for order based optimization and explains the oper-
ational mode of the operators implemented for the
experimental study. Section 3 formulate the CVRP
problem, introduce the segregational selection for
handling constraints, and summarize the general loop
of the implemented GA and its parameters. The dif-
ferent classes of operators are studied in the section 4
through the first series of tests. Then, the hybridiza-
tion strategies and their corresponding experimental
study are detailed in section 5.
Standard order-based variation operators for GAs are
essentially ”blind” operators acting regardless of the
fitness of the solutions to cross or mutate. For order-
ing optimization, ”blind” crossover operators are in-
spired from standard binary crossovers, such as the
uniform crossover (Syswerda, 1989) and the order-
based crossover (OX) (Davis, 1985; M. et al., 1987;
Deep and Adane, 2011) described below. We design
this class of operators as ”Position Crossovers” since
they need only the sequences of symbols and their
positions to be applied. Similarly, several mutation
operators for ordering optimization change randomly
one or several symbols in different positions in the
chromosome. They are designed as ”Position Muta-
tion” operators. Four operators in this category are
described and illustrated in section 2.3.
To increase the GA exploitation ability, a great
number of advanced and heuristic crossover operators
have been proposed. An advanced crossover operator
considers an individual as the origin of its search and
tries to produce a better solution. They are designed in
this paper as ”Heuristic Crossovers”. They use some
heuristic information from the parents to hopefully
produce better offspring. The heuristic information
could be the adjacency describing gene neighbors in
the parents, the objective function, the neighborhood
map, distance between genes, etc. Three crossovers
are selected from this class for the experimental study:
the Distance Preserving crossover (DPX) (Freisleben
and Merz, 1996), the Alternating Edges Crossover
(AEX) (Grefenstette et al., 1985) and the Edge Re-
combination crossover (ERX) (Whitley et al., 1989).
As for Heuristic crossover, advanced mutation op-
erators use a local search algorithm that starts from a
solution and ends up in a local minimum where no
further improvement is possible. It aims at intensify-
ing the search by exploiting search paths determined
by the neighborhood of the corresponding solution
(Neri et al., 2012). The classical local search λ-opt
is studied in this work with λ=2 or 3. For further
intensification of the search around the best area, a
stochastic Hill-climbing technique is implemented as
a local search operator.
The following subsection describes the variation
operators implemented for the experimental study.
The set of these operators and their corresponding
classes are summarized in table 1.
Table 1: Variation operators’ classes.
Operator Class Selected Operators
Position Crossover (PosCross): OX1, OX4, PMX
Heuristic Crossover (HeurCross): DPX, AEX, ERX
Position Mutation (PosMut): ISM, SWM, SHM, DM
Local Mutation (LocalMut): λ-Opt(λ=2/3), Hill-Climbing
2.1 Position or ”Blind” Crossovers
Position or ”blind” crossovers recombine the genetic
material of the parents into a new configuration with-
out considering their initial performance in the pur-
pose to explore new research directions. Thus, they
can be seen as explorative more than exploitative op-
erators. The oldest operator in this category is the
uniform order-based crossover (Syswerda, 1989) that
generates a random binary template to decide from
which parent the gene is selected at each position.
Several operators were proposed in the same cate-
gory which main purpose is to produce feasible solu-
tions without considering their performance, such as
the order based crossover and the partially matched
crossover implemented for this work.
The Order-based Crossover (OX): OX, proposed
by Davis (Davis, 1985), is a variation of the uniform
crossover introduced in the purpose of preserving the
relative order of symbols in the sequences to be com-
bined. The first implementation of the OX operator
) generates two cut points for both parents. The
symbols between the two cut points are copied to the
children. Then, starting from the second cut point
of one parent, the symbols from the other parent are
copied to one offspring in the same order, omitting
those which already exist.
Deep and Mebrahtu (Deep and Adane, 2011) pro-
posed three other variations of OX. In the first variant,
the cut points in the two parents are at different posi-
tions, but the size of the substring between the cut
points is the same for both parents. The symbols are
copied to the offspring respecting the same rules de-
fined for the original OX. This variant might also be
applied with different substring sizes (called OX
Partially Matched (or Mapped) Crossover (PMX):
The PMX crossover is a well-known operator pro-
posed by Goldberg and Lingle (Goldberg and Lin-
ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies