Figure 4: Accuracy of trained model for targeted websites.
Figure 5: F1 score for trained model for targeted websites.
is not biased towards more popular websites and can
be adapted for new attacks. We demonstrated our ap-
proach on 14 different target websites with varying
popularity. Our model achieved an accuracy of 99%
for all of them with cross-validated data. Further-
more, we employed a one-vs-all technique and cre-
ated an imbalanced dataset; we reported an accuracy
of more than 98% among all of the websites, which
is surprisingly high. It may possible that through ad-
versarial machine learning attackers generate phish-
ing samples that match the fingerprint of legitimate
websites. Our future work will investigate how to pro-
tect against such attacks.
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SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography