4.2 Computational Results
To test the efficiency of Bee-route, we compare, first
the numerical results of the non-dominated solutions
found by Bee-route with those found by the evolu-
tionary algorithms and the Best Known solution. Sec-
ond, We compare also the performance of our algo-
rithm with the other algorithms using the Hypervol-
ume metric. Then, we perform a statistical test to
verify if our algorithm is significantly better than the
other algorithms. Finally, we compare the CPU time
taken by the different algorithms.
4.2.1 Non Dominated Solutions’ Comparison
In this section, we enumerate all the approximate
Pareto sets found by the different algorithms since,
for the VRPTW, the number of non-dominated solu-
tions is generally not large because there isn’t, usu-
ally, a big difference in the number of vehicles be-
tween solutions. So we show in the tables 1, 2, 3, and
4 the results for benchmark sets, respectively, R1, R2,
RC1 and RC2 of our algorithm Bee-route, the evo-
lutionary algorithms MOV-GP (Ghoseiri and Ghan-
nadpour, 2010), KBEA (Tsung-Che and Wei-Huai,
2014), IABC (Yao, 2017), Modified ABC (Alzaqe-
bah and Sana, 2016) and the single Best Known
(Solomon, 1987) solutions reported in the literature.
In these tables, we report in the column “NV” the val-
ues of the objective number of vehicles, and in the
column “T.dis” the values of the objective total dis-
tance of the VRPTW instances.
In Table 1, we can see that Bee-route can provide
the best results for most instances of the R1 set. In
fact, considering the two objectives: the minimum
number of vehicles and the total distance, the non-
dominant solutions obtained by our algorithm are ei-
ther identical or better than the best known solutions
(Solomon, 1987) reported in the literature, MOV-
GP (Ghoseiri and Ghannadpour, 2010), IABC (Yao,
2017), modified ABC (Alzaqebah and Sana, 2016)
and also KBEA (Tsung-Che and Wei-Huai, 2014) in
the cases R102,R103,R109,R110. From Table 1 we
can see that for instance R101, all but one of the so-
lutions found by the authors are dominated by The
IABC solution. We remark also that our algorithm
finds the largest approximate Pareto sets for most of
the instances and have a competitive results for re-
maining instances.
According to Table 2, that shows the results of
Bee-route for 3 instances in R2, we remark that the
Pareto front returned by our algorithm dominates
those found by MOV-GP (Ghoseiri and Ghannad-
pour, 2010), Modified ABC (Alzaqebah and Sana,
2016) and KBEA (Tsung-Che and Wei-Huai, 2014)
for R202 and R203, where the number of vehicles and
the total distance is reduced. For others instances,
Bee-Route present a competitive Pareto set compar-
ing the results of the algorithms in the state-of-the-art.
In Tables 3 and 4, the non-dominated solutions of
Bee-route are competitive with the other algorithms.
In these tables, the Pareto front of Bee-route domi-
nates the other fronts for 5 instances(RC102,RC108
in table3 and RC204,RC207 and RC208 in table 4)
of both of the two sets. In Table 3, the solution
of RC108 instance, in our algorithm with 9 vehicles
dominates the solution found by KBEA, Best Known,
MOV-GP and Modified ABC. However, the solution
with 10 vehicles found by KBEA dominates our so-
lution with 10 vehicles. In the same case for the
RC102 instance, Bee-route with 11 vehicles domi-
nates all other algorithms in comparison. However,
the solution with 12 vehicles found by KBEA dom-
inates our solution with 12 vehicles. On the other
hand, we note that the non-dominated solutions re-
turned by our algorithm are competitive for other
algorithms. In Table 4, the solution of RC204 in-
stance, in our algorithm with 2 vehicles dominates
the solution found by KBEA,Best Known, MOV-GP
and Modified ABC. However, KBEA with 3 vehicles
dominates Bee-route. In RC208 instance, Bee-route
with 2 and 4 vehicles dominates the solution found
by KBEA. But the solution with 3 vehicles found by
KBEA dominates our solution. We note also that
our algorithm finds the largest approximate Pareto
sets for most of the instances in MOV-GP (Ghoseiri
and Ghannadpour, 2010), IABC (Yao, 2017), Modi-
fied ABC (Alzaqebah and Sana, 2016) and the Best
Known (Solomon, 1987).
4.3 Hypervolume Comparison
The most widely used indicator to evaluate the per-
formance of search algorithms is the hypervolume in-
dicator (Zitzler, 2001). It measures the volume of the
dominated portion of the objective space and is of ex-
ceptional interest as it possesses the highly desirable
feature of strict Pareto compliance. Table 1 shows the
results of the hypervolume metric for Bee-route and
the other evolutionary algorithms. We present in the
first row of Table 1 the algorithms by comparing. For
the first column we find the instances tested. For the
other columns for each algorithm, we show after exe-
cution of the hypervolume code on the Pareto sets of
R1, R2, RC1 and RC2 the results found. We first no-
tice that our algorithm finds hypervolume values that
are largely better than MOV-GP(Ghoseiri and Ghan-
nadpour, 2010), IABC (Yao, 2017), Modified ABC
(Alzaqebah and Sana, 2016) and Best-Known algo-
ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies