Table 4: Comparison of FALCO with related work.
Deployment Policy Setting Detection Basis Threat Model
FALCO browser only N/A external dependency superfluous JS injection
SOP browser & web server N/A requests header cross-origin request
CORP browser & web server CORP rule request header JavaScript-based DDoS
SRI browser & web server N/A hash value of script tampered JavaScript
Stickler browser & web server N/A digital signature malicious CDN
Excision browser only N/A inclusion sequences 3rd-party content inclusions
Some challenges remain as well. First, further in-
vestigation is needed to determine the effect of loca-
tion, browsing time, network environments, browser
versions, etc. Second, as web applications today are
highly personalized, it would be interesting to ex-
plore whether the fingerprints should be personalized
and how to efficiently and effectively create person-
alized fingerprints. Third, it is worth investigating
the incentive model of adopting defense mechanisms
against superfluous JS injection attacks, as users may
not have enough incentive to install an extension just
for avoiding their browsers from being leveraged to
attack others. Instead, ISPs may have strong motiva-
tion to defend against such attacks, but there are tech-
nical challenges to identify unwanted requests trigger
by each website from the ISPs’ perspectives.
This paper presents a robust detection system called
FALCO against superfluous JavaScript injection at-
tacks using website fingerprints without server-side
cooperation. To analyze normal website behavior, we
extracted the fingerprints of the top 10,000 websites,
and our evaluation results confirm that FALCO can
detect 96.68% superfluous JS injection attacks in our
simulation environment.
As for the future work, we are studying how to im-
prove FALCO as follows. (1) To expand the deploy-
ment of our system, we have to improve the trans-
parency of our system, such as providing our service
under a third-party certification authority to improve
users’ willingness to use FALCO. (2) On the client-
side, a personal fingerprint from the user’s browsing
history is better than a fingerprint from others. We
plan to develop a local fingerprint system in which a
fingerprint can be extracted for each connection from
the user’s browser and detect attacks based on his/her
own local observations. (3) Many dynamic factors
may impact the accuracy of fingerprints such as the
location, browsing time, network environment and the
browser version. Websites continuously send out re-
quests (e.g., website analytic services, websites with
session-replay scripts).
We plan to focus on investi-
gating such dynamic factors to improve the accuracy.
(4) We plan to enhance the website classification ap-
proach by websites’ characteristics.
This research was supported in part by the Ministry
of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST 109-
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SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography