Table 5: NLP performance after merging the information
from the HeaderParser module. All results are the average
of 5 runs with different seeds.
Task Dataset Train Dataset Eval Accuracy
I/O io cv io 93.2 %
I/O io cv io balanced 90.1 %
Performance after Merging. The I/O classification
task is special in that it has two knowledge sources
currently: the ASG, and the NLP analysis of the pa-
rameter comment. Thus, the knowledge from the
ASG can be merged with the result from the NLP
analysis. In the case of this experiment, the extra in-
formation is used to minimize the reliance on NLP.
The current implementation of the Merger module
uses following weights: (1) HeaderParser: 4 (2) Doc-
Parser: 2 (3) NLPDoc: 1 This means that NLP is only
used on parameters that could not be classified with
certainty by the HeaderParser module i.e., parame-
ters that are not qualified with the const qualifier and
are not a fundamental type. As shown in Table 5, this
method improves the final accuracy.
In this paper, we presented an approach to extract
abstract semantic models of C++ libraries automati-
cally, which we evaluated on the perception domain
with two popular computer vision libraries. We also
outlined how the extracted models of the percep-
tion libraries can be used within a planner to fur-
ther automate the creation of perception pipelines. It,
therefore, lowers the engineering barriers to develop
robotics and automation solutions that can adapt to
new tasks automatically via planning. Our approach
is based on the combination of static source code anal-
ysis and NLP, which is used to interpret the corre-
sponding documentation. Because we did not make
any domain specific assumptions, we expect our ap-
proach to perform similarly on other domains.
Our evaluation shows the benefits of additional se-
mantic information on the planning performance. The
required semantic information can be extracted with
a heuristics-based parser in case a machine-readable
documentation is provided (i.e., HALCON). More
generally, however, it is necessary to use NLP to ex-
tract semantic knowledge. Therefore, we fine-tuned
a state-of-the-art LM on two classification tasks to
extract semantic information. Our results show that
this approach works well in the training domain. Un-
fortunately, applying the trained model to another li-
brary showed mixed results. While it worked well for
the input/output classification task, the semantic type
classification task showed the limits of the used LM.
Future work could extend the here described static
analysis with dynamic program analysis to validate
the extracted labels. Additionally, an interesting re-
search direction would be to take more information
into account, like the other parameters of the func-
tion or the functions’ description. Finally, a more di-
verse training data set could improve the transfer per-
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ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics