deploying the trained models to real and simulation
Our results cast a new light on the performance
and accuracy of the trained models. The models'
overall accuracy and performance increased
proportionally with the continuous addition of
simulation data.
In this paper, we have investigated the ability of
CNNs models to generalize and learn from a mixture
of real and artificial data. Two CNN models have
been evaluated where the first was trained from
scratch and the other was fine-tuned to fit the dataset
classes of the lane tracking task. The CNN models are
trained six times wherein each a different
combination of the collected real and simulation
datasets is used. The results show that the models
trained with a dataset collected from a particular
environment can work only in this environment and
fails when it is transferred to an unseen target
environment. Another promising finding was that the
models' performance increased significantly and were
able to generalize to both real and simulation
environments with the inclusion of simulation data.
On this basis, we conclude that a mixture of
simulation and real data can help the CNN models to
generalize in cases where datasets are scarce and
when models trained in a particular domain are
transferred to an unseen target domain. This paper
provides a good starting point for further research. In
our future research, we intend to examine more
complex model architectures and environments.
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