This work analyzed the newly employed security mecha-
nisms of the Electroneum cloud mining app. The analysis
identified several vulnerabilities related to the in-place
security measures that allow for protocol exploitation
and device/app impersonation attacks. We successfully
mounted an account creation and device emulation at-
tack to generate illegitimate accounts that exploit the
cloud mining process and earn ETN reward tokens. On a
technical level, the attack consists of an initial account
setup phase that circumvents Electroneum’s selfie-based
account verification mechanism via generated selfies,
and a fully-automated cloud mining extension process
that reconstructs the network protocol and emulates a
cloud-miner. We evaluated our approach by creating
multiple fake accounts with generated selfies with prede-
termined gestures or symbols and developing a bot that
emulates the Electroneum app and regularly maintains
these accounts by extending their cloud-mining process.
The generated selfies for each of these accounts were
approved by the Electroneum team, and our automated
mining-extension protocol successfully maintained the
accounts and enabled receiving payouts at the same rate
as legitimate reference accounts. We further propose
potential mitigation techniques for preventing application
repackaging or emulation attacks.
In future work we plan to further extend and improve
our attack by fully automating the initial account setup
phase. The complete automation of the selfie generation
process would consequently increase the efficiency and
scale of the attack and therefore enable the attackers to
obtain significantly large amounts of ETN payouts.
Responsible Disclosure.
We adhered to responsible
disclosure guidelines and informed the Electroneum team
about our findings.
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This Selfie Does Not Exist: On the Security of Electroneum Cloud Mining