targeted denial of service attacks can be identified and
handled appropriately.
From Fig. 8, one can see that even with low traf-
fic, on average, five vehicles pass a junction in a sin-
gle queue. Therefore, these five vehicles form a k-
anonymity set of 5 as long as nobody can derive in
which order they arrive at and leave the junction. Al-
though the presentation tokens are generally crypto-
graphically unlinkable and untraceable, conclusions
could be drawn from the content or time of transmis-
sion. Therefore, it is necessary that V communicate
independently of their location with T L and that the
arrival time is not exact to the second, but should be
given in buckets of e.g. 5 seconds. The independence
from the location can be achieved by sending the mes-
sages to the traffic light with a random delay.
Here, we proposed an intelligent traffic light system
using crowdsourced user input transferred via V2X to
optimize the traffic light cycle and thus reduce overall
waiting time and emissions. A simulation has shown
that up to 40% of waiting time can be reduced in com-
plex situations. Therefore, the emissions can also be
lowered by around 5 % for the same number of vehi-
cles. This is done by i.a. avoiding unneccessary stops.
Furthermore, our approach achieves a significant level
of privacy by adapting ABC4Trust to our needs.
For future work, we plan to analyze the poten-
tial of our approach by extending the range of in-
formation available, i.e. interconnecting the traffic
light network, allowing two or more traffic lights to
exchange information and knowledge. However, the
impact of privacy for vehicles has to be taken into ac-
count. Our existing k-anonymity results only allow a
specific level of interconnection, which is of further
interest. Furthermore, we want to analyse the influ-
ence of even more flexible light schedules.
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