using a distributed architecture. We developed a
distributed architecture with three hierarchical lev-
els (Master, worker and sub-worker) and a cloud-
based-storage (Amazon Simple Storage S3 (Murty,
2008)). It allows us to increase computational power,
data availability and to perform parallel execution.
The proposed improvement incorporates ontologies
for RDECSs verification. We set up an ontology-
based history, which allows us to detect external sim-
ilarities thanks to an ontology alignment. Thus, we
avoid many redundant calculation. In order to deal
with internal similarities, we introduce modularity
concept by affecting specific tasks to each unit of our
architecture, including fragmentation and accessibil-
ity graph composition, which allow us to deal with
RDECSs fragment by fragment and to construct in-
crementally accessibility graphs. An evaluation is re-
alized and experimental results are reported. The re-
sults prove the relevance of the developed architec-
ture and the improvement of state space generation.
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fication methods, we identified cases, that provide re-
sults which tend toward the works reported in (Zhang
et al., 2013) and (Hafidi et al., 2018). Indeed, our
method provides less benefits in case of low internal
or external similarities. However, despite the minor
gain when internal similarity is low, it is important to
consider this case the ontology-based history enrich-
ment. Future works will: 1. Deploying the distributed
architecture in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
(Murty, 2008). 2. Optimizing the state space analyz-
ing step for RDECSs formal verification. 3. Extend-
ing the proposed tool to support other formalism that
models RDECSs.
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