Association Rules to Identify Factors Affecting Risk and Severity of
Road Accidents
Irina Makarova
, Gulnara Yakupova
, Polina Buyvol
, Eduard Mukhametdinov
1 d
and Anton Pashkevich
Kazan Federal University, Syuyumbike prosp., 10a, 423822 Naberezhnye Chelny, Russian Federation
Politechnika Krakowska, Warszawska st., 24, Krakow, Poland
Keywords: Accidents, Association Rules, Factors, Safety, Severity of Consequences, Vehicles.
Abstract: The current increase in automobilization leads to a decrease in road safety. Therefore, the purpose of this
research is to analyze and identify the causes that significantly affect the risk and severity of accidents. For
this purpose, both histograms plotting and association rules were used. The statistics of traffic accidents in
Elabuga town for 2017-2018 were taken as initial information. To identify the most traumatic types of traffic
accidents, graphs of the number of accidents by types of accidents and the number of victims for 2017-2018
were constructed. It was found that the greatest number of injured (wounded or dead) is observed in collisions
and hitting a pedestrian. Then, road sections of the concentration of accidents were analyzed, the most
common types of accidents and the main violations of traffic rules that contribute to the occurrence of
accidents were determined. To identify hidden relationships between factors and accidents with severe
consequences, association rules were applied. As a result, the influence of weather conditions, quality of road
infrastructure and marking was established.
The annual growth of the global fleet of vehicles with
new units using the existing limited road
infrastructure leads to an increase in traffic intensity
and the number of congestion on the roads, which, in
turn, causes many problems, including those related
to a decrease in traffic safety and an increase in the
negative impact on environment.
In this regard, in 2010, the European Commission
launched the European Smart Cities Initiative, which
includes four urban areas: buildings, heating and
cooling systems, electricity and transportation
(European Initiative on Smart Cities, 2010-2020).
The goal associated with transport is to create
intelligent public transport systems based on real-
time information, traffic management systems (TMS)
to prevent traffic collapses, as well as reduce the
environmental negative effects of the transport
system on the environment. However, as noted in
(Djahel, S., Doolan, R., Muntean, G.-M., Murph, J.,
2015), existing TMS do not provide sufficient and
accurate traffic information to provide detailed and
timely traffic monitoring and management.
On the other hand, over the past decade,
commercial companies and government
organizations have been actively developing research
areas related to autonomous vehicles, which, it seems,
will soon become widespread on the roads after legal
issues regarding the functioning of these new road
users are resolved. It seems that one of the main
problems that inevitably arise when changing the
composition of road users is their safe and efficient
operation in difficult road conditions, such as road
junctions. At road network locations where traffic
conflicts may occur, such as at intersections, it is
necessary to ensure that autonomous vehicles operate
safely and efficiently, and, more importantly, that
Makarova, I., Yakupova, G., Buyvol, P., Mukhametdinov, E. and Pashkevich, A.
Association Rules to Identify Factors Affecting Risk and Severity of Road Accidents.
DOI: 10.5220/0009836506140621
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2020), pages 614-621
ISBN: 978-989-758-419-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
conventional people-driven vehicles at least maintain
their current level of safety.
In our opinion, a base of the most representative
"reference" scenarios of the interaction of
autonomous vehicles with traditional ones, especially
with the most vulnerable, should be created for this.
It is necessary to determine a list of driving situations
that should be evaluated in terms of possible conflict
avoidance, and then traffic control options for these
situations will be modeled and defined. Since there is
no information on the interaction of autonomous
vehicles with other participants in the movement, but
taken into account that their movement will be carried
out according to the given algorithms, at the first
stage it is necessary to analyze the existing statistics
of road traffic accidents, select their concentration,
and then use the simulation models to determine the
most dangerous scenarios.
Recently, the number of researches devoted to the
study of the significance of factors affecting the
severity of accidents has increased significantly (Zou,
X., Yue, W. L., Vu, H.L., 2018). An active field of
research by scientists from different countries is the
study of the complex relationship between
influencing factors and the severity of accidents using
statistical methods and machine learning algorithms:
classification and regression trees (Moral-García, S,
Castellano, J. G., Mantas, C. J., Montella, A.,
Abellán, J., 2019), neural networks (Theofilatos, A.,
Chen, C., Constantinos, A., 2019; Zheng, M., Li, T.,
Zhu, R., Chen, J., Ma, Z., Tang M., et al., 2019),
support vector methods (Chen, C., Zhang, G., Qian,
Z., Tarefder, R.A., Tian, Z., 2016), naive Bayes
classifier (Chen, C., Zhang, G., Yang, J., Milton,
J.C., Alcántara, A.D., 2016; Li, Z., Wu, Q., Ci, Y.,
Chen, C., Chen, X., Zhang, G., 2019), binary (Zhai,
X., Huang, H., Sze, N.N., Song, Z., Hon, K.K., 2019;
Salon, D., McIntyre, A., 2018; Jalayer, M.,
Shabanpour, R., Pour-Rouholamin, M., Golshani, N.,
Zhou, H., 2018; Rezapour, M., Moomen, M. and
Ksaibati, K., 2019; Sam, E.F., Daniels, S., Brijs, K.,
Brijs, T., G. Wets, 2018; Sam, E.F., Daniels, S., Brijs,
K., Brijs, T., G. Wets, 2018; Ahmed, M.M., Franke,
R., Ksaibati, K., Shinstine, D.S., 2018) and
polynomial (Penmetsa, P., Pulugurtha, S.S., 2018)
logistic regression, association rules (AR) (Montella,
A., 2011; Wu, P., Meng, X., Song, L., Zuo, W., 2019;
Weng, J., Zhu, J.-Z., Yan, X., Liu, Z., 2016; Nitsche,
P., Thomas, P., Stuetz, R., Welsh, R., 2017; Xu, C.,
Bao, J., Wang, C., Li, P., 2018). The accelerating
growth in computing power of computers and the
emergence of more sophisticated methods have
contributed to the rapid development of road safety
prediction models. Multivariate modeling and mining
methods are gradually replacing traditional one-
dimensional modeling methods based on the linear
model and the Poisson model.
When many researchers identify the relationship
of a large number of factors influencing to the
severity of the accident consequences, the method of
AR is widely used. So, as a result of research, the
authors of (Montella, A., 2011) identified the factors
leading to accidents at intersections and established
the interdependencies between these factors. In
general, they identified numerous factors related to
road and environmental problems, but not related to
pedestrian or vehicle. The most important factors
characterizing the geometry of the road were the
radius and angle of deviation. The significant role of
road markings and signs was also identified.
The authors of (Wu, P., Meng, X., Song, L., Zuo,
W., 2019) selected the city crossroads for analysis as
places that pose a serious security risk, since most
accidents within the city territory occur in places or
near junctions. They analyzed safety indicators for six
types of intersections and factors affecting the
severity of accidents. Fault tree analysis was used to
assess the risk of intersections, and AR were used to
analyze the nature of the severity of accidents. As a
result, four types of urban junctions with a high level
of accident risk and more than 4,000 rules describing
accidents with severe consequences were identified.
In (Weng, J., Zhu, J.-Z., Yan, X., Liu, Z., 2016), a
method based on AR is designed to analyze the
characteristics and factors contributing to emergency
situations during road repair work. Most AR include
conditions such as a speed of more than 40 km / h and
the use of traffic control devices.
The authors in the article (Nitsche, P., Thomas, P.,
Stuetz, R., Welsh, R., 2017) presents a data analysis
technique, including the preparation, analysis and
visualization of accident data, which allows
identifying critical pre-emergency scenarios at T -
and X- junctions as a basis for testing the safety of
autonomous vehicles. In this methodology, the k-
medoid method is used to form homogeneous groups
(clusters) among the array of accident records.
Subsequently to this clusters AR are applied to
generate typical motion scenarios and accident
In (Xu, C., Bao, J., Wang, C., Li, P., 2018), the
method of AR was also used to study the factors
Association Rules to Identify Factors Affecting Risk and Severity of Road Accidents
contributing to the occurrence of serious traffic
accidents in China. The analysis showed that serious
accidents with victims are the result of complex
interactions between road users, the technical
characteristics of vehicles, the geometric parameters
of roads and environmental factors. As a result, the
authors received a number of reasons for the
occurrence of serious accidents with victims.
In Russian practice, as a rule, to analyze the
severity of injuries in road traffic accidents, models
based on the calculation of the total number of injured
(dead and wounded) are applied (Petrov, A., Petrova
D., 2016; Evtukov, S., Golov, E., Sazonova, T.,
2018), as well as visualization tools for these
indicators are used (Open data and traffic feedback,
2020, Accident map, 2020, Dornadzor, 2020). It
should also be noted that in the Russian Federation
there is no official universal procedure for the
comprehensive analysis of road accidents, approved
and adopted by government bodies. Despite this, the
duty of each subject of the road safety system is a
detailed analysis of the factors on the manifestation
of which this subject or the agencies involved with
him are able to influence.
In connection with the foregoing, today the search
for complex relationships between factors that affect
the severity of the consequences is an urgent task.
Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze and
identify the causes that significantly affect the risk
and severity of accidents.
Real data on accidents plays an important role in
improving the safety of road transport, since
information on the factors that led to malfunctions
and accidents is necessary to understand the causes of
malfunctions and how such events can be prevented
in the future.
In order to start any assessments of accidents, first
of all, it is necessary to have an appropriate
information array, the completeness and confidence
of which are of paramount importance in ensuring the
effectiveness of the analysis. Moreover, as noted in
(Imprialou, M., Quddus, M., 2019), insufficient
reporting of accidents is a recognized and studied
problem of road safety researches worldwide. This
fact is connected, firstly, with the failure to notify the
relevant state authorities about the accident, since its
participants agree to sign private payments for
insurance purposes, either there was no other-party
involvement (for example, an accident with
individual vehicles) or there were no obvious injuries
immediately after accident. And secondly, there is an
underestimation of the results of the road safety
analysis due to the non-presentation of certain
categories of injuries in the collected reports.
Consider the procedure for forming an data array
about accidents in the Russian Federation.
According to the Rules for the registration of road
traffic accidents (Decree of the Government of the
Russian Federation of June 29, 1995 N 647), all
accidents are divided from the point of view of
accounting into three groups.
The first group includes accidents in which people
died or were injured. Information about these
incidents is recorded in a special accident accounting
card and is included in the state statistical reporting.
According to the Decree of the Government of the
Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 N 859 “On
amendments to the rules for the registration of
accidents”, killed in the accident is person who
injured in an accident and who died within 30 days
from its consequences.
The second group includes accidents with
material damage without injuries, as well as an
accident in which people received bodily injuries that
did not cause any tangible harm to their health (while
the participants do not fall into the category of
“wounded”). Information about such accidents is not
included in the state statistical reporting, but is taken
into account and analyzed at the level of individual
cities and regions.
The third group includes individual incidents,
which, according to formal signs, can be qualified as
road transport, but information about them is not
included in the state statistical reporting, they are not
subject to accounting as road accidents.
However, to improve the degree of accounting, it
seems necessary to keep a complete record of
accidents with their classification, depending on the
severity of the consequences, as involving:
material damage,
light bodily harm,
moderate to severe bodily injuries,
the death of the victim,
especially grave consequences (4 or more were
killed or 15 or more people were injured).
As the initial information, data collected by the
State Inspectorate for Road Safety in the Elabuga
town for 2017-2018 were used. According to the
classification of cities by population, Elabuga refers
to medium-sized towns (population 73,913 people).
The initial selection consisted of the following
factors, which were divided into four categories:
iMLTrans 2020 - Special Session on Intelligent Mobility, Logistics and Transport
Characteristic of an accident - Type of
accident, traffic violations, injured and died,
children injured and died;
Driver - Social characteristics of the driver,
Experience (years), Sex, Type and Degree of
intoxication (mcg / l), Direct traffic violations,
Related traffic violations;
Vehicle - Number of vehicles involved in the
accident, Vehicle Type, Vehicle Brand and
Model, Faults, Damage;
Road - Street, Deficiencies in the road
conditions, Type of road infrastructure in place,
Factors affecting traffic conditions (presence of
artificial bumps), Number of lanes, State of the
carriageway, Road profile, The lane in which
the accident occurred, Carriageway width,
Curb Width, Sidewalk Width, Dividing Strip
Width, View of the dividing strip;
Environment - Lighting, Weather, Year,
Month, Day of the week, Hour.
A graph
of the distribution of the accidents for 2017-
2018 was built. (Fig. 1). The most common types
were a collision, hitting a standing vehicle, hitting an
obstacle, hitting a pedestrian and exit from the road.
It is worth noting that the number of some accidents
in 2018 increased significantly (collisions), and the
number of less common ones was small.
Figure 1: A graph of the accidents grouped by the type of
accident for 2017-2018.
As a result of analyzing the histogram of the
distribution of the accidents by the number of victims
and by the type of accident, it was found that the
largest number of injured (wounded or dead) was
observed during collisions and hitting a pedestrian
(Fig. 2). Consequently, the question of finding the
main causes leading to an increase in the number of
collisions remains relevant. This is necessary for
adjustment the policy of regulating road safety.
Figure 2: Histogram of the distribution of the accidents by
the number of victims and by the type of accident for 2017-
Next, specific road sections of accident
concentration in Elabuga town were analyzed.
According to the results of the analysis of
accidents for a 2-year period, two of the most
dangerous sections of the road network were
identified, on which the largest number of accidents
occurred during the considered period:
- Mira street, b. 30 - b. 33;
- Neftyanikov street, b. 55 - b. 57.
It is worth noting that, in general, on these streets
the number of accidents has increased rapidly from
2017 to 2018 (Fig. 3).
Figure 3: A graph of the accidents in Mira street and
Neftyanikov street for 2017-2018.
When analyzing the distribution of accidents
occurred in these sections of accident concentration
by type, it is clear that on Mira street the most
common ones are collisions and hitting a standing
vehicle (Fig. 4). The main causes of road accidents
are violation of the rules for the vehicle location on
the roadway, wrong choice of distance, non-
compliance of lateral interval, non-compliance with
the order of travel (Fig. 5).
Association Rules to Identify Factors Affecting Risk and Severity of Road Accidents
Figure 4: A graph of the number of accidents on Mira street
grouped by type of accident for 2017-2018.
Figure 5: A graph of the number of accidents on Mira street
grouped by type of driving offence for 2017-2018.
It is worth noting that hitting a pedestrians with
serious consequences for human health were occurred
on this section of road. One of the contributing factors
is the multi-apartment residential buildings located
here, unregulated pedestrian crossing, as well as
places of attraction in the form of city malls (Fig. 6).
Figure 6: Road section of accident concentration on Mira
street, b. 30 - b. 34 for 2017-2018.
On Neftyanikov street for 2017-2018 the largest
number of accidents was recorded in Elabuga town
for the following types of accidents: collision and
hitting a standing vehicle (Fig. 7). The main driving
offences, as well as on Mira street, are violation of the
rules for the vehicle location on the roadway, wrong
choice of distance, non-compliance of lateral interval,
non-compliance with the order of travel (Fig. 8).
Figure 7: A graph of the number of accidents on
Neftyanikov street grouped by type of accident for 2017-
Figure 8: A graph of the number of accidents on
Neftyanikov street grouped by type of driving offence for
On this section there are an unregulated pedestrian
crossing, a place of public transport stop, a place of
attraction in the form of an emergency department
(Fig. 9). The largest number of pedestrian accidents
with moderate to severe bodily injuries was recorded
Such a type of accident as hitting a standing
vehicle at these dangerous sections can be explained
by a shortage of parking spaces for permanent storage
of the vehicle.
iMLTrans 2020 - Special Session on Intelligent Mobility, Logistics and Transport
Figure 9: Road section of accident concentration on
Neftyanikov street, b. 55 - b. 57 for 2017-2018.
In these sections of Mira street and Neftyanikov
street in the morning rush hour, the intensity of
vehicle traffic was measured, presented in Table 1.
Analysis of the capacity of these shows that
despite their low utilization coefficient (which is
equal to the ratio of traffic intensity to crossing
capacity), not exceeding 35% of the design capacity,
these sections occupy the first positions in terms of
accident rate. Therefore, we can assume the presence
of other factors that are not related to traffic intensity,
leading to a large number of accidents.
Table 1: Traffic intensity in the morning rush hour on Mira
street and Neftyanikov street.
units / h
units / h
Neftyanikov street
(from the side of
1265 3600 0,35
Mira street 705 2400 0,29
Neftyanikov street
(from the side of
Stroiteley street)
1126 3600 0,31
In this regard, a deeper analysis of the
interdependencies between the factors affecting the
occurrence of various types of accidents in these
sections was carried out. Most of the available
accident data used in this study is categorical, that is,
it is described by qualitative factors (also called
nominal factors). Although categories can be encoded
as numbers, for example, 1-woman, 2- man, these
numbers will not have mathematical meaning.
Therefore, special methods are needed to analyze
categorical data.
Recently, interest in the methods of “discovering
knowledge in databases” has been growing. One of
the common analytical methods of data processing is
affinity analysis. The method determines the mutual
relations between events occurring jointly.
One of the applications of affinitive analysis is
market basket analysis in order to detect associations
between different data, for example finding rules to
quantify the relationship between two or more data.
Such rules are called AR.
The basic concept in the theory of AR is a
transaction - a set of events that occur together.
An association rule consists of two sets of objects
called a antecedent and a consequent, written in the
form X Y, which reads “from X follows Y”. Thus,
an association rule is formulated in the form "If an
antecedent, then a consequent." The antecedent is
often limited to the content of only one subject.
AR describe the relationship between sets of items
matching the antecedent and the consequent. This
relationship is characterized by two indicators -
support and confidence. Let D be a transaction
database, and N - the number of transactions in this
database. Each transaction Di represents a certain set
of items. S is a support, C is a confidence. Association
rule support is the number of transactions containing
both an antecedent and a consequent.
For example, it can written for the association
A → B:
S(A→B) = P(AՈB) (1)
A confidence of an association rule is a measure
of the rule accuracy, which is determined as the ratio
of the number of transactions containing both the
antecedent and the consequent to the number of
transactions containing only the antecedent. For
example, it can written for the association A → B:
С(A→B) = P (A|B) = P(AՈB)/P(A) (2)
If the support and confidence are high enough,
then this makes it possible to assert that any future
transaction that includes an antecedent will also
contain a consequent. However, it is also necessary to
estimate the degree of independence of the antecedent
and the consequent in order to avoid the situation of
obtaining “fictitious” rules, when the support and
confidence are high.
A lift is the ratio of the frequency of occurrence of
a antecedent in transactions, which also contain a
consequent, to the frequency of occurrence of the
consequent as a whole. A lift is defined as follows:
L(A→B) = C (A →B)/S(B) (3)
Association Rules to Identify Factors Affecting Risk and Severity of Road Accidents
In our case, association detection is the
identification of a combination of factors leading to
an accident. To identify a combination of the most
common factors that led to severe injuries or death of
road accident participants, 75 records of the accidents
were selected. The AR method was applied to these
data. By experience, the minimum values of support
were established - 4%, confidence - 60%, lift - 1, the
power of the rule set - 4, at which 152 rules are
formed - the amount acceptable for consideration and
interpretation. From a practical point of view the most
interesting and useful among the rules obtained are
given in table 2.
Table 2: The most informative AR.
Antecedent Consequent Support
"Zhiguli" VAZ-
2108, 09 and
Friday 4,11 60 3,982
4,11 60 4,867
Front Left Side
And Female
Wounded and
4,11 60 4,867
Rain 4,11 60 5,475
Gas station
4,11 60 6,257
Curb Width –
25 m
Friday 4,11 75 4,977
Ground stripe Mira street 5,48 66,7 6,083
Lacks of
winter street
cleaning and
Snowfall and
Curb Width –
30 m
5,48 66,7 9,733
Public transport
stop And Lack,
of horizontal
marking of the
usage, poor
visibility of
road signs
5,48 80 8,343
Lack of pedestrian
fences in the
required places
8,22 60 3,65
Lack of
fences in the
required places
11 61,5 4,492
The rules were filtered out by support, confidence and
An analysis of some of the obtained rules shows
the direct relationship of accidents with severe
consequences and the lacks of winter street cleaning
in February, leading to the appearance of snowfall on
the road. In three accidents in September it was
raining, also worsening road conditions. In eight
cases, in the immediate vicinity of the regulated
pedestrian crossing, there were no fences in the
required places, which could lead to violation of
traffic rules by pedestrians. The combination of “an
adjustable intersection” and “lack of pedestrian
fences in the necessary places” is also quite common
- in 6 cases. In 4 cases, grave consequences were
caused by poor visibility of the horizontal marking of
the roadway and poor visibility of road signs near a
public transport stop. On Friday, in three cases, an
accident occurred with the participation of VAZ-
2108, 09 “Zhiguli” and modifications, as well as with
a curb width of 25 meters. In three cases, injuries
occurred as a result of a hitting to the left side, that is
from the driver. Also, according to the received rules,
accidents with severe consequences on Mira street
more often occur in places where this street has
ground stripe (4 cases), on Naberezhno-Chelninsky
highway at a gas station (3 cases) and on Okrugny
highway in November (3 cases).
When developing a road safety policy, the
government of any developed or developing country
needs to analyze factors that affect not only the
likelihood of an accident, but also determine the
severity of the consequences.
To identify the most traumatic types of traffic
accidents, graphs of the number of accidents by types
of accidents and the number of victims for 2017-2018
were constructed. It was found that the greatest
number of injured (wounded or dead) is observed in
collisions and hitting a pedestrian. Then, road
sections of the concentration of accidents in Elabuga
town were analyzed, the most common types of
accidents and the main violations of traffic rules that
contribute to the occurrence of accidents were
determined. At the same time, the analysis of the
traffic intensity of these streets showed their low load.
Therefore, to identify hidden relationships between
factors and accidents with severe consequences, AR
were applied. As a result, the influence of weather
conditions, quality of road infrastructure and marking
was established.
The resulting rules will allow to build simulation
models, with the help of which, and taking into
account the different situations that occur in a real
transport system, it can be possible to determine the
most effective measures to prevent accidents and
mitigate the severity of the consequences.
iMLTrans 2020 - Special Session on Intelligent Mobility, Logistics and Transport
This work was supported by the Russian Foundation
for Basic Research: grant No. 19-29-06008\19.
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Association Rules to Identify Factors Affecting Risk and Severity of Road Accidents