tering high frequency vibrations and solved by ODE
solver. The dynamic simulation of the designed long
boom manipulator in a process with luffing and slew-
ing motions is accomplished.
The following topics are considered as our further
research with the object to control the vibration of the
long boom manipulator in the operation:
1).In the current model, the elasticity of the hy-
draulic cylinder is simplified as constant spring stiff-
ness. In reality, the oil inside the chambers of the hy-
draulic cylinder performs as a nonlinear elastic body.
The equations describing the dynamics of the hy-
draulic system will be included in the model of the
long boom manipulator to acquire a more accurate dy-
namic response of the system.
2). Although the motions of the manipulator are
designed to be smooth, the dynamic response of the
boom system is still remarkable due to the large flex-
ibility of the structure. The mathematical description
of the system will be reformed as an optimal control
problem to investigate the solution of vibration con-
trol. The optimal control problem can be proposed as
a path-following problem to optimize the dynamic re-
sponse of the boom structure to fit the trajectory of the
motion of the model with a rigid body assumption.
The research is supported by Deutsche Forschungs-
gemeinschaft (FO 1180 1-1) and National Science
Foundation of China (11761131005).
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SIMULTECH 2020 - 10th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications