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was shown that under suitable constraints the nonlin-
ear continuous time system can be stabilized by a lin-
ear discrete time controller. Moreover, we have con-
ducted simulations that show the good performance
of the control algorithm.
Further work will provide tighter estimates of the
region where stability and feasibility can be guaran-
teed. Another promising research direction is the use
of hybrid/multi model in order to enhance the control
performance and robustness.
The authors would like to thank the Regional Council
Hautes-de-France for its support.
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Proof of Lemma 1
Proof. Solving the optimization problem (4) with
any discretization time h < h leads to an LQR con-
troller K associated with a Cost x
Such that
(A − BK)
(A − BK)− Q
= −Q.
Since A = I + hA + o(h),B = hB + o(h), defining
W (h) := I + h(A − BK)
(W (h) + o(h))
(W (h) + o(h)) − Q
< −Q/2
h(A − BK +o(h))
+ hQ
(A − BK) + o(h) < −Q/2,
Therefore there exist h small enough such that
(A − BK)
+ Q
(A − BK) < −S,
Implementation of Centralized MPC on the Quadruple-tank Process with Guaranteeing Stability