the smart grid with
lower communication and calculation costs. How-
ever, this solution was vulnerable to the insider attack
and the password guessing attacks.
In addition, the authors in (P. Kumar et al. 2019)
put forward an authentication solution with a key
agreement based on hybrid cryptography. This so-
lution provided bidirectional authentication between
a remote smart meter and the server in order to ob-
tain a session key agreement to ensure the security
of the data communications exchanged. In addition,
it checked anonymity and the dynamic session key.
However, it did not provide security against the in-
sider attack and the password guessing attacks.
Moreover, the authors in (Tsai et al. 2015) used
an identity-based signature scheme, as well as another
identity-based encryption scheme, in order to achieve
a new anonymous key distribution scheme ensuring
the technology security of the smart grid. In the sug-
gested solution, a smart meter could anonymously ac-
cess the services offered by service providers using
a private key and without the use of a trusted anchor
during authentication. However, this solution did not
verify perfect forward secrecy and did not provide se-
curity against the man-in-the-middle and session-key-
discloser attacks.
Furthermore, the authors in (Odelu et al. 2016)
proposed a security scheme ensuring secure authenti-
cation in the smart grid. The authentication scheme
reinforced the security of the solution propounded in
(Tsai et al. 2015), but this authentication scheme was
vulnerable to the man-in-the-middle attacks.
Besides, the authors in (He et al. 2016) suggested
an anonymous authentication scheme ensuring the se-
curity of the smart grid. This proposed scheme took
advantage of the opportunities offered by elliptical
curves to provide the anonymity of the smart me-
ter and authentication between the power distribution
server and its smart meters without the help of any
trusted anchor. However, this solution did not ver-
ify anonymity and did not provide security against in-
sider and password guessing attacks.
In our work, and in order to offer a more satisfactory
level of security in the intelligent electrical network,
more particularly in the security of all communica-
tions exchanged between the smart meter and the data
center, we have developed a solution of strong and
light authentication allowing mixing several authenti-
cation parameters, in order to properly authenticate a
smart meter with its energy distribution server, to pro-
tect and verify that the energy consumption data sent
by the smart meter are correct and come from a legit-
imate smart meter. In fact, in our authentication so-
lution we take advantage of the opportunities offered
by cryptography based on elliptic curves in combi-
nation with light cryptographic functions, i.e. hash
functions and concatenation functions, to use them in
the account of our security solution. Indeed, our au-
thentication solution is presented in three phases: (i)
setup, (ii) identification and (iii) authentication and
key agreement.
3.1 Setup Phase
During this first step, the energy distribution server
performs a process of generating a set of parameters.
These parameters enable the other stages to execute
safely. The details of this generation process are as
• At the start, the energy distribution server ran-
domly generates two large prime integers a and
b. Subsequently, it calculates z = (a - 1)(b - 1) and
r = a · b. Then, it randomly generates two integers
x and y so that PGCD(x, z) = 1 and (y · x) mod z
= 1.
• After completing the generation, the energy dis-
tribution server chooses a hash function h
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SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography