In this paper, we have considered additional fac-
tors like content delight, frequency of watching on-
line video content and user mood and their impact
on MOS for multimedia communication. The video
stimuli were streamed in different packet loss scenar-
ios, and we have used both binary and ordinal scale
to take account of the user delight. We have seen a
slight impact of both frequency of using online video
content or mood on MOS, but the results are not sta-
tistically significant. On the other hand, we have ob-
served a slight tendency to give higher MOS ratings to
stimuli where the user is delighted to watch content,
but the different is not too large. It is important to
mention that all subjects were technologically aware
of the field, and we might get more relevance from
the diverse set of users in an additional study. The
results establish the effectiveness of MOS ratings ob-
tained through subjective assessments for video clips.
Finally, we have benchmarked the subjective MOS
ratings with PEVQ MOS and observed the software
tendency to overestimate the quality of the streamed
videos. This paper motivates to test effectiveness of
the results by using latest codecs with high resolution
videos streamed over high-speed networks in future
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DCNET 2020 - 11th International Conference on Data Communication Networking