Table 3: Results with athlete in front of stone.
Video Name 13-24 13-29 13-42 mean
# Frames 88 92 92 90.66
min 4.24 1.0 1.0 2.08
max 83.0 95.02 65.19 81.07
mean 17.46 20.196 17.03 18.23
σ 15.32 14.90 10.20 13.49
false positive 9 7 6 7.33
not detected 13 33 32 26.0
the first scenario to 7.33 Frames for the third scenario.
These values could have been reduced by choosing a
higher value for the minimum similarity for the his-
tograms. The false positive values reduce the overall
accuracy for the first scenario to 95.3 %, second to
88.33 %, and third to 63.26 %.
Computational Costs. The analyzing of an image
with the size of 1640x512Pixel with an histogram
containing 20x20Pixel results in an amount of 797040
images tiles. With a calculation time of 0.5698s
the time for analyzing one segment is 0.7µ. With
a framerate of 25FPS, the algorithm has a time of
1/25FPS = 40ms for calculating all the necessary
segments of the image to achieve the ability of an
online analyzing. This leads to an maximum num-
ber of segments of 55952 segments, which could be
achieved by a Region Of Interests which is limited to
an area of 256x256Pixel, according to equation (4).
When switching from the one core calculation on the
processor, used in the measurements to a multicore
application, and the simplified assumption, that the
number of segments per calculation time is equal to
the numbers of cores calculating on them, the Re-
gion of Interest could be increased. With all 16 cores
of the used processor, it would be possible to cal-
culate 55952Segments ∗16Cores = 859,232segments
which leads to an area of 946x946pixels. This values
are only theoretical, and only work when timings for
tasks like memory allocation and video converting are
This paper presents a combination of two algorithms
for the detection of objects in videos. The two al-
gorithm are based on a background subtraction and a
histogram analyzing and were tested on an dataset of
videos which show a running curling stone in differ-
ent scenarios. These scenarios are (1) the stone runs
alone on the ice, (2) the stone runs with an sweeping
athlete behind the stone and (3) the stone runs with
an sweeping athlete between camera and stone. The
results of that analysis were compared to an manual
checking of the position of the curling stone in ev-
ery frame of the video. The result of the compari-
son shows a quite good accuracy for the first and the
second scenario with an average real world distance
error of 60.67mm from a distance of 7,5m from the
camera. Also the detection rate is excellent in the first
scenario, with a detection rate of 100% and 94.17%
for the second scenario. The third scenario is quite
difficult for an object detection, because an athlete is
partly blocking the view onto the curling stone, which
led to a quite high not detection rate of 28.89%.
While maintaining a good accuracy for the detec-
tion rate the computational costs went into the right
direction: The single core implementation of the al-
gorithm were able to search through one frame of the
image, with a resolution of 1640x512 in a time of
0.5698s. Using all cores the computation time would
shrink drastically. In combination with the use of a
Region Of Interest the algorithm could be able to an-
alyze videos on-line.
Future work on this topic will involve a multicore
implementation of the algorithms and the comparison
of computation time saving alternatives for the his-
togram analysis. Further investigation will also target
on reducing the amount of tiles, which the algorithm
has to analyze.
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