This way the access control uses the great amount
of computational overhead at startup time, building
the personalized views for all the users. However,
these views has only to be generated once and then
stored in-memory, leading to a very short response
time when the user submits his query. At the same
time, the user is not aware of the access control mech-
anism, making the process totally transparent. To pre-
vent possible security issues, we have to protect script
execution on Tinkerpop, or an expert user could easily
bypass the SubGraphStrategy otherwise.
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efficient, flexible and general-purpose access control
models for property graphs. We propose an approach
based on graph traversal over specific patterns and on
the creation of a subgraph using a Tinkerpop feature
to address this issue. This is a preliminary model on
the top of which it has to be build a more complete
access control policy that includes write, delete and
own rights. We left as a future work also an extensive
test of the scalability of the model.
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A Fine-grained Access Control Model for Knowledge Graphs