5.2.2 Comparison of CPU Time of the Different
Table 3 presents the elapsed CPU time to obtain the
best solution. In this table, we can see that, the com-
puting time of the BCO-LTCPP is much lower than
other approaches. We note that these values are given
as an indication since the different algorithms are
tested on different computers. However, we remark
that the proposed BCO-LTCPP algorithm, despite it
was run on the less powerful processor, takes much
less CPU time.
Therefore, we can conclude that our algorithm is
able to reach significant better solutions in a short
In this paper, we proposed a Bee Colony Optimiza-
tion algorithm for the Long-term Car Pooling Prob-
lem. The proposed BCO algorithm, called BCO-
LTCPP, was tested on various benchmark instances.
Based on the experimental results, we can conclude
that the BCO-LTCPP is an efficient approach to solve
the Long-term Car Pooling Problem. In fact, these re-
sults show that the proposed algorithm is able to reach
significantly better solutions in a very short computa-
tional time when compared to other competitive ap-
proaches from literature on all instances.
The effectiveness of the developed BCO algo-
rithm encourages its application, for future works,
to other transportation problems, such as the daily
carpooling problem or the academic vehicle routing
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ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies