expressions with Heyting implication and negatives.
For a prefixpoint of the mapping, some inductive con-
struction is presented. We then have models for a
given expression conditioned to some representation
forms. This model theory is relevant to those in logic
programming (Yamasaki, 2006), but more general
than, with respect to strict negation. As a software
technology to analyze algebraic expression queries,
negation as failure rule is applied as sound procedure.
As another result, a semiring structure is formally
constructed with respect to state transitions virtu-
ally caused by dynamic traverses through reference
links, which is related to automata theory (Droste
et al., 2009) rather than context-free language aspects
(Winter et al., 2013). The semiring involves non-
determinism by direct sum of objects derived from
models, which require human interaction to selec-
tion of suitable objects. The abstract representation
involves nondeterministic alternation of transitions
from a state, to which human interaction may be im-
plemented which transition to select.
As related works on logical frameworks possibly
for AI, we should learn concepts and ideas as follows.
They may be hints on advancements to be considered,
as regards practical aspect of this paper:
(a) The paper (Beddor and Goldstein, 2018) presents
the belief predicate with the credence function of
agents, concerning epistemic contradictions. The
contradictions of complexity may be avoided by
grades of such a function.
(b) There is a paper (P. Kremer, 2018) presenting
second-order propositional frameworks, with epis-
temic and intuitionistic logic. It may be relevant to
the extension of this paper with HA expressions to
more facility of complex expressiveness.
(c) With the second-order (quantified) propositions,
the paper (Goranko and Kuusisto, 2018) involves
dependence and independence concepts, which may
control implementations of programs or queries if
data base is designed with such concepts of represen-
tation complexity.
(d) “Distributed knowledge” is discussed (Naumov
and Tao, 2019), with quantified variables of quantifies
ranging over the set of agents. Concerning applica-
tions of the second-order predicates to knowledge, the
paper (Kooi, 2016) contains the concept of knowing.
Distributive knowledge processing is of more com-
plexity even for the state constrained programs.
(e) For an extension of propositional modal logic
without quantification, the paper (Fitting, 2002) in-
troduces relations and terms with scoping mechanism
by lambda abstraction. It is considered as presenting
functional programming included in modal logic.
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DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications