ages included in the Bonn Dataset (Chebrolu et al.,
2017) using a modified version of the RGB SegNet
as the convolutional neural network (CNN) with a
synthetic generated dataset of RGB images resized to
480x360 pixels (Badrinarayanan et al., 2015).
The main contribution of this paper is the addition
of the near infrared sensor in a simulation environ-
ment to generate datasets of plant-weed images that
include red, green, blue and near infrared data. The
results were tested against real data with a convolu-
tional neural network (CNN) designed for plant-weed
segmentation classification. The classification is eval-
uated using the mean intersection over union (IoU)
and the accuracy: both values are increased by adding
the near infrared data, with the most prominent im-
provement obtained by using the synthetic data.
The results obtained suggests this method to be
bases for the simulation of other type of plants and
weeds with the purpose of providing a reliable source
of data to generate datasets for CNN training. Simu-
lation parameters as size of plants, illumination inten-
sity and color variations can be adjusted to fit a spe-
cific environmental condition, and thus achieve simi-
lar classification results. Additional type of plants and
weeds can be added as well by adding new textures or
new 3D meshes to depending on their complexity. If
the new plant general shape is the same, it would re-
quire only additional textures and simple adjustments
to the 3D meshes. The developed simulator gener-
ates sugar beets leaves using a simple rectangular bent
mesh which then take the shape of the leaf through a
transparency shader that only renders the pixels with
leaf pixels. Then, carrots, for example, could be eas-
ily added since they have also a bent stem with leaves
that follow to some degree the pattern of the bent
stem. For some studies simple new textures could be
enough and if more detail is required then extra bent
meshes could be spawned on top of the main stem to
have more precise leave shapes. Plants with consid-
erable different shapes like sunflowers could also be
added by adding appropriate meshes that follow the
general shape of the plant and their required textures.
The simulator could also be modified to include
more points of views representing sensors mounted in
different type of robots like ground robots or UAVs.
These robots could also be added in the simulator to
perform inspection patterns and collect data for ma-
chine learning training and testing.
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Simulation of near Infrared Sensor in Unity for Plant-weed Segmentation Classification