terjee and Henzinger, 2008) to determine an upper
bound for the number of iterations of the value iter-
ation method. However, the computed upper bound
grows exponentially in the number of states of the
model, which limits this approach to small models
(Haddad and Monmege, 2014). To cope with this
drawback, interval iteration is proposed in (Haddad
and Monmege, 2014; Haddad and Monmege, 2018;
Baier et al., 2017; McMahan et al., 2005) as an al-
ternative method for computing the reachability or
expected reward values (Baier et al., 2017) with the
desired precision. Considering ε as a threshold for
the precision of computations, the interval iteration
method guarantees that the computed values are ε-
approximations of the exact values (Baier et al., 2017;
Quatmann and Katoen, 2018). This method uses two
vectors for upper and lower bound of values. In each
iteration, the method updates both vectors until satis-
fying the convergence criterion, i.e., until the maxi-
mum difference of the upper and lower values of all
states drops below the threshold. The extension of in-
terval iteration for computing the expected rewards is
proposed in (Baier et al., 2017). The correctness of
this extension holds for DTMCs and MDPs with non-
negative weights (Baier et al., 2017).
The run time of the standard iterative numeri-
cal methods is an important challenge of probabilis-
tic model checking (Forejt et al., 2011; Baier et al.,
2018; Kamaleson, 2018). Several prioritizing heuris-
tics have been proposed in (Ciesinski et al., 2008; Mo-
hagheghi et al., 2020; Br
azdil et al., 2014; Wingate
and Seppi, 2005) to reduce the total number of states
updates of the iterative methods. These heuristics ap-
ply appropriate state ordering to accelerate the con-
vergence of the computations. Identifying strongly
connected components (SCCs) of a model and us-
ing the topological order for computing related val-
ues of each SCCs is another approach for improving
the iterative methods in probabilistic model checking
(Ciesinski et al., 2008; Kwiatkowska et al., 2011b).
SCC-based extensions of the interval iteration method
have been also proposed in (Baier et al., 2017) and in-
vestigated in (Quatmann and Katoen, 2018).
An important problem in the interval iteration
method that affects its performance is to select correct
initial vectors for the upper and lower bound of values
(Baier et al., 2017). For reachability probabilities, the
0 and 1 vectors (the vectors for which all values are
set to 0 and 1) can be used for the initial lower and
upper bound for non-goal states (Haddad and Mon-
mege, 2014; Br
azdil et al., 2014). For the case of
expected rewards, there are no trivial initial values for
the upper bound. Several methods are proposed in
(Baier et al., 2017) to compute the upper bounds for
the maximal and minimal expected rewards. The ex-
periments of (Baier et al., 2017; Quatmann and Ka-
toen, 2018) show that for some cases, the computed
upper bounds of these methods are far away from the
exact values. Although prioritized methods (Ciesin-
ski et al., 2008; Br
azdil et al., 2014; Wingate and
Seppi, 2005) or SCC-based methods (Kwiatkowska
et al., 2011b; Dai et al., 2011) can be used to accel-
erate interval iteration, better choice for the starting
point of the upper bound may reduce the total num-
ber of iterations of the method and improve its run-
ning time. As an alternative approach, sound value
iteration has been proposed in (Quatmann and Ka-
toen, 2018) to approximate the reachability proba-
bilities and expected rewards with the desired preci-
sion. This method does not use a pre-computation
for starting vectors of the upper and lower bounds.
Instead, it uses step bounded computations to update
the values from below and above until satisfying the
convergence criterion. Sound value iteration outper-
forms standard interval iteration in most cases, but it
needs more computation in each iteration, which can
increase its running time in some cases (Quatmann
and Katoen, 2018).
In this paper, we mainly focus on the running time
of the interval iteration method as its main challenge.
As the main contribution of our work we propose two
new heuristics to avoid redundant computations of the
interval iteration method. The first heuristic separates
the updates of the lower bounds from the updates of
the upper bound. In this approach, a standard itera-
tive method (like value iteration) or an improved one
(like those that have been proposed in (Wingate and
Seppi, 2005; Mohagheghi et al., 2020)) can be used
to approximate the values of the lower bounds. Af-
ter satisfying the convergence criterion of value iter-
ation for the lower bounds, the second heuristic uses
the computed values for selecting a starting point for
the upper bound. To guarantee the soundness of our
approach, we propose a criterion to verify the cor-
rectness of this selected starting point. These two
heuristics are used to reduce the total number of it-
erations, which accelerate the interval iteration meth-
ods. In comparison with the standard interval iteration
method in (Baier et al., 2017), our approach proposes
a better starting point for upper bounds and does not
need additional pre-computation for the starting vec-
tors. In the worst case the second proposed heuristic
may increase the number of iterations. However, the
results of our experiments on the standard case stud-
ies show that in most cases, the proposed heuristics
reduce the total number of iterations and running time
of computations.
The remainder of the paper is as follows. In Sec-
ICSOFT 2020 - 15th International Conference on Software Technologies